package org.freertr.clnt; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgDial; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgVrf; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwd; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdIface; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdTab; import org.freertr.pack.packRtp; import org.freertr.pack.packSip; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeLine; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.prt.prtAccept; import org.freertr.prt.prtGen; import org.freertr.snd.sndCodec; import org.freertr.snd.sndCodecG711aLaw; import org.freertr.snd.sndCodecG711uLaw; import org.freertr.snd.sndConnect; import org.freertr.enc.encUrl; import; import org.freertr.user.userTerminal; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; /** * session initiation protocol (rfc3261) client * * @author matecsaba */ public class clntSip implements Runnable { /** * create instance */ public clntSip() { } /** * upper */ public cfgDial upper; /** * protocol: 1=udp, 2=listen, 3=connect */ public int protocol = 1; /** * local port */ public int portLoc = 0; /** * remote port */ public int portRem = packSip.port; /** * endpoint */ public String endpt; /** * codec, true=alaw, false=ulaw */ public boolean aLaw = true; /** * keepalive interval */ public int keepalive = 0; /** * register interval */ public int register = 0; /** * subscribe interval */ public int subscribe = 0; /** * options interval */ public int options = 0; /** * number of tries */ public int retry = 8; /** * timeout in seconds */ public int timeout = 5; /** * vrf of target */ public cfgVrf vrf = null; /** * source interface */ public cfgIfc srcIfc = null; /** * target */ public String trgDom; /** * username */ public String usr; /** * password */ public String pwd; /** * udp handler */ protected prtGen udp; /** * tcp handler */ protected prtGen tcp; /** * forwarder interface */ protected ipFwdIface srcFwd; /** * connection to peer */ protected pipeSide conn; private final tabGen outs = new tabGen(); private final tabGen ins = new tabGen(); private final tabGen msgs = new tabGen(); private ipFwd fwd; private addrIP trgAdr; private boolean need2run; private int seq; private Timer timKeep; private Timer timReg; private Timer timSub; private Timer timOpt; public void run() { if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { logger.debug("started"); } for (;;) { bits.sleep(1000); if (!need2run) { break; } try { doWork(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { logger.debug("stopped"); } } /** * start work */ public void startWork() { need2run = true; seq = bits.randomD(); new Thread(this).start(); if (keepalive > 0) { timKeep = new Timer(); timKeep.schedule(new clntSipKeep(this), 500, keepalive); } if (register > 0) { timReg = new Timer(); timReg.schedule(new clntSipReg(this), 500, register); } if (subscribe > 0) { timSub = new Timer(); timSub.schedule(new clntSipSub(this), 500, subscribe); } if (options > 0) { timOpt = new Timer(); timOpt.schedule(new clntSipOpt(this), 500, options); } } /** * stop work */ public void stopWork() { need2run = false; if (conn != null) { conn.setClose(); } conn = null; for (int i = 0; i < outs.size(); i++) { try { outs.get(i).callRtp.setClose(); } catch (Exception e) { } } for (int i = 0; i < ins.size(); i++) { try { ins.get(i).data.setClose(); } catch (Exception e) { } } try { timKeep.cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { timReg.cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { timSub.cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { timOpt.cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { } } /** * get endpoint id * * @return id */ protected String getEndpt() { return ""; } /** * get via id * * @return id */ protected String getVia() { String a; if (protocol == 1) { a = "UDP"; } else { a = "TCP"; } return "SIP/2.0/" + a + " " + encUrl.addr2str(srcFwd.addr, portLoc) + ";rport;branch=" + bits.randomD(); } /** * get contact id * * @return id */ protected String getCont() { return ""; } /** * get codec * * @return codec */ protected sndCodec getCodec() { if (aLaw) { return new sndCodecG711aLaw(); } else { return new sndCodecG711uLaw(); } } private int findOutPort(int o) { for (int i = 0; i < outs.size(); i++) { if (outs.get(i).callPort == o) { return i; } } return -1; } private int findInPort(int o) { for (int i = 0; i < ins.size(); i++) { if (ins.get(i).callPort == o) { return i; } } return -1; } private int getDataPort() { for (;;) { int o = (bits.randomW() & 0x7ffe) + 0x4000; if (findOutPort(o) >= 0) { continue; } if (findInPort(o) >= 0) { continue; } return o; } } /** * delete the call * * @param leg call id */ protected void delCall(clntSipIn leg) { ins.del(leg); } /** * delete the call * * @param leg call id */ protected void delCall(clntSipOut leg) { outs.del(leg); } /** * send subscribe * * @param wau authentication request * @param pau authentication request */ protected void sendSub(String wau, String pau) { if (conn == null) { return; } packSip sip = new packSip(conn); seq++; sip.makeReq("SUBSCRIBE", "sip:" + endpt + "@" + encUrl.addr2str(trgAdr, 0), packSip.updateTag(getEndpt()), getEndpt(), getCont(), getVia(), "" + bits.randomD(), seq, subscribe / 250); sip.addAuthor("", wau, usr, pwd); sip.addAuthor("Proxy-", pau, usr, pwd); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { sip.dump("tx"); } sip.writeDown(); } /** * send options * * @param wau authentication request * @param pau authentication request */ protected void sendOpt(String wau, String pau) { if (conn == null) { return; } packSip sip = new packSip(conn); seq++; sip.makeReq("OPTIONS", "sip:" + endpt + "@" + encUrl.addr2str(trgAdr, 0), packSip.updateTag(getEndpt()), getEndpt(), getCont(), getVia(), "" + bits.randomD(), seq, 0); sip.addAuthor("", wau, usr, pwd); sip.addAuthor("Proxy-", pau, usr, pwd); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { sip.dump("tx"); } sip.writeDown(); } /** * send register * * @param wau authentication request * @param pau authentication request */ protected void sendReg(String wau, String pau) { if (conn == null) { return; } packSip sip = new packSip(conn); seq++; sip.makeReq("REGISTER", "sip:" + encUrl.addr2str(trgAdr, 0), packSip.updateTag(getEndpt()), getEndpt(), getCont(), getVia(), "" + bits.randomD(), seq, register / 250); sip.addAuthor("", wau, usr, pwd); sip.addAuthor("Proxy-", pau, usr, pwd); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { sip.dump("tx"); } sip.writeDown(); } /** * send keepalive */ protected void sendKeep() { if (conn == null) { return; } packSip sip = new packSip(conn); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { logger.debug("keepalive sent"); } sip.writeKeep(); } /** * get number of in calls * * @return number of calls */ public int numCallsIn() { return ins.size(); } /** * get number of out calls * * @return number of calls */ public int numCallsOut() { return outs.size(); } /** * get number of out messages * * @return number of messages */ public int numMsgsOut() { return msgs.size(); } /** * check if ready * * @return true if yes, false if no */ public boolean isReady() { if (conn == null) { return false; } if (conn.isClosed() != 0) { return false; } return conn.isReady() == 3; } /** * get call list * * @param dir direction, true=in, false=out * @return list */ public List listCalls(boolean dir) { List res = new ArrayList(); if (dir) { for (int i = 0; i < ins.size(); i++) { clntSipIn ntry = ins.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } res.add(ntry.cid + "|" + ntry.src + "|" + ntry.trg + "|" + bits.timePast(ntry.started)); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < outs.size(); i++) { clntSipOut ntry = outs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } res.add(ntry.callId + "|" + ntry.callSrc + "|" + ntry.callTrg + "|" + bits.timePast(ntry.started)); } } return res; } /** * send message * * @param calling calling number * @param called called number * @param msg message * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean sendMsg(String calling, String called, List msg) { if (conn == null) { return true; } clntSipMsg leg; for (;;) { leg = new clntSipMsg(this, null); if (ins.find(new clntSipIn(this, leg.callId)) != null) { continue; } if (outs.find(new clntSipOut(this, leg.callId)) != null) { continue; } if (msgs.add(leg) == null) { break; } } leg.callTrg = called; leg.callSrc = calling; leg.callMsg = msg; seq += 5; leg.callSeq = seq; seq += 5; boolean res = leg.doSend(); msgs.del(leg); return res; } /** * make the call * * @param calling