freeRouter source tree

freeRouter is a router stack which can export the computed tables to external dataplanes

yet another routing/forwarding network stack made by highly skilled network/electrical/engineers

more about the project at

you can find the same source tree at various locations, normally all should be the same:

part of the subdirectories under misc/ are somewhere else too:


you'll need an up to date debian sid with a jdk installed

for natives, you'll need clang, dpdk, libpcap, libbpf, libxdp, liburing, libmnl and libcrypto

directory structure

the following directories could be found here:

the following directories will appear here:

directories under misc folder

getting started

there is no build system in use, but you'll find shell scripts:

as a first start to get your routers up, do the following:


to start coding on the project, take a look on the following:

feel free to reach us on the mailing lists with your patches, ideas, feature requests, etc

additional information