package org.freertr.clnt; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.auth.authLocal; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgCheck; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgInit; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgTime; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgTrack; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgVrf; import org.freertr.enc.encBase64; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwd; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdEcho; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdIface; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdTab; import org.freertr.line.lineScript; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeDiscard; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeLine; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSetting; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.prt.prtGen; import org.freertr.prt.prtUdp; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBfdClnt; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBfdNeigh; import org.freertr.sec.secClient; import org.freertr.serv.servGeneric; import; import org.freertr.user.userExec; import org.freertr.user.userReader; import org.freertr.user.userScript; import org.freertr.user.userTerminal; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.notifier; import org.freertr.util.state; /** * tracker worker * * @author matecsaba */ public class clntTrack implements Runnable, rtrBfdClnt { /** * create instance */ public clntTrack() { } /** * operation mode */ public enum operMod { /** * icmp echo request tester */ icmp, /** * tcp connect tester */ tcp, /** * bfd alive tester */ bfd, /** * interface */ iface, /** * route */ route, /** * prefix */ prefix, /** * script */ script, /** * nrpe */ nrpe, /** * other */ other, /** * check */ check, /** * udp echo tester */ udp, /** * twamp tester */ twamp, } /** * force mode */ public enum forMode { /** * forced up */ up, /** * forced down */ down, /** * forced negated */ neg, /** * forced normal */ norm } /** * name of this tracker */ public String name; /** * type of work */ public operMod mode = operMod.icmp; /** * forced result */ public forMode force = forMode.norm; /** * final script */ public String script = null; /** * hide commands */ public boolean hidden = false; /** * preferred ip protocol version */ public int prefer = 0; /** * target of test */ public String target = null; /** * exec up */ public String execUp = null; /** * exec down */ public String execDn = null; /** * notify vrf */ public cfgVrf wakeVrf = null; /** * chat script */ public lineScript chats = null; /** * client pubkey */ public byte[] pubkey; /** * security protocol to use */ public int secProto = 0; /** * vrf of target */ public cfgVrf vrf = null; /** * source interface */ public cfgIfc srcIfc = null; /** * time between runs */ public int interval; /** * random between runs */ public int randInt; /** * random on startup */ public int randIni; /** * time range when allowed */ public cfgTime time; /** * timeout value */ public int timeout; /** * type of service value */ public int typOsrv; /** * security group value */ public int secGrp; /** * flow label value */ public int flowLab; /** * type of time to live */ public int tim2liv = 255; /** * size of payload */ public int size = 80; /** * delay for start */ public int delaySt; /** * delay for up */ public int delayUp; /** * delay for down */ public int delayDn; /** * action logging */ public boolean logging = false; /** * clients */ public final tabGen clients = new tabGen(); /** * final state */ protected boolean finalState = false; /** * time when went to this state */ protected long finalTime = 0; /** * number of changes */ protected int totalChng; /** * number of ups */ protected int totalUp; /** * number of downs */ protected int totalDn; /** * last state */ protected boolean lastState = false; /** * results in this state */ protected int lastCount; /** * time when went to this state */ protected long lastTime; private boolean working = false; private final notifier notif = new notifier(); public String toString() { return "" + name; } /** * get config * * @param l list to append * @param filter filter */ public void getConfig(List l, int