calling number * @param called called number * @return call id, null if error */ public String makeCall(String calling, String called) { clntSipOut leg; for (;;) { leg = new clntSipOut(this, null); if (ins.find(new clntSipIn(this, leg.callId)) != null) { continue; } if (msgs.find(new clntSipMsg(this, leg.callId)) != null) { continue; } if (outs.add(leg) == null) { break; } } leg.callTrg = called; leg.callSrc = calling; seq += 5; leg.callSeq = seq; seq += 5; leg.callPort = getDataPort(); boolean res = leg.makeCall(); if (res) { leg.stopCall(false); if (upper != null) { upper.stoppedCall(true, leg.callSrc, leg.callTrg, leg.started); } return null; } return leg.callId; } /** * stop the call * * @param id call id */ public void stopCall(String id) { if (id == null) { return; } clntSipIn legI = new clntSipIn(this, id); legI = ins.find(legI); if (legI != null) { if ( != null) {; } return; } clntSipOut legO = new clntSipOut(this, id); legO = outs.find(legO); if (legO == null) { return; } if (legO.stopping) { return; } legO.stopCall(true); if (upper != null) { upper.stoppedCall(true, legO.callSrc, legO.callTrg, legO.started); } } /** * get call * * @param id call id * @return rtp */ public packRtp getCall(String id) { if (id == null) { return null; } clntSipIn legI = new clntSipIn(this, id); legI = ins.find(legI); if (legI != null) { return; } clntSipOut legO = new clntSipOut(this, id); legO = outs.find(legO); if (legO == null) { return null; } return legO.callRtp; } /** * do one round */ public void doWork() { if (conn != null) { conn.setClose(); } conn = null; trgAdr = userTerminal.justResolv(trgDom, 0); if (trgAdr == null) { return; } fwd = vrf.getFwd(trgAdr); udp = vrf.getUdp(trgAdr); tcp = vrf.getTcp(trgAdr); if (srcIfc != null) { srcFwd = srcIfc.getFwdIfc(trgAdr); } else { srcFwd = ipFwdTab.findSendingIface(fwd, trgAdr); } if (srcFwd == null) { return; } switch (protocol) { case 1: conn = udp.streamConnect(new pipeLine(32768, false), srcFwd, portLoc, trgAdr, portRem, "sip", -1, null, -1, -1); break; case 2: prtAccept ac = new prtAccept(tcp, new pipeLine(32768, false), srcFwd, portLoc, trgAdr, portRem, "sip", -1, null, -1, -1); ac.wait4conn(30000); conn = ac.getConn(true); break; case 3: conn = tcp.streamConnect(new pipeLine(32768, false), srcFwd, portLoc, trgAdr, portRem, "sip", -1, null, -1, -1); break; } if (conn == null) { return; } conn.setTime(180000); conn.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRtryLF; conn.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; conn.setReady(); conn.wait4ready(30000); if (conn.isReady() != 3) { conn.setClose(); conn = null; return; } if (protocol > 1) { logger.warn("neighbor " + trgDom + " up"); } packSip sip = new packSip(conn); long lastRetry = 0; for (;;) { if (!need2run) { break; } if (conn == null) { break; } if (sip.readUp()) { break; } if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { sip.dump("rx"); } String a = sip.headerGet("Call-Id", 1); clntSipOut legO = new clntSipOut(this, a); clntSipIn legI = new clntSipIn(this, a); clntSipMsg legM = new clntSipMsg(this, a); packSip tx = sip.byteCopy(null); cmds cmd = new cmds("sip", sip.command); a = cmd.word().toLowerCase(); if (a.equals("register") || a.equals("subscribe")) { tx.makeOk(sip, null, 120); tx.copyHeader(sip, "Contact"); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); continue; } if (a.equals("options")) { tx.makeOk(sip, null, 0); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); continue; } if (a.equals("notify")) { tx.makeOk(sip, null, 0); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); continue; } legO = outs.find(legO); if (legO != null) { legO.callRep = sip.byteCopy(null); if (legO.callCnt == null) { continue; } if (!a.equals("bye") && !a.equals("cancel")) { continue; } tx.makeOk(sip, null, 0); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); if (legO.stopping) { continue; } legO.stopCall(false); if (upper != null) { upper.stoppedCall(true, legO.callSrc, legO.callTrg, legO.started); } continue; } legI = ins.find(legI); if (legI != null) { legI.callRep = sip.byteCopy(null); continue; } legM = msgs.find(legM); if (legM != null) { legM.callRep = sip.byteCopy(null); continue; } if (a.length() < 1) { continue; } if (a.equals("message")) { if (upper == null) { tx.makeErr(sip, null, "not