/* * Copyright 2019-present GEANT RARE project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed On an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _EG_CTL_NEXTHOP_P4_ #define _EG_CTL_NEXTHOP_P4_ control EgressControlNexthop(inout headers hdr, inout ingress_metadata_t eg_md, in egress_intrinsic_metadata_t eg_intr_md, inout egress_intrinsic_metadata_for_deparser_t eg_dprsr_md) { action act_ipv4_fib_hit(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = egress_port; } action act_ipv4_fib_discard() { eg_dprsr_md.drop_ctl = 1; } #ifdef HAVE_MPLS #ifdef HAVE_BRIDGE action act_ipv4_pwhe(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, mac_addr_t core_dst_mac, mac_addr_t core_src_mac, label_t egress_label, label_t vpn_label) { eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = core_src_mac; hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = core_dst_mac; hdr.eth9.setValid(); hdr.eth9.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; hdr.eth9.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; hdr.eth9.ethertype = eg_md.ethertype; hdr.mpls90.setValid(); hdr.mpls90.label = egress_label; hdr.mpls90.ttl = 255; hdr.mpls90.bos = 0; hdr.mpls91.setValid(); hdr.mpls91.label = vpn_label; hdr.mpls91.ttl = 255; hdr.mpls91.bos = 1; eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_MPLS_UCAST; } #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_GRE action act_ipv4_gre4(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, ipv4_addr_t dst_ip_addr, ipv4_addr_t src_ip_addr) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.gre2.setValid(); hdr.gre2.flags = 0; hdr.gre2.gretyp = eg_md.ethertype; hdr.ipv4d.setValid(); hdr.ipv4d.version = 4; hdr.ipv4d.ihl = 5; hdr.ipv4d.diffserv = 0; hdr.ipv4d.total_len = eg_md.pktlen + 24; hdr.ipv4d.identification = 0; hdr.ipv4d.flags = 0; hdr.ipv4d.frag_offset = 0; hdr.ipv4d.ttl = 255; hdr.ipv4d.protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_GRE; hdr.ipv4d.hdr_checksum = 0; hdr.ipv4d.src_addr = src_ip_addr; hdr.ipv4d.dst_addr = dst_ip_addr; eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_IPV4; } action act_ipv4_gre6(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, ipv6_addr_t dst_ip_addr, ipv6_addr_t src_ip_addr) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.gre2.setValid(); hdr.gre2.flags = 0; hdr.gre2.gretyp = eg_md.ethertype; hdr.ipv6d.setValid(); hdr.ipv6d.version = 6; hdr.ipv6d.traffic_class = 0; hdr.ipv6d.flow_label = 0; hdr.ipv6d.payload_len = eg_md.pktlen + 4; hdr.ipv6d.next_hdr = IP_PROTOCOL_GRE; hdr.ipv6d.hop_limit = 255; hdr.ipv6d.src_addr = src_ip_addr; hdr.ipv6d.dst_addr = dst_ip_addr; eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_IPV6; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_TMUX Hash>(HashAlgorithm_t.XOR8) tmux_checksum; action act_ipv4_tmux4(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, ipv4_addr_t dst_ip_addr, ipv4_addr_t src_ip_addr) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.tmux2.setValid(); hdr.tmux2.length = eg_md.pktlen + 4; hdr.ipv4d.setValid(); hdr.ipv4d.version = 4; hdr.ipv4d.ihl = 5; hdr.ipv4d.diffserv = 0; hdr.ipv4d.total_len = eg_md.pktlen + 24; hdr.ipv4d.identification = 0; hdr.ipv4d.flags = 0; hdr.ipv4d.frag_offset = 0; hdr.ipv4d.ttl = 255; hdr.ipv4d.protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_TMUX; hdr.ipv4d.hdr_checksum = 0; hdr.ipv4d.src_addr = src_ip_addr; hdr.ipv4d.dst_addr = dst_ip_addr; } action act_ipv4_tmux6(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, ipv6_addr_t dst_ip_addr, ipv6_addr_t src_ip_addr) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.tmux2.setValid(); hdr.tmux2.length = eg_md.pktlen + 4; hdr.ipv6d.setValid(); hdr.ipv6d.version = 6; hdr.ipv6d.traffic_class = 0; hdr.ipv6d.flow_label = 0; hdr.ipv6d.payload_len = eg_md.pktlen + 4; hdr.ipv6d.next_hdr = IP_PROTOCOL_TMUX; hdr.ipv6d.hop_limit = 255; hdr.ipv6d.src_addr = src_ip_addr; hdr.ipv6d.dst_addr = dst_ip_addr; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_IPIP action act_ipv4_ipip4(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, ipv4_addr_t dst_ip_addr, ipv4_addr_t