filter) { cmds.cfgLine(l, !hidden, cmds.tabulator, "hidden", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !logging, cmds.tabulator, "log", ""); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "mode " + clntTrack.mode2string(mode)); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "force " + clntTrack.force2string(force)); cmds.cfgLine(l, script == null, cmds.tabulator, "script", script); cmds.cfgLine(l, target == null, cmds.tabulator, "target", target); if (hidden) { cmds.cfgLine(l, execUp == null, cmds.tabulator, "exec-up", authLocal.passwdEncode(execUp, (filter & 2) != 0)); cmds.cfgLine(l, execDn == null, cmds.tabulator, "exec-down", authLocal.passwdEncode(execDn, (filter & 2) != 0)); } else { cmds.cfgLine(l, execUp == null, cmds.tabulator, "exec-up", execUp); cmds.cfgLine(l, execDn == null, cmds.tabulator, "exec-down", execDn); } if (wakeVrf != null) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "wake-vrf " +; } else { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "no wake-vrf"); } if (pubkey == null) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "no pubkey"); } else { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "pubkey " + encBase64.encodeBytes(pubkey)); } cmds.cfgLine(l, secProto == 0, cmds.tabulator, "security", servGeneric.proto2string(secProto)); if (chats != null) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "chat-script " + chats.scrName); } else { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "no chat-script"); } if (vrf != null) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "vrf " +; } else { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "no vrf"); } if (srcIfc != null) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "source " +; } else { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "no source"); } l.add(cmds.tabulator + "random-interval " + randInt); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "random-initial " + randIni); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "interval " + interval); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "timeout " + timeout); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "sgt " + secGrp); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "tos " + typOsrv); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "flow " + flowLab); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "ttl " + tim2liv); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "size " + size); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "delay-start " + delaySt); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "delay-up " + delayUp); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "delay-down " + delayDn); cmds.cfgLine(l, time == null, cmds.tabulator, "range", "" + time); if (working) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "start"); } else { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "stop"); } } /** * force to string * * @param f force * @return string */ public static String force2string(forMode f) { switch (f) { case up: return "up"; case down: return "down"; case neg: return "negate"; case norm: return "normal"; default: return "unknown=" + f; } } /** * mode to string * * @param m mode * @return string */ public static String mode2string(operMod m) { if (m == null) { return "null"; } switch (m) { case icmp: return "icmp"; case nrpe: return "nrpe"; case other: return "other"; case check: return "check"; case tcp: return "tcp"; case udp: return "udp"; case twamp: return "twamp"; case bfd: return "bfd"; case iface: return "interface"; case route: return "route"; case prefix: return "prefix"; case script: return "script"; default: return "unknown=" + m; } } public void bfdPeerDown() { haveResult(false); } /** * check state * * @return true on up, false on error */ public boolean getStatus() { switch (force) { case up: return true; case down: return false; default: break; } if (!working) { return false; } switch (force) { case neg: return !finalState; case norm: return finalState; default: return false; } } /** * get summary line * * @return string */ public String getShSum() { return name + "|" + force2string(force) + "|" + mode2string(mode) + "|" + target + "|" + (getStatus() ? "up" : "down") + "|" + totalChng + "|" + bits.timePast(finalTime); } /** * get detailed status * * @return status