allowed"); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); continue; } clntSipMsg msg = new clntSipMsg(this, null); msg.callSrc = sip.headerGet("From", 1); msg.callTrg = sip.headerGet("To", 1); msg.callRep = sip.byteCopy(null); msg.startWork(); continue; } if (a.startsWith("sip/")) { a = cmd.word(); if (!a.equals("401") && !a.equals("407")) { continue; } String wau = sip.headerGet("WWW-Authenticate", 1); String pau = sip.headerGet("Proxy-Authenticate", 1); cmd = new cmds("sip", sip.headerGet("CSeq", 1)); cmd.word(); a = cmd.word().toLowerCase(); long tim = bits.getTime(); if (a.equals("register")) { if ((tim - lastRetry) < 500) { continue; } sendReg(wau, pau); lastRetry = tim; continue; } if (a.equals("subscribe")) { if ((tim - lastRetry) < 500) { continue; } sendSub(wau, pau); lastRetry = tim; continue; } if (a.equals("options")) { if ((tim - lastRetry) < 500) { continue; } sendOpt(wau, pau); lastRetry = tim; continue; } continue; } if (a.equals("ack")) { continue; } if (a.equals("bye") || a.equals("cancel")) { tx.makeOk(sip, null, 0); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); continue; } if (!a.equals("invite")) { tx.makeErr(sip, null, "bad method"); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); continue; } if (upper == null) { tx.makeErr(sip, null, "not allowed"); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); continue; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); int prt = sip.sdpGetMediaEP(adr); if (prt < 1) { tx.makeErr(sip, null, "no endpoint"); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); continue; } a = sip.headerGet("Call-Id", 1); legI = new clntSipIn(this, a); legI.adr = adr; legI.prt = prt; legI.callPort = getDataPort(); legI.callRep = sip.byteCopy(null); new Thread(legI).start(); ins.add(legI); } if (conn != null) { conn.setClose(); } conn = null; if (protocol > 1) { logger.error("neighbor " + trgDom + " down"); } if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { logger.debug("restarting"); } } } class clntSipKeep extends TimerTask { private clntSip lower; public clntSipKeep(clntSip parent) { lower = parent; } public void run() { try { lower.sendKeep(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } } class clntSipReg extends TimerTask { private clntSip lower; public clntSipReg(clntSip parent) { lower = parent; } public void run() { try { lower.sendReg(null, null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } } class clntSipSub extends TimerTask { private clntSip lower; public clntSipSub(clntSip parent) { lower = parent; } public void run() { try { lower.sendSub(null, null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } } class clntSipOpt extends TimerTask { private clntSip lower; public clntSipOpt(clntSip parent) { lower = parent; } public void run() { try { lower.sendOpt(null, null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } } class clntSipOut implements Comparable { public final clntSip lower; public final String callId; public final long started; public int callPort; public String callSrc; public String callTrg; public String callWauth; public String callPauth; public String callCnt; public int callSeq; public packSip callRep; public packRtp callRtp; public boolean stopping; public clntSipOut(clntSip prnt, String id) { if (id == null) { id = bits.randomD() + "-" + cfgAll.hostName; } callId = id; lower = prnt; started = bits.getTime(); } public int compareTo(clntSipOut o) { return callId.compareTo(o.callId); } public boolean makeCall() { callSrc = packSip.updateTag(callSrc); callWauth = null; callPauth = null; callCnt = null; callRep = null; callRtp = null; packSip callAck = null; boolean need2inv = true; for (int o = 0; o < lower.retry; o++) { if (lower.conn == null) { continue; } if (need2inv) { packSip sip = new packSip(lower.conn); sip.makeReq("INVITE", null, callSrc, callTrg, lower.getCont(), lower.getVia(), callId, callSeq, 0); sip.addAuthor("", callWauth, lower.usr, lower.pwd); sip.addAuthor("Proxy-", callPauth, lower.usr, lower.pwd); sip.makeSdp(lower.srcFwd.addr, callPort, lower.getCodec()); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { sip.dump("tx"); } sip.writeDown(); } for (int i = 0; i < lower.timeout; i++) { bits.sleep(1000); if (callRep != null) { break; } } if (callRep == null) { continue; } packSip sip = callRep.byteCopy(null); callRep = null; cmds cmd = new cmds("sip", sip.command); if (!cmd.word().toLowerCase().startsWith("sip/")) { continue; } String a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("401")) { callWauth = sip.headerGet("WWW-Authenticate", 1); need2inv = true; callSeq++; continue; } if (a.equals("407")) { callPauth = sip.headerGet("Proxy-Authenticate", 1); need2inv = true; callSeq++; continue; } if (a.startsWith("1")) { need2inv = false; continue; } if (a.startsWith("2")) { callAck = sip.byteCopy(null); } break; } if (callAck == null) { return true; } addrIP remA = new addrIP(); int remP = callAck.sdpGetMediaEP(remA); if (remP < 0) { return true; } callRtp = new packRtp(); if (callRtp.startConnect(lower.udp, new pipeLine(65536, true), lower.srcFwd, callPort, remA, remP)) { return true; } callTrg = callAck.headerGet("To", 1); callCnt = encUrl.fromEmail(callAck.headerGet("Contact", 1)); callAck.makeReq("ACK", null, callSrc, callTrg, lower.getCont(), lower.getVia(), callId, callSeq, 0); callAck.addAuthor("", callWauth, lower.usr, lower.pwd); callAck.addAuthor("Proxy-", callPauth, lower.usr, lower.pwd); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { callAck.dump("tx"); } callAck.writeDown(); return false; } public void stopCall(boolean bye) { stopping = true; if (callRtp != null) { callRtp.setClose(); } if (!bye) { lower.delCall(this); return; } callRep = null; for (int o = 0; o < lower.retry; o++) { if (lower.conn == null) { continue; } packSip sip = new packSip(lower.conn); String a; if (callRtp != null) { a = "BYE"; } else { a = "CANCEL"; } sip.makeReq(a, callCnt, callSrc, callTrg, lower.getCont(), lower.getVia(), callId, callSeq + 1, 0); sip.addAuthor("", callWauth, lower.usr, lower.pwd); sip.addAuthor("Proxy-", callPauth, lower.usr, lower.pwd); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { sip.dump("tx"); } sip.writeDown(); for (int i = 0; i < lower.timeout; i++) { bits.sleep(1000); if (callRep != null) { lower.delCall(this); return; } } } lower.delCall(this); } } class clntSipIn implements Runnable, Comparable { public final clntSip lower; public final String cid; public final long started; public addrIP adr; public int prt; public int csq; public String via; public String src; public String trg; public String cnt; public int callPort; public packSip callRep; public String newSrc; public String newTrg; public cfgDial peer; public String rcd; public packRtp data; public sndConnect conner; public clntSipIn(clntSip prnt, String id) { lower = prnt; cid = id; started = bits.getTime(); } public int compareTo(clntSipIn o) { return cid.compareTo(o.cid); } public void run() { try { doer(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } public void sendTry(packSip sip) { packSip tx = sip.byteCopy(null); tx.makeNumeric("100 trying", sip, lower.getCont()); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); } public void sendRng(packSip sip) { packSip tx = sip.byteCopy(null); tx.makeNumeric("180 ringing", sip, lower.getCont()); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); } public void sendSdp(packSip sip) { packSip tx = sip.byteCopy(null); tx.makeOk(sip, lower.getCont(), 0); tx.makeSdp(lower.srcFwd.addr, callPort, lower.getCodec()); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); } public void sendBye() { callRep = null; for (int o = 0; o < lower.retry; o++) { if (lower.conn == null) { continue; } packSip tx = new packSip(lower.conn); tx.makeReq("BYE", cnt, trg, src, null, via, cid, csq + 1, 0); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); for (int i = 0; i < lower.timeout; i++) { bits.sleep(1000); if (callRep != null) { return; } } } } public void doer() { packSip sip = callRep.byteCopy(null); callRep = null; String a = sip.headerGet("CSeq", 1) + " "; csq = a.indexOf(" "); csq = bits.str2num(a.substring(0, csq).trim()); via = sip.headerGet("Via", 1); src = sip.headerGet("From", 1); trg = sip.headerGet("To", 1); cnt = encUrl.fromEmail(sip.headerGet("Contact", 1)); sendTry(sip); trg = packSip.updateTag(trg); sip.headerSet("To", 1, trg); sendRng(sip); newSrc = lower.upper.incomeSrc(src); newTrg = lower.upper.incomeTrg(trg); peer = lower.upper.incomeCall(newSrc, newTrg); if (peer == null) { packSip tx = sip.byteCopy(null); tx.makeErr(sip, null, "no