package org.freertr.auth; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashMd5; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.util.bits; /** * challenge handshake authentication protocol (rfc1994) * * @author matecsaba */ public class autherChap extends autherDoer { /** * ppp name */ public final static String pppName = "chap"; /** * ppp control type */ public final static int pppCtrl = 0xc223; /** * challenge */ public final static int codeChal = 1; /** * response */ public final static int codeResp = 2; /** * success */ public final static int codeSucc = 3; /** * failure */ public final static int codeFail = 4; private int sentId; private byte[] sentCh; /** * compute auth response * * @param id id received * @param pass password to send * @param chal challenge reveived * @return sum calculated */ public static byte[] calcAuthHash(int id, String pass, byte[] chal) { cryHashMd5 md = new cryHashMd5(); md.init(); md.update(id); md.update(pass.getBytes()); md.update(chal); return md.finish(); } /** * the constructor * * @param prnt parent */ public autherChap(authenDown prnt) { parent = prnt; } /** * convert code to string * * @param i code * @return string */ public static String code2str(int i) { switch (i) { case codeChal: return "challenge"; case codeResp: return "response"; case codeSucc: return "success"; case codeFail: return "failure"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } protected void authenRecv(packHolder pck, int code, int id) { autherChapMsg msg = new autherChapMsg(); msg.code = code; = id; if (msg.parsePack(pck)) { return; } if (!working) { return; } working = false; parent.recvAuthPack("" + msg); switch (code) { case codeChal: if (!isClient()) { return; } working = true; msg.code = codeResp; msg.message = sentUser; msg.value = calcAuthHash(id, sentPass, msg.value); msg.createPack(pck); parent.sendAuthPack(pck, pppCtrl, msg.code,, "" + msg); break; case codeResp: if (isClient()) { return; } if (sentId != { parent.recvAuthPack("got bad id"); working = true; return; } result = authenRem.authUserChap(msg.message, sentId, sentCh, msg.value); if (result.result == authResult.authSuccessful) { msg.code = codeSucc; } else { msg.code = codeFail; } msg.message = code2str(msg.code); = sentId; msg.createPack(pck); parent.sendAuthPack(pck, pppCtrl, msg.code,, "" + msg); break; case codeSucc: if (!isClient()) { return; } result = new authResult(authenRem, authResult.authSuccessful, sentUser, sentPass); break; case codeFail: if (!isClient()) { return; } result = new authResult(authenRem, authResult.authBadUserPass, sentUser, sentPass); break; default: working = true; break; } } protected void authenSend(packHolder pck) { if (!working) { return; } if (isClient()) { return; } sentId = bits.randomB(); sentCh = new byte[16]; for (int i = 0; i < sentCh.length; i++) { sentCh[i] = (byte) bits.randomB(); } autherChapMsg msg = new autherChapMsg(); msg.code = codeChal; = sentId; msg.message = ""; msg.value = sentCh; msg.createPack(pck); parent.sendAuthPack(pck, pppCtrl, msg.code,, "" + msg); return; } } class autherChapMsg { public int code; public int id; public byte[] value; public String message; public boolean needValue() { switch (code) { case autherChap.codeChal: case autherChap.codeResp: return true; default: return false; } } public boolean parsePack(packHolder pck) { if (needValue()) { int i = pck.getByte(0); pck.getSkip(1); value = new byte[i]; pck.getCopy(value, 0, 0, i); pck.getSkip(i); } else { value = new byte[0]; } message = pck.getAsciiZ(0, pck.dataSize(), 0); return false; } public void createPack(packHolder pck) { pck.clear(); if (needValue()) { pck.putByte(0, value.length); pck.putSkip(1); pck.putCopy(value, 0, 0, value.length); pck.putSkip(value.length); } pck.putAsciiZ(0, message.length(), message, 0); pck.putSkip(message.length()); pck.merge2beg(); } public String toString() { return "cod=" + autherChap.code2str(code) + " id=" + id + " msg=" + message + " val=" + bits.byteDump(value, 0, -1); } }