strings */ public List getShStat() { List l = new ArrayList(); l.add("name|" + name); l.add("type|" + force2string(force) + " " + mode2string(mode)); l.add("target|" + target); l.add("reported|" + getStatus()); l.add("since|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, finalTime + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3)); l.add("for|" + bits.timePast(finalTime)); l.add("changes|" + totalChng); l.add("measures|" + (totalUp + totalDn)); l.add("ups|" + totalUp); l.add("downs|" + totalDn); l.add("current|" + lastState); l.add("count|" + lastCount); l.add("since|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, lastTime + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3)); l.add("for|" + bits.timePast(lastTime)); String a = ""; for (int i = 0; i < clients.size(); i++) { ipFwd ntry = clients.get(i); a += " " + ntry; } l.add("clients|" + a); return l; } /** * stop running */ public void stopNow() { working = false; notif.wakeup(); haveResult(false); } /** * start running */ public void startNow() { if (working) { return; } if (interval < 1) { return; } working = true; new Thread(this).start(); } private static String doScript(String scrptTxt, boolean selfVal) { pipeLine pl = new pipeLine(32768, false); pipeSide pip = pl.getSide(); pip.setTime(10000); pip.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRorLF; pip.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; userScript t = new userScript(pip, ""); t.allowExec = true; t.allowConfig = true; t.addLine("set selfVal " + (selfVal ? "1" : "0")); for (int i = 0; i < cfgAll.trackers.size(); i++) { cfgTrack trck = cfgAll.trackers.get(i); if (trck == null) { continue; } t.addLine("set " + + " " + (trck.worker.getStatus() ? "1" : "0")); } t.addLine(scrptTxt); pip = pl.getSide(); pip.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRorLF; pip.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCR; t.cmdAll(); pl.setClose(); return pip.lineGet(1); } /** * do one timer round */ public synchronized void doRound() { if (time != null) { if (time.matches(bits.getTime() + cfgAll.timeServerOffset)) { haveResult(false); return; } } if (logging) {"starting action " + name); } if (mode == null) { haveResult(false); return; } switch (mode) { case iface: if (target == null) { haveResult(false); return; } cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(target, 0); if (ifc == null) { haveResult(false); return; } haveResult(ifc.ethtyp.getState() == state.states.up); return; case route: if (target == null) { haveResult(false); return; } if (vrf == null) { haveResult(false); return; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromString(target); ipFwd fwdCor = vrf.getFwd(adr); if (fwdCor == null) { haveResult(false); return; } haveResult(fwdCor.actualU.route(adr) != null); return; case prefix: if (target == null) { haveResult(false); return; } if (vrf == null) { haveResult(false); return; } addrPrefix prf = addrPrefix.str2ip(target); if (prf == null) { haveResult(false); return; } fwdCor = vrf.getFwd(; if (fwdCor == null) { haveResult(false); return; } haveResult(fwdCor.actualU.find(prf) != null); return; case script: if (target == null) { haveResult(false); return; } String a = doScript(target, true); if (logging) {"got " + a + " from script"); } if (a == null) { haveResult(false); return; } haveResult(bits.str2num(a) > 0); return; case other: if (target == null) { haveResult(false); return; } cfgTrack other = cfgAll.trackFind(target, false); if (other == null) { haveResult(false); return; } haveResult(other.worker.getStatus()); return; case check: if (target == null) { haveResult(false); return; } cfgCheck check = cfgAll.checkFind(target, false); if (check == null) { haveResult(false); return; } haveResult(check.doCheckBinary()); return; case nrpe: if (target == null) { haveResult(false); return; } if (vrf == null) { haveResult(false); return; } int i = target.indexOf("/"); if (i < 0) { haveResult(false); return; } clntNrpe nrpe = new clntNrpe(null, vrf, srcIfc, target.substring(0, i)); nrpe.timeout = timeout; haveResult(!nrpe.doCheck(target.substring(i + 1, target.length()))); if (logging) { a = ""; for (i = 0; i < nrpe.text.size(); i++) { a += " " + nrpe.text.get(i); }"got " + a + " from remote"); } return; default: break; } if (timeout < 