package org.freertr.clnt; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.enc.encBase64; import org.freertr.pack.packDnsRec; import org.freertr.pack.packText; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeDiscard; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeProgress; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.serv.servGeneric; import org.freertr.serv.servSmtp; import org.freertr.enc.encUrl; import org.freertr.user.userTerminal; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.syncInt; import org.freertr.util.version; /** * simple mail transfer protocol (rfc821) client * * @author matecsaba */ public class clntSmtp implements Runnable { /** * startup counter */ public final static syncInt cntrStart = new syncInt(0); /** * error counter */ public final static syncInt cntrError = new syncInt(0); /** * stop counter */ public final static syncInt cntrStop = new syncInt(0); private pipeProgress cons; private pipeSide pipe; private String boundary; /** * sender */ public String from = ""; /** * target */ public String rcpt = ""; /** * envelope id */ public String envid = ""; /** * delivery notification */ public boolean notify = false; private String serv; private String lastR; private String lastT; private List errors = new ArrayList(); private List body = new ArrayList(); /** * create new client * * @param console console to use */ public clntSmtp(pipeSide console) { cons = new pipeProgress(pipeDiscard.needAny(console)); boundary = "boundary" + bits.randomD() + "crossing" + bits.randomD() + "line"; } /** * clean up state */ public void cleanUp() { try { pipe.setClose(); } catch (Exception e) { } } private void sendLine(String s) { if (debugger.clntSmtpTraf) { logger.debug("tx:" + s); } cons.debugTx(s); pipe.linePut(s); lastT = s; } private String getLine() { packText pck = new packText(pipe); String s = pck.codedRecv(); if (s == null) { s = ""; } if (debugger.clntSmtpTraf) { logger.debug("rx:" + s); } cons.debugRx(s); lastR = s; return s; } private int getRes(int div) { String s = getLine(); s = s.trim(); int i = s.indexOf(" "); if (i >= 0) { s = s.substring(0, i); } i = bits.str2num(s); if (debugger.clntSmtpTraf) { logger.debug("rx:" + i); } return i / div; } /** * prepend header * * @param msg message * @param hdr headers */ public static void prependHead(List msg, List hdr) { for (int i = 0; i < hdr.size(); i++) { msg.add(i, hdr.get(i)); } } /** * prepend header * * @param msg message * @param hdr headers */ public static void deleteHead(List msg, List hdr) { for (int o = 0; o < msg.size(); o++) { String a = msg.get(o); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } int i = a.indexOf(":"); if (i < 0) { i = a.length(); } a = a.substring(0, i).toLowerCase(); int p = -1; for (i = 0; i < hdr.size(); i++) { if (!a.equals(hdr.get(i))) { continue; } p = i; break; } if (p < 0) { continue; } msg.remove(o); o--; } } /** * write header * * @param from source * @param rcpt target * @param subj subject */ public void putHead(String from, String rcpt, String subj) { long tim = bits.getTime() + cfgAll.timeServerOffset; body.add("From: " + from); body.add("To: " + rcpt); body.add("Subject: " + subj); body.add("Date: " + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, tim, 4)); body.add("MIME-Version: 1.0"); body.add("Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=" + boundary); body.add("X-Mailer: " + clntHttp.getAgentLine()); body.add("Message-ID: <" + tim + "@" + cfgAll.getFqdn() + ">"); body.add(""); body.add("this is a message in mime format!"); body.add(""); } /** * write whole body * * @param txt text */ public void putBody(List txt) { body.clear(); body = txt; } /** * write text * * @param txt lines to write */ public void putText(List txt) { body.add("--" + boundary); body.add("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii"); body.add("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit"); body.add(""); body.addAll(txt); } /** * write text * * @param txt lines to write */ public void putRep(List txt) { body.add("--" + boundary); body.add("Content-Type: message/delivery-status; charset=us-ascii"); body.add("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit"); body.add(""); body.addAll(txt); } /** * write message * * @param txt lines of message */ public void putMsg(List txt) { body.add("--" + boundary); body.add("Content-Type: message/rfc822"); body.add("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit"); body.add(""); body.addAll(txt); } /** * put file as attachment * * @param buf bytes to put * @param src file name */ public void putFile(byte[] buf, String src) { src = new File(src).getName(); body.add("--" + boundary); body.add("Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=" + src); body.add("Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"); body.add("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" + src); body.add(""); int pos = 0; for (;;) { int i = buf.length - pos; if (i < 1) { break; } if (i > encBase64.maxIn) { i = encBase64.maxIn; } body.add(encBase64.encodeBytes(buf, pos, i)); pos += i; } } /** * put file as attachment * * @param src file name */ public void putFile(String src) { byte[] buf = null; try { RandomAccessFile fr = new RandomAccessFile(src, "r"); long siz = fr.length(); buf = new byte[(int) siz];, 0, buf.length); fr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return; } putFile(buf, src); } /** * add last boundary */ public void putFinish() { body.add("--" + boundary + "--"); } /** * create error message * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean conv2rep() { String of = from; String ot = rcpt; String oe = envid; from = ""; rcpt = of; envid = ""; notify = false; List ob = body; body = new ArrayList(); putHead("report@" + cfgAll.getFqdn(), of, "delivery