such number"); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); lower.upper.stoppedCall(false, newSrc, newTrg, started); lower.delCall(this); return; } rcd = peer.makeCall(newSrc, newTrg); if (rcd == null) { packSip tx = sip.byteCopy(null); tx.makeErr(sip, null, "failed to make call"); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); lower.upper.stoppedCall(false, newSrc, newTrg, started); lower.delCall(this); return; } sendSdp(sip); data = new packRtp(); if (data.startConnect(lower.udp, new pipeLine(65536, true), lower.srcFwd, callPort, adr, prt)) { sendBye(); peer.stopCall(rcd); lower.upper.stoppedCall(false, newSrc, newTrg, started); lower.delCall(this); return; } conner = new sndConnect(data, peer.getCall(rcd), lower.getCodec(), peer.getCodec()); for (;;) { if (conner.isClosed() != 0) { break; } if (lower.conn == null) { break; } if (callRep == null) { bits.sleep(1000); continue; } sip = callRep.byteCopy(null); callRep = null; a = sip.command.trim(); int i = a.indexOf(" "); if (i < 0) { continue; } a = a.substring(0, i).trim().toLowerCase(); if (a.equals("invite")) { sendTry(sip); sendRng(sip); sendSdp(sip); continue; } if (!a.equals("bye") && !a.equals("cancel")) { continue; } packSip tx = sip.byteCopy(null); tx.makeOk(sip, null, 0); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); conner.setClose(); peer.stopCall(rcd); lower.upper.stoppedCall(false, newSrc, newTrg, started); lower.delCall(this); return; } conner.setClose(); peer.stopCall(rcd); sendBye(); lower.upper.stoppedCall(false, newSrc, newTrg, started); lower.delCall(this); } } class clntSipMsg implements Runnable, Comparable { public final clntSip lower; public final String callId; public final long started; public packSip callRep; public String callSrc; public String callTrg; public int callSeq; public String callWauth; public String callPauth; public List callMsg; public clntSipMsg(clntSip prnt, String id) { if (id == null) { id = bits.randomD() + "-" + cfgAll.hostName; } lower = prnt; callId = id; started = bits.getTime(); } public int compareTo(clntSipMsg o) { return callId.compareTo(o.callId); } public void startWork() { new Thread(this).start(); } public boolean doSend() { callSrc = packSip.updateTag(callSrc); callWauth = null; callPauth = null; callRep = null; boolean need2msg = true; for (int o = 0; o < lower.retry; o++) { if (lower.conn == null) { continue; } if (need2msg) { packSip sip = new packSip(lower.conn); sip.makeReq("MESSAGE", null, callSrc, callTrg, lower.getCont(), lower.getVia(), callId, callSeq, 0); sip.header.add("Content-Type: text/plain"); sip.content.addAll(callMsg); sip.addAuthor("", callWauth, lower.usr, lower.pwd); sip.addAuthor("Proxy-", callPauth, lower.usr, lower.pwd); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { sip.dump("tx"); } sip.writeDown(); } for (int i = 0; i < lower.timeout; i++) { bits.sleep(1000); if (callRep != null) { break; } } if (callRep == null) { continue; } packSip sip = callRep.byteCopy(null); callRep = null; cmds cmd = new cmds("sip", sip.command); if (!cmd.word().toLowerCase().startsWith("sip/")) { continue; } String a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("401")) { callWauth = sip.headerGet("WWW-Authenticate", 1); need2msg = true; callSeq++; continue; } if (a.equals("407")) { callPauth = sip.headerGet("Proxy-Authenticate", 1); need2msg = true; callSeq++; continue; } if (a.startsWith("1")) { need2msg = false; continue; } if (a.startsWith("2")) { return false; } break; } return true; } public void run() { try { doRecv(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } public void doRecv() { packSip tx = callRep.byteCopy(null); tx.makeNumeric("100 trying", callRep, lower.getCont()); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); callSrc = lower.upper.incomeSrc(callSrc); callTrg = lower.upper.incomeTrg(callTrg); cfgDial per = lower.upper.incomeMsg(callSrc, callTrg); if (per == null) { tx.makeErr(callRep, null, "no such number"); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); return; } if (per.sendMsg(callSrc, callTrg, callRep.content)) { tx.makeErr(callRep, null, "not went out"); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); return; } tx.makeOk(callRep, null, 0); if (debugger.clntSipTraf) { tx.dump("tx"); } tx.writeDown(); } }