package org.freertr.clnt; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrMac; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcEthTyp; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdIface; import org.freertr.pack.packDhcp4; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.prt.prtGen; import org.freertr.prt.prtGenConn; import org.freertr.prt.prtServP; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.state; /** * dynamic host config protocol (rfc2131) client * * @author matecsaba */ public class clntDhcp4 implements prtServP { /** * early mode */ public boolean earlyMode = false; /** * fill ciaddr */ public boolean fillCiaddr = true; /** * broadcast mode */ public boolean broadcastMode = true; /** * minimum lease time */ public int leaseMin = 60 * 1000; /** * maximum lease time */ public int leaseMax = 43200 * 1000; /** * config class */ public cfgIfc cfger; /** * my address */ public addrIPv4 locAddr; /** * my netmask */ public addrIPv4 locMask; /** * gw address */ public addrIPv4 gwAddr; /** * dhcp server address */ public addrIPv4 dhcpAddr; /** * dns1 address */ public addrIPv4 dns1addr; /** * dns2 address */ public addrIPv4 dns2addr; private prtGen lower; private prtGenConn sender; private ipFwdIface iface; private ifcEthTyp ethtyp; private int lastId; private long lastTime; private int lastStat; // 1-running, 2-txDiscovery, 4-txRequest private int lastSent; private int leaseTime; /** * create new dhcp client on interface * * @param wrkr udp worker * @param ifc forwarder interface * @param phy handler of interface * @param cfg config interface */ public clntDhcp4(prtGen wrkr, ipFwdIface ifc, ifcEthTyp phy, cfgIfc cfg) { lower = wrkr; iface = ifc; ethtyp = phy; cfger = cfg; clearState(); socketBind(); if (debugger.clntDhcp4traf) { logger.debug("started"); } } /** * get configuration * * @param l storage * @param beg beginning * @param cmd command */ public void getConfig(List l, String beg, String cmd) { cmds.cfgLine(l, !broadcastMode, beg, cmd + "broadcast", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !earlyMode, beg, cmd + "early", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !fillCiaddr, beg, cmd + "fill-ciaddr", ""); l.add(beg + cmd + "renew-min " + leaseMin); l.add(beg + cmd + "renew-max " + leaseMax); } /** * do configuration * * @param a command * @param cmd commands * @return result code, true on error, false on success */ public boolean doConfig(String a, cmds cmd) { if (a.equals("broadcast")) { broadcastMode = true; return false; } if (a.equals("early")) { earlyMode = true; return false; } if (a.equals("fill-ciaddr")) { fillCiaddr = true; return false; } if (a.equals("renew-min")) { leaseMin = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } if (a.equals("renew-max")) { leaseMax = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } return true; } /** * undo configuration * * @param a command * @return result code, true on error, false on success */ public boolean unConfig(String a) { if (a.equals("broadcast")) { broadcastMode = false; return false; } if (a.equals("early")) { earlyMode = false; return false; } if (a.equals("fill-ciaddr")) { fillCiaddr = false; return false; } return true; } /** * stop client */ public void closeClient() { clearState(); socketUnbind(); if (debugger.clntDhcp4traf) { logger.debug("stopped"); } } /** * clear state */ public void clearState() { locAddr = addrIPv4.getEmpty(); locMask = addrIPv4.getBroadcast(); gwAddr = addrIPv4.getEmpty(); dhcpAddr = addrIPv4.getEmpty(); dns1addr = addrIPv4.getEmpty(); dns2addr = addrIPv4.getEmpty(); lastStat = 1; lastId = bits.randomD(); lastTime = 0; lastSent = 0; } private void socketBind() { if (lower.packetListen(this, iface, packDhcp4.portCnum, null, packDhcp4.portSnum, "dhcp4c", -1, null, -1, -1)) {"failed to bind"); } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromIPv4addr(addrIPv4.getBroadcast()); sender = lower.packetConnect(this, iface, packDhcp4.portCnum, adr, packDhcp4.portSnum, "dhcp4c", -1, null, -1, -1); if (sender == null) {"failed to connect"); } else { sender.timeout = 0; } } private void socketUnbind() { lower.listenStop(iface, packDhcp4.portCnum, null, packDhcp4.portSnum); if (sender != null) { sender.setClosing(); } sender = null; } /** * closed interface * * @param ifc interface */ public void closedInterface(ipFwdIface ifc) { } /** * accept datagram * * @param id connection * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean datagramAccept(prtGenConn id) { if (debugger.clntDhcp4traf) { logger.debug("accept " + id); } id.timeout = 5000; return false; } /** * close connection * * @param id connection */ public void datagramClosed(prtGenConn id) { if (debugger.clntDhcp4traf) { logger.debug("close " + id); } } /** * set ready * * @param id connection */ public void datagramReady(prtGenConn id) { if (debugger.clntDhcp4traf) { logger.debug("ready " + id); } id.workInterval = 5000; } /** * work round * * @param id connection */ public void datagramWork(prtGenConn id) { if (debugger.clntDhcp4traf) { logger.debug("work " + id); } sendKeepalive(); } /** * received error * * @param id connection * @param pck packet * @param rtr reporting router * @param err error happened * @param lab error label * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean datagramError(prtGenConn id, packHolder pck, addrIP rtr, counter.reasons err, int lab) { return false; } /** * notified that state changed * * @param id id number to reference connection * @param stat state * @return return false if successful, true if error happened */ public boolean datagramState(prtGenConn id, state.states stat) { return false; } /** * received packet * * @param id connection * @param pck packet * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean datagramRecv(prtGenConn id, packHolder pck) { if (debugger.clntDhcp4traf) { logger.debug("rx " + id); } packDhcp4 pckd = new packDhcp4(); if (pckd.parseHeader(pck, false)) { return false; } if (debugger.clntDhcp4traf) { logger.debug("rx " + pckd); } if (pckd.bootpOp != packDhcp4.bootpOpReply) { return false; } switch (pckd.dhcpOp) { case packDhcp4.dhcpOpOffer: if (lastStat != 1) { return false; } if (pckd.bootpXid != lastId) { return false; } if (locAddr == null) { return false; } dhcpAddr = pckd.dhcpServer; locAddr = pckd.bootpYiaddr; locMask = pckd.dhcpNetMask; gwAddr = pckd.dhcpGateway; dns1addr = pckd.dhcpDns1srv; dns2addr = pckd.dhcpDns2srv; leaseTime = pckd.dhcpLeaseTime * 700; if (leaseTime > leaseMax) { leaseTime = leaseMax; } if (leaseTime < leaseMin) { leaseTime = leaseMin; } lastStat |= 2; if (earlyMode) { cfger.addr4changed(locAddr, locMask, gwAddr); } lastId++; break; case packDhcp4.dhcpOpAck: if (lastStat != 3) { return false; } if (pckd.bootpXid != lastId) { return false; } lastStat |= 4; if (!earlyMode) { cfger.addr4changed(locAddr, locMask, gwAddr); } break; } return false; } private void sendDiscovery() { if ((bits.getTime() - lastTime) < 1000) { return; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packDhcp4 pckd = new packDhcp4(); pckd.bootpOp = packDhcp4.bootpOpRequest; pckd.bootpXid = lastId; pckd.bootpBroadcast = broadcastMode; pckd.bootpChaddr = (addrMac) ethtyp.getHwAddr().copyBytes(); pckd.dhcpOp = packDhcp4.dhcpOpDiscover; pckd.putParamReqList(); pckd.dhcpClientId = true; pckd.createHeader(pck, null); sender.send2net(pck); lastTime = bits.getTime(); if (debugger.clntDhcp4traf) { logger.debug("tx " + sender + " " + pckd); } } private void sendRequest() { if ((bits.getTime() - lastTime) < 1000) { return; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packDhcp4 pckd = new packDhcp4(); pckd.bootpOp = packDhcp4.bootpOpRequest; pckd.bootpXid = lastId; pckd.bootpBroadcast = broadcastMode; pckd.bootpChaddr = (addrMac) ethtyp.getHwAddr().copyBytes(); pckd.dhcpOp = packDhcp4.dhcpOpRequest; pckd.putParamReqList(); pckd.dhcpClientId = true; if (fillCiaddr) { pckd.bootpCiaddr = locAddr.copyBytes(); } else { pckd.dhcpServer = dhcpAddr.copyBytes(); } pckd.dhcpRequested = locAddr.copyBytes(); pckd.createHeader(pck, null); sender.send2net(pck); lastTime = bits.getTime(); if (debugger.clntDhcp4traf) { logger.debug("tx " + sender + " " + pckd); } } private void sendKeepalive() { if (sender == null) { return; } switch (lastStat) { case 1: // sending discovery lastSent++; if (lastSent > 32) { clearState(); break; } cfger.addr4changed(locAddr, locMask, gwAddr); sendDiscovery(); break; case 3: // sending request lastSent++; if (lastSent > 16) { clearState(); break; } sendRequest(); break; case 7: // allocated if (cfger.addr4 != null) { if (locAddr.compareTo(cfger.addr4) != 0) { clearState(); break; } } if ((bits.getTime() - lastTime) < leaseTime) { break; } if (debugger.clntDhcp4traf) { logger.debug("renewing address"); } lastStat = 3; lastSent = 0; break; default: clearState(); break; } } }