notification"); List l = new ArrayList(); l.add("hi " + of + "!"); l.add(""); l.add("this message was automatically generated at"); l.add(cfgAll.getFqdn() + " because your message was delivered"); l.add("to " + ot + "."); l.add(""); l.add("this is the original header:"); for (int i = 0; i < ob.size(); i++) { String s = ob.get(i); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } l.add(s); } l.add(""); l.add("have a nice day!"); putText(l); l = new ArrayList(); l.add("Reporting-MTA: dns; " + cfgAll.getFqdn()); l.add("Original-Envelope-ID: " + oe); l.add(""); l.add("Action: delivered"); l.add("Status: 2.0.0"); putRep(l); putFinish(); return of.length() < 1; } /** * create error message * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean conv2err() { String of = from; String ot = rcpt; from = ""; rcpt = of; envid = ""; notify = false; List ob = body; body = new ArrayList(); putHead("error@" + cfgAll.getFqdn(), of, "failure notice"); List l = new ArrayList(); l.add("hi " + of + "!"); l.add(""); l.add("this message was automatically generated at"); l.add(cfgAll.getFqdn() + " because the attached mail was not"); l.add("delivered to " + ot + "."); l.add(""); l.add("this is what happened:"); for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); i++) { l.add(errors.get(i)); } l.add(""); l.add("this is the original header:"); for (int i = 0; i < ob.size(); i++) { String s = ob.get(i); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } l.add(s); } l.add(""); l.add("have a nice day!"); putText(l); putMsg(ob); putFinish(); return of.length() < 1; } /** * do sending work * * @return null on success, error string otherwise */ public String doSend() { serv = ""; lastR = ""; lastT = ""; if (rcpt.length() < 1) { return "no recipients configured"; } serv = cfgAll.mailServerName; if (serv == null) { encUrl url = new encUrl(); url.fromString("smtp://" + rcpt); clntDns clnt = new clntDns(); clnt.doResolvList(cfgAll.nameServerAddr, url.server, true, packDnsRec.typeMX); serv = clnt.getMX(); } if (serv == null) { serv = ""; return "no suitable server found"; } clntProxy prx = cfgAll.getClntPrx(cfgAll.mailProxy); if (prx == null) { return "no proxy configured"; } addrIP trg = userTerminal.justResolv(serv, 0); if (trg == null) { return "no address found for server"; } pipe = prx.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, trg, new servSmtp().srvPort(), "smtp"); if (pipe == null) { return "failed to open connection"; } pipe.setTime(120000); pipe.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRtryLF; pipe.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; cons.debugStat("logging in"); if (getRes(100) != 2) { return "failed to receive greeting message"; } sendLine("HELO " + cfgAll.getFqdn()); if (getRes(100) != 2) { return "failed to exchange hostname"; } if (cfgAll.mailServerUser != null) { byte[] zero = new byte[1]; zero[0] = 0; byte[] buf = bits.byteConcat(zero, cfgAll.mailServerUser.getBytes()); buf = bits.byteConcat(buf, zero); buf = bits.byteConcat(buf, cfgAll.mailServerPass.getBytes()); sendLine("AUTH PLAIN"); if (getRes(100) != 3) { return "failed to start authentication"; } sendLine(encBase64.encodeBytes(buf)); if (getRes(100) != 2) { return "failed to finish authentication"; } } String a = ""; if (notify) { a += " RET=HDRS ENVID=" + envid; } sendLine("MAIL FROM:<" + from + ">" + a); if (getRes(100) != 2) { return "failed to set sender"; } cons.debugStat("sending recipients"); a = ""; if (notify) { a += " NOTIFY=SUCCESS,FAILURE,DELAY"; } sendLine("RCPT TO:<" + rcpt + ">" + a); if (getRes(100) != 2) { return "failed to set recipients"; } sendLine("DATA"); if (getRes(100) != 3) { return "failed to start transfer"; } cons.setMax(body.size()); cons.debugStat("sending " + cons.getMax() + " lines"); for (int i = 0; i < body.size(); i++) { packText t = new packText(pipe); t.dottedSend(body.get(i)); cons.setCurr(i); } cons.debugStat(body.size() + " lines done"); sendLine("."); if (getRes(100) != 2) { return "failed to finish transfer"; } sendLine("QUIT"); getLine(); pipe.setClose(); return null; } /** * do sending work * * @param retry number of tries * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean doSend(int retry) { for (;;) { String a = doSend(); if (a == null) { return false; } errors.add(logger.getTimestamp() + " remote=" + serv + " issue=" + a + " sent=" + lastT + " received=" + lastR); logger.warn("error sending email from " + from + " to " + rcpt); retry--; if (retry < 1) { break; } bits.sleep(bits.random(60 * 1000, 600 * 1000)); } return true; } /** * do background sending work */ public void startSend() { new Thread(this).start(); } public void run() { if (debugger.clntSmtpTraf) { logger.debug("sending from " + from + " to " + rcpt); } cntrStart.add(1); try { boolean b = doSend(10); cleanUp(); if (!b) { if (!notify) { cntrStop.add(1); return; } if (conv2rep()) { cntrStop.add(1); return; } b = doSend(5); cleanUp(); if (!b) { cntrStop.add(1); return; } logger.error("giving up report email from " + from + " to " + rcpt); cntrError.add(1); return; } cntrError.add(1); logger.error("giving up email from " + from + " to " + rcpt); if (conv2err()) { return; } cntrStart.add(1); b = doSend(5); cleanUp(); if (!b) { cntrStop.add(1); return; } logger.error("giving up error email from " + from + " to " + rcpt); cntrError.add(1); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); cntrError.add(1); } cleanUp(); } /** * upload one file * * @param trg source * @param src target * @return result code */ public String upload(encUrl trg, File src) { cons.debugStat("encoding " + src + " to body"); rcpt = trg.toEmail(); putHead("file@" + cfgAll.getFqdn(), trg.toEmail(), "" + src); putText(bits.str2lst("this is your file!")); putFile("" + src); putFinish(); return doSend(); } }