use std::env::args; use std::error::Error; use std::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr, ToSocketAddrs}; #[cfg(not(any(feature = "crypto", test)))] const CONF_HELP: &'static str = concat!( "Usage:\n", " --iface_name Name of the interface\n", " --laddr Listen address\n", " --raddr Remote address\n", " --addr Address to add to the interface (in CIDR format)\n", " --daemonize Run as a daemon\n\n", " --addr can be used multiple times to add multiple addresses to the interface\n", ); #[cfg(any(feature = "crypto", test))] const CONF_HELP: &'static str = concat!( "Usage:\n", " --iface_name Name of the interface\n", " --laddr Listen address\n", " --raddr Remote address\n", " --addr Address to add to the interface (in CIDR format)\n", " --key Encryption key for the tunnel\n", " --daemonize Run as a daemon\n\n", " --addr can be used multiple times to add multiple addresses to the interface\n", ); #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Config { pub iface_name: String, pub laddr: SocketAddr, pub raddr: SocketAddr, pub addr: Option>, pub daemonize: bool, #[cfg(any(feature = "crypto", test))] pub key: Option, } impl Config { pub fn load() -> Result> { let mut iface_name = None; let mut laddr = None; let mut raddr = None; let mut addr = Vec::new(); let mut daemonize = false; #[cfg(any(feature = "crypto", test))] let mut key = None; let mut count = 0; let mut args = args(); let _ =; let mut last = String::new(); for arg in args { count += 1; if arg.as_str() == "--daemonize" { daemonize = true; } else if last.is_empty() { last = arg; } else { if arg.starts_with("--") { return Err(format!("Invalid argument: {last} (pos: {})", count - 1).into()); } match last.as_str() { "--iface_name" => iface_name = Some(arg), "--laddr" => laddr = Some(arg), "--raddr" => raddr = Some(arg), "--addr" => addr.push(arg), #[cfg(any(feature = "crypto", test))] "--key" => key = Some(arg), _ => { return Err(format!("Invalid argument: {last} {arg} (pos: {count})").into()) } } last.clear(); } } let mut err_str = String::new(); if iface_name.is_none() { err_str.push_str(" - iface_name\n") } if laddr.is_none() { err_str.push_str(" - laddr\n") } if raddr.is_none() { err_str.push_str(" - raddr\n") } if !err_str.is_empty() { return Err(format!("Missing the following argument(s):\n{err_str}").into()); } let iface_name = iface_name.unwrap(); let laddr = laddr.unwrap().to_socket_addrs()?.next(); if laddr.is_none() { return Err(format!("Couldn't resolve listen address").into()); } let raddr = raddr.unwrap().to_socket_addrs()?.next(); if raddr.is_none() { return Err(format!("Couldn't resolve remote address").into()); } let out_addr = if addr.len() == 0 { None } else { let mut out_addr = Vec::new(); for a in addr { if let Some((addr, len)) = a.split_once('/') { out_addr.push((addr.parse()?, len.parse()?)); } else { return Err(format!("Couldn't parse address: {a}").into()); } } Some(out_addr) }; if iface_name.len() > 13 { return Err("Interface name can't be longer than 13 characters".into()); } #[cfg(any(feature = "crypto", test))] if let Some(key) = &key { if key.as_bytes().len() != 32 { return Err("The key has to be exactly 32 bytes long".into()); } } #[cfg(not(any(feature = "crypto", test)))] return Ok(Self { iface_name, laddr: laddr.unwrap(), raddr: raddr.unwrap(), addr: out_addr, daemonize, }); #[cfg(any(feature = "crypto", test))] return Ok(Self { iface_name, laddr: laddr.unwrap(), raddr: raddr.unwrap(), addr: out_addr, daemonize, key, }); } } pub fn usage() -> &'static str { CONF_HELP }