package org.freertr.cfg; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.auth.authLocal; import org.freertr.clnt.clntSip; import org.freertr.pack.packRtp; import org.freertr.pack.packSip; import org.freertr.snd.sndCodec; import org.freertr.snd.sndCodecG711aLaw; import org.freertr.snd.sndCodecG711uLaw; import org.freertr.enc.encUrl; import; import org.freertr.user.userFilter; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.user.userHelping; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.logger; /** * one dial peer configuration * * @author matecsaba */ public class cfgDial implements Comparable, cfgGeneric { /** * name of this dialpeer */ public final String name; /** * description of this dialpeer */ public String description = null; /** * skip these dialpeers inbound */ public String skipPeersIn = null; /** * skip these dialpeers inbound */ public String skipPeersOut = null; /** * allow these dialpeers inbound */ public String allowPeersIn = null; /** * allow these dialpeers inbound */ public String allowPeersOut = null; /** * defaults text */ public final static String[] defaultL = { "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "description", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "skip-peers-in", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "skip-peers-out", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "allow-peers-in", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "allow-peers-out", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "codec alaw", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "vrf", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "source", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "target", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "username", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "password", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "myname", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "log", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "history 100", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "keepalive 0", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "max-calls-in 1", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "max-calls-out 1", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "register 0", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "subscribe 0", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "options 0", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "port-local 0", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "port-remote " + packSip.port, "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "protocol sip-udp", "dial-peer .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "direction none",}; /** * defaults filter */ public static tabGen defaultF; /** * direction: 0=none, 1=in, 2=out, 3=both */ public int direction; /** * protocol: 1=sip-udp, 2=sip-listen, 3=sip-connect */ public int protocol = 1; /** * local port */ public int portLoc = 0; /** * remote port */ public int portRem = packSip.port; /** * codec, true=alaw, false=ulaw */ public boolean aLaw = true; /** * keepalive interval */ public int keepalive = 0; /** * register interval */ public int register = 0; /** * subscribe interval */ public int subscribe = 0; /** * options interval */ public int options = 0; /** * log calls */ public boolean log; /** * vrf of target */ public cfgVrf vrf = null; /** * source interface */ public cfgIfc ifc = null; /** * endpoint */ public String endpt; /** * target */ public String trg; /** * username */ public String usr; /** * password */ public String pwd; /** * src pattern */ public List matSrc = new ArrayList(); /** * dst pattern */ public List matDst = new ArrayList(); /** * translate in src */ public List trnsInSrc = new ArrayList(); /** * translate in dst */ public List trnsInDst = new ArrayList(); /** * translate out src */ public List trnsOutSrc = new ArrayList(); /** * translate out dst */ public List trnsOutDst = new ArrayList(); /** * prematch translate src */ public List prmtSrc = new ArrayList(); /** * prematch translate dst */ public List prmtDst = new ArrayList(); /** * maximum in calls */ public int maxCallsIn = 1; /** * maximum out calls */ public int maxCallsOut = 1; /** * seen in calls */ public int seenIn; /** * failed in calls */ public int failIn; /** * seen out calls */ public int seenOut; /** * failed out calls */ public int failOut; /** * seen in msgs */ public int seenMsgIn; /** * failed in msgs */ public int failMsgIn; /** * seen out msgs */ public int seenMsgOut; /** * failed out msgs */ public int failMsgOut; /** * history data */ public List histDat = new ArrayList(); /** * history size */ public int histMax = 100; /** * total time */ public long seenTime; private clntSip sip; public int compareTo(cfgDial o) { return name.toLowerCase().compareTo(; } public String toString() { return "dial " + name; } /** * create new dail peer * * @param nam name of peer */ public cfgDial(String nam) { name = "" + bits.str2num(nam); } private void doLog(String s) { if (log) {; } histDat.add(logger.getTimestamp() + " " + s); for (; histDat.size() > histMax;) { histDat.remove(0); } } /** * get direction * * @return direction */ public String getDir() { switch (direction) { case 0: return "none"; case 1: return "in"; case 2: return "out"; case 3: return "both"; default: return "unknown=" + direction; } } /** * get statistics * * @param call true=calls, false=messages * @return statistics */ public String getStats(boolean call) { String a = name + "|"; if (call) { a += seenIn + "|" + seenOut + "|" + bits.timeDump(seenTime / 1000) + "|" + failIn + "|" + failOut + "|"; } else { a += seenMsgIn + "|" + seenMsgOut + "|n/a|" + failMsgIn + "|" + failMsgOut + "|"; } if (sip == null) { return a + "n/a|n/a"; } if (call) { return a + sip.numCallsIn() + "|" + sip.numCallsOut(); } else { return a + "n/a|" + sip.numMsgsOut(); } } /** * get call list * * @param dir direction, true=in, false=out * @return list */ public userFormat getCalls(boolean dir) { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "id|calling|called|time"); if (sip == null) { return l; } l.add(sip.listCalls(dir)); return l; } /** * get call history * * @return list */ public List getHist() { return histDat; } private String stripAddr(String a) { a = encUrl.fromEmail(a); int i = a.indexOf(";"); if (i >= 0) { return a.substring(0, i).trim(); } else { return a.trim(); } } /** * check if matches the call * * @param calling calling number * @param called called number * @return false if not, true if yes */ public boolean matches(String calling, String called) { if (sip == null) { return false; } if ((direction & 2) == 0) { return false; } if (!sip.isReady()) { return false; } if (sip.numCallsOut() >= maxCallsOut) { return false; } calling = stripAddr(calling); called = stripAddr(called); calling = cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(prmtSrc, calling); called = cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(prmtDst, called); boolean ok = false; for (int i = 0; i < matSrc.size(); i++) { if (!calling.matches(matSrc.get(i))) { continue; } ok = true; break; } if (!ok) { return false; } ok = false; for (int i = 0; i < matDst.size(); i++) { if (!called.matches(matDst.get(i))) { continue; } ok = true; break; } return ok; } /** * got the msg * * @param calling calling number * @param called called number * @return peer to use, null if none */ public cfgDial incomeMsg(String calling, String called) { seenMsgIn++; if (sip == null) { failMsgIn++; return null; } if ((direction & 1) == 0) { failMsgIn++; return null; } calling = stripAddr(calling); called = stripAddr(called); doLog("incoming msg " + called + " from " + calling + " started"); cfgDial res = cfgAll.dialFind(calling, called, this); if (res == null) { failMsgIn++; return null; } return res; } /** * got the call * * @param calling calling number * @param called called number * @return peer to use, null if none */ public cfgDial incomeCall(String calling, String called) { seenIn++; if (sip == null) { failIn++; return null; } if ((direction & 1) == 0) { failIn++; return null; } if (sip.numCallsIn() > maxCallsIn) { failIn++; return null; } calling = stripAddr(calling); called = stripAddr(called); doLog("incoming call " + called + " from " + calling + " started"); cfgDial res = cfgAll.dialFind(calling, called, this); if (res == null) { failIn++; return null; } return res; } /** * translate incoming src address * * @param adr address * @return translated */ public String incomeSrc(String adr) { return cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(trnsInSrc, stripAddr(adr)); } /** * translate incoming trg address * * @param adr address * @return translated */ public String incomeTrg(String adr) { return cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(trnsInDst, stripAddr(adr)); } /** * send msg * * @param calling calling number * @param called called number * @param msg message * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean sendMsg(String calling, String called, List msg) { seenMsgOut++; if (sip == null) { failMsgOut++; return true; } calling = stripAddr(calling); called = stripAddr(called); calling = cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(prmtSrc, calling); called = cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(prmtDst, called); calling = cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(trnsOutSrc, calling); called = cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(trnsOutDst, called); doLog("outgoing msg " + called + " from " + calling + " started"); boolean res = sip.sendMsg(calling, called, msg); if (res) { failMsgOut++; return true; } return res; } /** * make the call * * @param calling calling number * @param called called number * @return call id, null if error */ public String makeCall(String calling, String called) { seenOut++; if (sip == null) { failOut++; return null; } calling = stripAddr(calling); called = stripAddr(called); calling = cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(prmtSrc, calling); called = cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(prmtDst, called); calling = cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(trnsOutSrc, calling); called = cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(trnsOutDst, called); doLog("outgoing call " + called + " from " + calling + " started"); String res = sip.makeCall(calling, called); if (res == null) { failOut++; return null; } return res; } /** * noticed call end * * @param dir direction, true=out, false=in * @param calling calling number * @param called called number * @param time start time */ public void stoppedCall(boolean dir, String calling, String called, long time) { doLog((dir ? "outgoing" : "incoming") + " call " + called + " from " + calling + " ended after " + bits.timePast(time)); seenTime += bits.getTime() - time; } /** * stop the call * * @param cid call id */ public void stopCall(String cid) { if (sip == null) { return; } sip.stopCall(cid); } /** * get call * * @param cid call id * @return rtp */ public packRtp getCall(String cid) { if (sip == null) { return null; } return sip.getCall(cid); } /** * get codec * * @return codec */ public sndCodec getCodec() { if (aLaw) { return new sndCodecG711aLaw(); } else { return new sndCodecG711uLaw(); } } public List getShRun(int filter) { List l = new ArrayList(); l.add("dial-peer " + name); cmds.cfgLine(l, description == null, cmds.tabulator, "description", description); cmds.cfgLine(l, skipPeersIn == null, cmds.tabulator, "skip-peers-in", skipPeersIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, skipPeersOut == null, cmds.tabulator, "skip-peers-out", skipPeersOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, allowPeersIn == null, cmds.tabulator, "allow-peers-in", allowPeersIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, allowPeersOut == null, cmds.tabulator, "allow-peers-out", allowPeersOut); for (int i = 0; i < prmtSrc.size(); i++) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "prematch-calling " + prmtSrc.get(i).name); } for (int i = 0; i < prmtDst.size(); i++) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "prematch-called " + prmtDst.get(i).name); } for (int i = 0; i < matSrc.size(); i++) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "match-calling " + matSrc.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < matDst.size(); i++) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "match-called " + matDst.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < trnsInSrc.size(); i++) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "translate-in-calling " + trnsInSrc.get(i).name); } for (int i = 0; i < trnsInDst.size(); i++) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "translate-in-called " + trnsInDst.get(i).name); } for (int i = 0; i < trnsOutSrc.size(); i++) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "translate-out-calling " + trnsOutSrc.get(i).name); } for (int i = 0; i < trnsOutDst.size(); i++) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "translate-out-called " + trnsOutDst.get(i).name); } String a; if (aLaw) { a = "alaw"; } else { a = "ulaw"; } l.add(cmds.tabulator + "codec " + a); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "port-local " + portLoc); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "port-remote " + portRem); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "keepalive " + keepalive); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "register " + register); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "subscribe " + subscribe); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "options " + options); cmds.cfgLine(l, !log, cmds.tabulator, "log", ""); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "history " + histMax); if (vrf != null) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "vrf " +; } else { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "no vrf"); } if (ifc != null) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "source " +; } else { l.add(cmds.tabulator + "no source"); } cmds.cfgLine(l, endpt == null, cmds.tabulator, "myname", endpt); cmds.cfgLine(l, usr == null, cmds.tabulator, "username", usr); cmds.cfgLine(l, pwd == null, cmds.tabulator, "password", authLocal.passwdEncode(pwd, (filter & 2) != 0)); cmds.cfgLine(l, trg == null, cmds.tabulator, "target", trg); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "max-calls-in " + maxCallsIn); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "max-calls-out " + maxCallsOut); switch (protocol) { case 1: a = "sip-udp"; break; case 2: a = "sip-listen"; break; case 3: a = "sip-connect"; break; default: a = "unknown=" + protocol; break; } l.add(cmds.tabulator + "protocol " + a); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "direction " + getDir()); l.add(cmds.tabulator + cmds.finish); l.add(cmds.comment); if ((filter & 1) == 0) { return l; } return userFilter.filterText(l, defaultF); } public void getHelp(userHelping l) { l.add(null, "1 2 description specify description"); l.add(null, "2 2,. description"); l.add(null, "1 2 skip-peers-in skip dial peers incoming"); l.add(null, "2 . comma separated peers"); l.add(null, "1 2 skip-peers-out skip dial peers outgoing"); l.add(null, "2 . comma separated peers"); l.add(null, "1 2 allow-peers-in allow dial peers incoming"); l.add(null, "2 . comma separated peers"); l.add(null, "1 2 allow-peers-out allow dial peers outgoing"); l.add(null, "2 . comma separated peers"); l.add(null, "1 2 match-calling match calling string"); l.add(null, "2 2,. regular expression"); l.add(null, "1 2 match-called match called string"); l.add(null, "2 2,. regular expression"); l.add(null, "1 2 translate-in-calling translate incoming calling string"); l.add(null, "2 . rule name"); l.add(null, "1 2 translate-in-called translate incoming called string"); l.add(null, "2 . rule name"); l.add(null, "1 2 translate-out-calling translate outgoing calling string"); l.add(null, "2 . rule name"); l.add(null, "1 2 translate-out-called translate outgoing called string"); l.add(null, "2 . rule name"); l.add(null, "1 2 prematch-calling prematch translate outgoing calling string"); l.add(null, "2 . rule name"); l.add(null, "1 2 prematch-called prematch translate outgoing called string"); l.add(null, "2 . rule name"); l.add(null, "1 2 vrf vrf to use"); l.add(null, "2 . vrf name"); l.add(null, "1 2 source interface to use"); l.add(null, "2 . interface name"); l.add(null, "1 2 target set peer name"); l.add(null, "2 2,. domain name"); l.add(null, "1 2 myname set endpoint"); l.add(null, "2 2,. username"); l.add(null, "1 2 username set username"); l.add(null, "2 2,. username"); l.add(null, "1 2 password set password"); l.add(null, "2 2,. password"); l.add(null, "1 2 protocol set peer protocol"); l.add(null, "2 . sip-udp sip over udp"); l.add(null, "2 . sip-listen sip over tcp as server"); l.add(null, "2 . sip-connect sip over tcp as client"); l.add(null, "1 2 direction set peer direction"); l.add(null, "2 . in inbound"); l.add(null, "2 . out outbound"); l.add(null, "2 . both in and out"); l.add(null, "2 . none disabled"); l.add(null, "1 . log log calls"); l.add(null, "1 2 max-calls-in maximum in calls allowed"); l.add(null, "2 . limit"); l.add(null, "1 2 max-calls-out maximum out calls allowed"); l.add(null, "2 . limit"); l.add(null, "1 2 history history size"); l.add(null, "2 . limit"); l.add(null, "1 2 keepalive keepalive to peer"); l.add(null, "2 . time in ms"); l.add(null, "1 2 register register to peer"); l.add(null, "2 . time in ms"); l.add(null, "1 2 subscribe subscribe to peer"); l.add(null, "2 . time in ms"); l.add(null, "1 2 options options to peer"); l.add(null, "2 . time in ms"); l.add(null, "1 2 port-local local port"); l.add(null, "2 . port number"); l.add(null, "1 2 port-remote remote port"); l.add(null, "2 . port number"); l.add(null, "1 2 codec set codec to use"); l.add(null, "2 . alaw g711 a law"); l.add(null, "2 . ulaw g711 u law"); } public void doCfgStr(cmds cmd) { String a = cmd.word(); boolean negated = a.equals(cmds.negated); if (negated) { a = cmd.word(); } if (a.equals("description")) { description = cmd.getRemaining(); if (negated) { description = null; } return; } if (a.equals("skip-peers-in")) { skipPeersIn = cmd.getRemaining(); if (negated) { skipPeersIn = null; } return; } if (a.equals("skip-peers-out")) { skipPeersOut = cmd.getRemaining(); if (negated) { skipPeersOut = null; } return; } if (a.equals("allow-peers-in")) { allowPeersIn = cmd.getRemaining(); if (negated) { allowPeersIn = null; } return; } if (a.equals("allow-peers-out")) { allowPeersOut = cmd.getRemaining(); if (negated) { allowPeersOut = null; } return; } if (a.equals("protocol")) { a = cmd.word(); if (negated) { protocol = 1; doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("sip-udp")) { protocol = 1; doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("sip-listen")) { protocol = 2; doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("sip-connect")) { protocol = 3; doStartup(); return; } cmd.badCmd(); return; } if (a.equals("direction")) { a = cmd.word(); if (negated) { direction = 0; doShutdown(); return; } if (a.equals("in")) { direction = 1; doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("out")) { direction = 2; doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("both")) { direction = 3; doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("none")) { direction = 0; doShutdown(); return; } cmd.badCmd(); return; } if (a.equals("match-calling")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); if (negated) { matSrc.remove(a); } else { matSrc.add(a); } return; } if (a.equals("match-called")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); if (negated) { matDst.remove(a); } else { matDst.add(a); } return; } if (a.equals("translate-in-calling")) { cfgTrnsltn rule = cfgAll.trnsltnFind(cmd.word(), false); if (rule == null) { cmd.error("no such rule"); return; } if (negated) { trnsInSrc.remove(rule); } else { trnsInSrc.add(rule); } return; } if (a.equals("translate-in-called")) { cfgTrnsltn rule = cfgAll.trnsltnFind(cmd.word(), false); if (rule == null) { cmd.error("no such rule"); return; } if (negated) { trnsInDst.remove(rule); } else { trnsInDst.add(rule); } return; } if (a.equals("translate-out-calling")) { cfgTrnsltn rule = cfgAll.trnsltnFind(cmd.word(), false); if (rule == null) { cmd.error("no such rule"); return; } if (negated) { trnsOutSrc.remove(rule); } else { trnsOutSrc.add(rule); } return; } if (a.equals("translate-out-called")) { cfgTrnsltn rule = cfgAll.trnsltnFind(cmd.word(), false); if (rule == null) { cmd.error("no such rule"); return; } if (negated) { trnsOutDst.remove(rule); } else { trnsOutDst.add(rule); } return; } if (a.equals("prematch-calling")) { cfgTrnsltn rule = cfgAll.trnsltnFind(cmd.word(), false); if (rule == null) { cmd.error("no such rule"); return; } if (negated) { prmtSrc.remove(rule); } else { prmtSrc.add(rule); } return; } if (a.equals("prematch-called")) { cfgTrnsltn rule = cfgAll.trnsltnFind(cmd.word(), false); if (rule == null) { cmd.error("no such rule"); return; } if (negated) { prmtDst.remove(rule); } else { prmtDst.add(rule); } return; } if (a.equals("port-local")) { doShutdown(); portLoc = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { portLoc = 0; } doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("port-remote")) { doShutdown(); portRem = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { portRem = packSip.port; } doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("max-calls-in")) { maxCallsIn = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { maxCallsIn = 1; } return; } if (a.equals("max-calls-out")) { maxCallsOut = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { maxCallsOut = 1; } return; } if (a.equals("history")) { histMax = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { histMax = 100; } return; } if (a.equals("keepalive")) { doShutdown(); keepalive = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { keepalive = 0; } doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("register")) { doShutdown(); register = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { register = 0; } doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("subscribe")) { doShutdown(); subscribe = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { subscribe = 0; } doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("options")) { doShutdown(); options = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { options = 0; } doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("vrf")) { doShutdown(); vrf = cfgAll.vrfFind(cmd.word(), false); if (negated) { vrf = null; } doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("source")) { doShutdown(); ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (negated) { ifc = null; } doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("target")) { doShutdown(); trg = cmd.getRemaining(); if (negated) { trg = null; } doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("username")) { doShutdown(); usr = cmd.getRemaining(); if (negated) { usr = null; } doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("myname")) { doShutdown(); endpt = cmd.getRemaining(); if (negated) { endpt = null; } doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("password")) { doShutdown(); pwd = authLocal.passwdDecode(cmd.getRemaining()); if (negated) { pwd = null; } doStartup(); return; } if (a.equals("log")) { log = !negated; return; } if (a.equals("codec")) { doShutdown(); a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("alaw")) { aLaw = true; } if (a.equals("ulaw")) { aLaw = false; } if (negated) { aLaw = !aLaw; } doStartup(); return; } cmd.badCmd(); } public String getPrompt() { return "dial"; } /** * stop work */ public synchronized void doShutdown() { if (sip == null) { return; } sip.stopWork(); sip = null; } /** * start work */ public synchronized void doStartup() { doShutdown(); if (direction < 1) { return; } if (vrf == null) { return; } if (trg == null) { return; } if (endpt == null) { return; } sip = new clntSip(); sip.protocol = protocol; sip.upper = this; sip.endpt = endpt; sip.portLoc = portLoc; sip.portRem = portRem; sip.aLaw = aLaw; sip.keepalive = keepalive; sip.register = register; sip.subscribe = subscribe; sip.options = options; sip.vrf = vrf; sip.srcIfc = ifc; sip.trgDom = trg; if ((usr != null) && (pwd != null)) { sip.usr = usr; sip.pwd = pwd; } sip.startWork(); } }