package org.freertr.clnt; import; import; import; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv6; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgVrf; import org.freertr.enc.encUrl; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdIface; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeLine; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.prt.prtGen; import org.freertr.prt.prtLocTcp; import org.freertr.prt.prtLocUdp; import org.freertr.sec.secClient; import org.freertr.sec.secWebsock; import org.freertr.serv.servGeneric; import org.freertr.user.userTerminal; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.syncInt; import org.freertr.util.version; /** * proxy connection client * * @author matecsaba */ public class clntProxy { /** * startup counter */ public final static syncInt cntrStart = new syncInt(0); /** * error counter */ public final static syncInt cntrError = new syncInt(0); /** * stop counter */ public final static syncInt cntrStop = new syncInt(0); /** * name of this proxy */ public String name; /** * prefer ip protocol 0=default, 4=ip4, 6=ip6 */ public int prefer = 0; /** * target of tunnel */ public String target = null; /** * port number */ public int port; /** * public key */ public byte[] pubkey; /** * username to use */ public String username = null; /** * password to use */ public String password = null; /** * vrf of target */ public cfgVrf vrf = null; /** * source interface */ public cfgIfc srcIfc = null; /** * lower proxy to use */ public clntProxy lowProxy = null; /** * security protocol to use */ public int secProto = 0; /** * ttl */ public int tim2liv = -1; /** * tos */ public int typOsrv = -1; /** * proxy protocol to use */ public proxyType prxProto = proxyType.local; /** * type of proxy */ public enum proxyType { /** * use local stack */ local, /** * use socks4 proxy */ sock4, /** * use socks5 proxy */ sock5, /** * use websock proxy */ websock, /** * use http proxy */ http, /** * use host os stack */ host } /** * convert proxy type to string * * @param i proxy type * @return string */ public static String type2string(proxyType i) { switch (i) { case local: return "local"; case sock4: return "socks4"; case sock5: return "socks5"; case websock: return "websock"; case http: return "http"; case host: return "hostos"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } /** * convert string to proxy type * * @param s string * @return proxy type */ public static proxyType string2type(String s) { if (s.equals("local")) { return proxyType.local; } if (s.equals("socks4")) { return proxyType.sock4; } if (s.equals("socks5")) { return proxyType.sock5; } if (s.equals("websock")) { return proxyType.websock; } if (s.equals("http")) { return proxyType.http; } if (s.equals("hostos")) { return; } return proxyType.local; } /** * create client * * @param nam name of proxy config */ public clntProxy(String nam) { name = nam; } public String toString() { return name; } /** * create new proxy config * * @param vrf vrf to use * @param ifc interface to use * @return proxy config */ public static clntProxy makeTemp(cfgVrf vrf, cfgIfc ifc) { clntProxy res = new clntProxy("temporary"); res.vrf = vrf; res.srcIfc = ifc; return res; } /** * open one connection * * @param cProto protocol to use from servGeneric * @param cAddr target address * @param cPort target port * @param cName client name * @return pipeline, null on error */ public pipeSide doConnect(int cProto, addrIP cAddr, int cPort, String cName) { cntrStart.add(1); if (debugger.clntProxyTraf) { logger.debug("connecting to " + servGeneric.proto2string(cProto) + " " + cAddr + " " + cPort); } if (cAddr == null) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } pipeSide pip = null; cProto &= servGeneric.protoTrns; clntProxy curPrx = lowProxy; if (curPrx == null) { curPrx = clntProxy.makeTemp(vrf, srcIfc); } if (prxProto == proxyType.websock) { encUrl url = new encUrl(); url.fromString("http://" + target + "/"); url.port = port; url.server = target; if (debugger.clntProxyTraf) { logger.debug("using websock " + url.dump()); } pip = secWebsock.doConnect(curPrx, pubkey, url, "binary"); if (pip == null) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } secWebsock ws = new secWebsock(pip, new pipeLine(65536, false)); ws.startClient(); pip = ws.getPipe(); cntrStop.add(1); return pip; } if (prxProto == { if (debugger.clntProxyTraf) { logger.debug("using host stack"); } switch (cProto) { case servGeneric.protoTcp: try { Socket sck = new Socket("" + cAddr, cPort); pipeLine pl = new pipeLine(65536, false); prtLocTcp.doSession(pl.getSide(), sck); pip = pl.getSide(); pip.setReady(); } catch (Exception e) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } break; case servGeneric.protoUdp: try { DatagramSocket sck = new DatagramSocket(); sck.connect(InetAddress.getByName("" + cAddr), cPort); pipeLine pl = new pipeLine(65536, true); prtLocUdp.doSession(pl.getSide(), sck); pip = pl.getSide(); pip.setReady(); } catch (Exception e) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } break; } if (pip == null) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } pip.setTime(120000); pip = secClient.openSec(pip, secProto, pubkey, username, password); if (pip == null) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } pip.setTime(180000); cntrStop.add(1); return pip; } if (vrf == null) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } if (prxProto == proxyType.local) { if (debugger.clntProxyTraf) { logger.debug("using local stack on vrf " +; } prtGen prt; ipFwdIface ipif = null; if (srcIfc != null) { ipif = srcIfc.getFwdIfc(cAddr); } pipeLine pil; switch (cProto) { case servGeneric.protoTcp: prt = vrf.getTcp(cAddr); pil = new pipeLine(65536, false); break; case servGeneric.protoUdp: prt = vrf.getUdp(cAddr); pil = new pipeLine(65536, true); break; case servGeneric.protoLudp: prt = vrf.getLudp(cAddr); pil = new pipeLine(65536, true); break; case servGeneric.protoDccp: prt = vrf.getDccp(cAddr); pil = new pipeLine(65536, true); break; case servGeneric.protoSctp: prt = vrf.getSctp(cAddr); pil = new pipeLine(65536, true); break; default: cntrError.add(1); return null; } pip = prt.streamConnect(pil, ipif, 0, cAddr, cPort, cName, -1, null, tim2liv, typOsrv); if (pip == null) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } pip.setTime(120000); if (pip.wait4ready(120000)) { pip.setClose(); cntrError.add(1); return null; } pip = secClient.openSec(pip, secProto, pubkey, username, password); if (pip == null) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } pip.setTime(180000); cntrStop.add(1); return pip; } if (cProto != servGeneric.protoTcp) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } if (debugger.clntProxyTraf) { logger.debug("using " + type2string(prxProto) + " at " + target + " " + port + " on vrf " +; } addrIP adr = userTerminal.justResolv(target, prefer); if (adr == null) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } pip = curPrx.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, adr, port, cName); if (pip == null) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } pip = secClient.openSec(pip, secProto, pubkey, username, password); if (pip == null) { cntrError.add(1); return null; } pipeSide.modTyp rm = pip.lineRx; pipeSide.modTyp tm = pip.lineTx; pip.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; pip.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRtryLF; boolean good; switch (prxProto) { case sock4: good = !doConSock4(pip, cAddr, cPort); break; case sock5: good = !doConSock5(pip, cAddr, cPort); break; case http: good = !doConHttp(pip, cAddr, cPort); break; default: good = false; break; } pip.lineRx = rm; pip.lineTx = tm; if (debugger.clntProxyTraf) { logger.debug("result=" + good); } if (good) { cntrStop.add(1); return pip; } cntrError.add(1); pip.setClose(); return null; } private boolean doConSock4(pipeSide pip, addrIP cAddr, int cPort) { if (!cAddr.isIPv4()) { return true; } byte[] buf = new byte[8]; buf[0] = 4; // version buf[1] = 1; // connect bits.msbPutW(buf, 2, cPort); cAddr.toIPv4().toBuffer(buf, 4); pip.blockingPut(buf, 0, buf.length); if (username != null) { pip.strPut(username); } buf = new byte[1]; buf[0] = 0; pip.blockingPut(buf, 0, buf.length); buf = new byte[8]; if (pip.blockingGet(buf, 0, buf.length) != buf.length) { return true; } if (buf[0] != 4) { return true; } if (buf[1] != 90) { return true; } return false; } private boolean doConSock5(pipeSide pip, addrIP cAddr, int cPort) { int i; if (username == null) { i = 0; } else { i = 2; } byte[] buf = new byte[3]; buf[0] = 5; buf[1] = 1; buf[2] = (byte) (i & 0xff); pip.blockingPut(buf, 0, buf.length); buf = new byte[2]; if (pip.blockingGet(buf, 0, buf.length) != buf.length) { return true; } switch (buf[1] & 0xff) { case 0: break; case 2: buf = new byte[2]; buf[0] = 1; buf[1] = (byte) (username.length() & 0xff); pip.blockingPut(buf, 0, buf.length); pip.strPut(username); buf = new byte[1]; buf[0] = (byte) (password.length() & 0xff); pip.blockingPut(buf, 0, buf.length); pip.strPut(password); buf = new byte[2]; if (pip.blockingGet(buf, 0, buf.length) != buf.length) { return true; } if (buf[1] != 0) { return true; } break; default: return true; } buf = new byte[3]; buf[0] = 5; buf[1] = 1; buf[2] = 0; pip.blockingPut(buf, 0, buf.length); if (cAddr.isIPv4()) { buf = new byte[addrIPv4.size + 1]; buf[0] = 1; cAddr.toIPv4().toBuffer(buf, 1); } else { buf = new byte[addrIPv6.size + 1]; buf[0] = 4; cAddr.toIPv6().toBuffer(buf, 1); } pip.blockingPut(buf, 0, buf.length); buf = new byte[2]; bits.msbPutW(buf, 0, cPort); pip.blockingPut(buf, 0, buf.length); buf = new byte[4]; if (pip.blockingGet(buf, 0, buf.length) != buf.length) { return true; } if (buf[1] != 0) { return true; } switch (buf[3]) { case 1: i = addrIPv4.size; break; case 4: i = addrIPv6.size; break; default: return true; } buf = new byte[i + 2]; if (pip.blockingGet(buf, 0, buf.length) != buf.length) { return true; } return false; } private boolean doConHttp(pipeSide pip, addrIP cAddr, int cPort) { pip.strPut("CONNECT "); boolean enc = !cAddr.isIPv4(); if (enc) { pip.strPut("["); } pip.strPut("" + cAddr); if (enc) { pip.strPut("]"); } pip.strPut(":" + cPort); pip.linePut(" HTTP/1.1"); pip.linePut("User-Agent: " + version.usrAgnt); String s = clntHttp.getAuthor(username, password); if (s != null) { pip.linePut(s); } pip.linePut(""); for (;;) { s = pip.lineGet(1); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } } return pip.isClosed() != 0; } }