src_ip_addr) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.ipv4d.setValid(); hdr.ipv4d.version = 4; hdr.ipv4d.ihl = 5; hdr.ipv4d.diffserv = 0; hdr.ipv4d.total_len = eg_md.pktlen + 20; hdr.ipv4d.identification = 0; hdr.ipv4d.flags = 0; hdr.ipv4d.frag_offset = 0; hdr.ipv4d.ttl = 255; hdr.ipv4d.protocol = 0; hdr.ipv4d.hdr_checksum = 0; hdr.ipv4d.src_addr = src_ip_addr; hdr.ipv4d.dst_addr = dst_ip_addr; eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_IPV4; } action act_ipv4_ipip6(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, ipv6_addr_t dst_ip_addr, ipv6_addr_t src_ip_addr) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.ipv6d.setValid(); hdr.ipv6d.version = 6; hdr.ipv6d.traffic_class = 0; hdr.ipv6d.flow_label = 0; hdr.ipv6d.payload_len = eg_md.pktlen; hdr.ipv6d.next_hdr = 0; hdr.ipv6d.hop_limit = 255; hdr.ipv6d.src_addr = src_ip_addr; hdr.ipv6d.dst_addr = dst_ip_addr; eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_IPV6; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_PPPOE action act_ipv4_pppoe(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, bit<16> session) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.pppoeD.setValid(); hdr.pppoeD.ver = 1; hdr.pppoeD.type = 1; hdr.pppoeD.code = 0; hdr.pppoeD.session = session; hdr.pppoeD.length = eg_md.pktlen + 2; hdr.pppoeD.ppptyp = 0; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_L2TP action act_ipv4_l2tp4(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, ipv4_addr_t dst_ip_addr, ipv4_addr_t src_ip_addr, layer4_port_t src_port, layer4_port_t dst_port, bit<32> tunnel_id) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.l2tp2.setValid(); hdr.l2tp2.flags = 0x202; hdr.l2tp2.tidsid = tunnel_id; hdr.l2tp2.offset = 0; hdr.l2tp2.pppflags = 0xff03; hdr.l2tp2.ppptyp = 0; hdr.udp2.setValid(); hdr.udp2.src_port = src_port; hdr.udp2.dst_port = dst_port; hdr.udp2.length = eg_md.pktlen + 20; hdr.udp2.checksum = 0; hdr.ipv4d.setValid(); hdr.ipv4d.version = 4; hdr.ipv4d.ihl = 5; hdr.ipv4d.diffserv = 0; hdr.ipv4d.total_len = eg_md.pktlen + 40; hdr.ipv4d.identification = 0; hdr.ipv4d.flags = 0; hdr.ipv4d.frag_offset = 0; hdr.ipv4d.ttl = 255; hdr.ipv4d.protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_UDP; hdr.ipv4d.hdr_checksum = 0; hdr.ipv4d.src_addr = src_ip_addr; hdr.ipv4d.dst_addr = dst_ip_addr; } action act_ipv4_l2tp6(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, ipv6_addr_t dst_ip_addr, ipv6_addr_t src_ip_addr, layer4_port_t src_port, layer4_port_t dst_port, bit<32> tunnel_id) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.l2tp2.setValid(); hdr.l2tp2.flags = 0x202; hdr.l2tp2.tidsid = tunnel_id; hdr.l2tp2.offset = 0; hdr.l2tp2.pppflags = 0xff03; hdr.l2tp2.ppptyp = 0; hdr.udp2.setValid(); hdr.udp2.src_port = src_port; hdr.udp2.dst_port = dst_port; hdr.udp2.length = eg_md.pktlen + 20; hdr.udp2.checksum = 0; hdr.ipv6d.setValid(); hdr.ipv6d.version = 6; hdr.ipv6d.traffic_class = 0; hdr.ipv6d.flow_label = 0; hdr.ipv6d.payload_len = eg_md.pktlen + 20; hdr.ipv6d.next_hdr = IP_PROTOCOL_UDP; hdr.ipv6d.hop_limit = 255; hdr.ipv6d.src_addr = src_ip_addr; hdr.ipv6d.dst_addr = dst_ip_addr; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_L3TP action act_ipv4_l3tp4(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, ipv4_addr_t dst_ip_addr, ipv4_addr_t src_ip_addr, bit<32> tunnel_id) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.l3tp2.setValid(); hdr.l3tp2.tidsid = tunnel_id; hdr.l3tp2.ppptyp = 0; hdr.ipv4d.setValid(); hdr.ipv4d.version = 4; hdr.ipv4d.ihl = 5; hdr.ipv4d.diffserv = 0; hdr.ipv4d.total_len = eg_md.pktlen + 26; hdr.ipv4d.identification = 0; hdr.ipv4d.flags = 0; hdr.ipv4d.frag_offset = 0; hdr.ipv4d.ttl = 255; hdr.ipv4d.protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_L2TP; hdr.ipv4d.hdr_checksum = 0; hdr.ipv4d.src_addr = src_ip_addr; hdr.ipv4d.dst_addr = dst_ip_addr; } action act_ipv4_l3tp6(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, ipv6_addr_t dst_ip_addr, ipv6_addr_t src_ip_addr, bit<32> tunnel_id) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.l3tp2.setValid(); hdr.l3tp2.tidsid = tunnel_id; hdr.l3tp2.ppptyp = 0; hdr.ipv6d.setValid(); hdr.ipv6d.version = 6; hdr.ipv6d.traffic_class = 0; hdr.ipv6d.flow_label = 0; hdr.ipv6d.payload_len = eg_md.pktlen + 6; hdr.ipv6d.next_hdr = IP_PROTOCOL_L2TP; hdr.ipv6d.hop_limit = 255; hdr.ipv6d.src_addr = src_ip_addr; hdr.ipv6d.dst_addr = dst_ip_addr; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_GTP action act_ipv4_gtp4(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, ipv4_addr_t dst_ip_addr, ipv4_addr_t src_ip_addr, layer4_port_t src_port, layer4_port_t dst_port, bit<32> teid) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.gtp2.setValid(); hdr.gtp2.flag = 0x30; hdr.gtp2.type = 0xff; hdr.gtp2.length = eg_md.pktlen; hdr.gtp2.teid = teid; hdr.udp2.setValid(); hdr.udp2.src_port = src_port; hdr.udp2.dst_port = dst_port; hdr.udp2.length = eg_md.pktlen + 16; hdr.udp2.checksum = 0; hdr.ipv4d.setValid(); hdr.ipv4d.version = 4; hdr.ipv4d.ihl = 5; hdr.ipv4d.diffserv = 0; hdr.ipv4d.total_len = eg_md.pktlen + 36; hdr.ipv4d.identification = 0; hdr.ipv4d.flags = 0; hdr.ipv4d.frag_offset = 0; hdr.ipv4d.ttl = 255; hdr.ipv4d.protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_UDP; hdr.ipv4d.hdr_checksum = 0; hdr.ipv4d.src_addr = src_ip_addr; hdr.ipv4d.dst_addr = dst_ip_addr; eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_IPV4; } action act_ipv4_gtp6(mac_addr_t dst_mac_addr, mac_addr_t src_mac_addr, SubIntId_t egress_port, SubIntId_t acl_port, ipv6_addr_t dst_ip_addr, ipv6_addr_t src_ip_addr, layer4_port_t src_port, layer4_port_t dst_port, bit<32> teid) { /* * the packet header src_mac is now set to the previous header dst_mac */ hdr.ethernet.src_mac_addr = src_mac_addr; /* * the new packet header dst_mac is now the dst_mac * set by the control plane entry */ hdr.ethernet.dst_mac_addr = dst_mac_addr; /* * the egress_spec port is set now the egress_port * set by the control plane entry */ eg_md.target_id = egress_port; eg_md.aclport_id = acl_port; hdr.gtp2.setValid(); hdr.gtp2.flag = 0x30; hdr.gtp2.type = 0xff; hdr.gtp2.length = eg_md.pktlen; hdr.gtp2.teid = teid; hdr.udp2.setValid(); hdr.udp2.src_port = src_port; hdr.udp2.dst_port = dst_port; hdr.udp2.length = eg_md.pktlen + 16; hdr.udp2.checksum = 0; hdr.ipv6d.setValid(); hdr.ipv6d.version = 6; hdr.ipv6d.traffic_class = 0; hdr.ipv6d.flow_label = 0; hdr.ipv6d.payload_len = eg_md.pktlen + 16; hdr.ipv6d.next_hdr = IP_PROTOCOL_UDP; hdr.ipv6d.hop_limit = 255; hdr.ipv6d.src_addr = src_ip_addr; hdr.ipv6d.dst_addr = dst_ip_addr; eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_IPV6; } #endif table tbl_nexthop { key = { eg_md.nexthop_id: exact; } actions = { act_ipv4_fib_hit; act_ipv4_fib_discard; #ifdef HAVE_MPLS #ifdef HAVE_BRIDGE act_ipv4_pwhe; #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_GRE act_ipv4_gre4; act_ipv4_gre6; #endif #ifdef HAVE_TMUX act_ipv4_tmux4; act_ipv4_tmux6; #endif #ifdef HAVE_PPPOE act_ipv4_pppoe; #endif #ifdef HAVE_L2TP act_ipv4_l2tp4; act_ipv4_l2tp6; #endif #ifdef HAVE_L3TP act_ipv4_l3tp4; act_ipv4_l3tp6; #endif #ifdef HAVE_IPIP act_ipv4_ipip4; act_ipv4_ipip6; #endif #ifdef HAVE_GTP act_ipv4_gtp4; act_ipv4_gtp6; #endif @defaultonly NoAction; } size = NEXTHOP_TABLE_SIZE; const default_action = NoAction(); } apply { if (eg_md.target_id == 0) { tbl_nexthop.apply(); #ifdef HAVE_PPPOE if (hdr.pppoeD.isValid()) { if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IPV4) hdr.pppoeD.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_IPV4; else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IPV6) hdr.pppoeD.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_IPV6; #ifdef HAVE_SGT else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_SGT) hdr.pppoeD.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_SGT; #endif #ifdef HAVE_NSH else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_NSH) hdr.pppoeD.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_NSH; #endif #ifdef HAVE_MPLS else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_MPLS_UCAST) hdr.pppoeD.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_MPLS_UCAST; #endif #ifdef HAVE_TAP else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_ROUTEDMAC) hdr.pppoeD.