1) { haveResult(false); return; } if (size < 1) { haveResult(false); return; } if (target == null) { haveResult(false); return; } if (vrf == null) { haveResult(false); return; } addrIP fwdTrg = userTerminal.justResolv(target, prefer); if (fwdTrg == null) { haveResult(false); return; } ipFwd fwdCor = vrf.getFwd(fwdTrg); prtUdp udpCor = vrf.getUdp(fwdTrg); ipFwdIface fwdIfc = null; if (srcIfc != null) { fwdIfc = srcIfc.getFwdIfc(fwdTrg); } if (fwdIfc == null) { fwdIfc = ipFwdTab.findSendingIface(fwdCor, fwdTrg); } if (fwdIfc == null) { haveResult(false); return; } switch (mode) { case icmp: ipFwdEcho ping = fwdCor.echoSendReq(fwdIfc.addr, fwdTrg, size, false, -1, tim2liv, secGrp, typOsrv, flowLab, 0, false); if (ping == null) { haveResult(false); break; } ping.notif.sleep(timeout); if (ping.notif.totalNotifies() < 1) { haveResult(false); break; } if (ping.res.size() < 1) { haveResult(false); break; } haveResult(ping.res.get(0).err == null); break; case tcp: prtGen tcp = vrf.getTcp(fwdTrg); if (tcp == null) { haveResult(false); break; } pipeSide pipe = tcp.streamConnect(new pipeLine(65536, false), fwdIfc, 0, fwdTrg, size, "track", -1, null, tim2liv, typOsrv); if (pipe == null) { haveResult(false); break; } if (pipe.wait4ready(timeout)) { haveResult(false); pipe.setClose(); break; } pipe.setTime(timeout); pipe = secClient.openSec(pipe, secProto, pubkey, "", ""); if (pipe == null) { haveResult(false); break; } pipe.setTime(timeout); if (chats == null) { haveResult(true); } else { haveResult(!chats.doScript(pipe)); } pipe.setClose(); break; case udp: clntEcho ech = new clntEcho(); ech.notif = new notifier(); ech.udp = udpCor; ech.src = fwdIfc; ech.trg = fwdTrg; ech.tim2liv = tim2liv; ech.typOsrv = typOsrv; ech.doWork(); ech.notif.sleep(timeout); if (ech.notif.totalNotifies() < 1) { haveResult(false); break; } haveResult(true); break; case twamp: clntTwamp twm = new clntTwamp(); twm.notif = new notifier(); twm.udp = udpCor; twm.src = fwdIfc; twm.trg = fwdTrg; twm.tim2liv = tim2liv; twm.typOsrv = typOsrv; twm.doWork(); twm.notif.sleep(timeout); if (twm.notif.totalNotifies() < 1) { haveResult(false); break; } haveResult(true); break; case bfd: fwdIfc.bfdAdd(fwdTrg, this, "tracker"); rtrBfdNeigh bfd = fwdIfc.bfdFind(fwdTrg); if (bfd == null) { haveResult(false); break; } haveResult(bfd.getState()); break; default: break; } if (logging) {"stopped action " + name); } } /** * have result * * @param succ successful */ protected synchronized void haveResult(boolean succ) { if (logging) {"result=" + succ); } if (succ) { totalUp++; } else { totalDn++; } if (succ != lastState) { lastState = succ; lastCount = 0; lastTime = bits.getTime(); } else { lastCount++; } if (succ) { if (lastCount < delayUp) { return; } } else { if (lastCount < delayDn) { return; } } if (script != null) { String a = doScript(script, succ); if (logging) {"got " + a + " from script"); } if (a == null) { succ = false; } else { succ = bits.str2num(a) > 0; } } if ((finalState == succ) && (finalTime != 0)) { return; } finalState = succ; finalTime = bits.getTime(); totalChng++; for (int i = 0; i < clients.size(); i++) { ipFwd ntry = clients.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } ntry.routerStaticChg(); } if (wakeVrf != null) { wakeVrf.fwd4.routerStaticChg(); wakeVrf.fwd6.routerStaticChg(); } String cmd = null; if (succ) { logger.warn("tracker " + name + " up"); cmd = execUp; } else { logger.error("tracker " + name + " down"); cmd = execDn; } if (cmd == null) { return; } if (logging) {"executing " + cmd); } pipeLine pipe = new pipeLine(32768, false); pipeDiscard.discard(pipe.getSide()); pipeSide pip = pipe.getSide(); userReader rdr = new userReader(pip, null); pip.settingsPut(pipeSetting.height, 0); userExec exe = new userExec(pip, rdr); exe.privileged = true; pip.setTime(120000); String s = exe.repairCommand(cmd); exe.executeCommand(s); pipe.setClose(); if (logging) {"command finished"); } } public void run() { for (;;) { if (!cfgInit.booting) { break; } notif.sleep(1000); } int del = delaySt + 100; if (randIni > 0) { del += bits.random(1, randIni); } if (del > 0) { notif.sleep(del); } for (;;) { if (!working) { break; } try { doRound(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } del = interval; if (randInt > 0) { del += bits.random(1, randInt); } notif.sleep(del); } } }