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_ROUTEDMAC; #endif eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_PPPOE_DATA; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_L2TP if (hdr.l2tp2.isValid()) { if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IPV4) hdr.l2tp2.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_IPV4; else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IPV6) hdr.l2tp2.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_IPV6; #ifdef HAVE_SGT else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_SGT) hdr.l2tp2.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_SGT; #endif #ifdef HAVE_NSH else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_NSH) hdr.l2tp2.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_NSH; #endif #ifdef HAVE_MPLS else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_MPLS_UCAST) hdr.l2tp2.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_MPLS_UCAST; #endif #ifdef HAVE_TAP else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_ROUTEDMAC) hdr.l2tp2.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_ROUTEDMAC; #endif if (hdr.ipv4d.isValid()) eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_IPV4; else if (hdr.ipv6d.isValid()) eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_IPV6; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_L3TP if (hdr.l3tp2.isValid()) { if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IPV4) hdr.l3tp2.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_IPV4; else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IPV6) hdr.l3tp2.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_IPV6; #ifdef HAVE_SGT else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_SGT) hdr.l3tp2.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_SGT; #endif #ifdef HAVE_NSH else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_NSH) hdr.l3tp2.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_NSH; #endif #ifdef HAVE_MPLS else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_MPLS_UCAST) hdr.l3tp2.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_MPLS_UCAST; #endif #ifdef HAVE_TAP else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_ROUTEDMAC) hdr.l3tp2.ppptyp = PPPTYPE_ROUTEDMAC; #endif if (hdr.ipv4d.isValid()) eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_IPV4; else if (hdr.ipv6d.isValid()) eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_IPV6; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_IPIP if (hdr.ipv4d.isValid() && (hdr.ipv4d.protocol == 0)) { if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IPV4) hdr.ipv4d.protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_IPV4; else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IPV6) hdr.ipv4d.protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_IPV6; } else if (hdr.ipv6d.isValid() && (hdr.ipv6d.next_hdr == 0)) { if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IPV4) hdr.ipv6d.next_hdr = IP_PROTOCOL_IPV4; else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IPV6) hdr.ipv6d.next_hdr = IP_PROTOCOL_IPV6; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_TMUX if (hdr.tmux2.isValid()) { if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IPV4) hdr.tmux2.proto = IP_PROTOCOL_IPV4; else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IPV6) hdr.tmux2.proto = IP_PROTOCOL_IPV6; #ifdef HAVE_SGT else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_SGT) hdr.tmux2.proto = IP_PROTOCOL_SKIP; #endif #ifdef HAVE_NSH else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_NSH) hdr.tmux2.proto = IP_PROTOCOL_NSH; #endif #ifdef HAVE_MPLS else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_MPLS_UCAST) hdr.tmux2.proto = IP_PROTOCOL_MPLS_IN_IP; #endif #ifdef HAVE_TAP else if (eg_md.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_ROUTEDMAC) hdr.tmux2.proto = IP_PROTOCOL_SRL2; #endif hdr.tmux2.chksum = tmux_checksum.get({ hdr.tmux2.length, hdr.tmux2.proto }); if (hdr.ipv4d.isValid()) eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_IPV4; else if (hdr.ipv6d.isValid()) eg_md.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_IPV6; } #endif } } } #endif // _NEXTHOP_P4