7  java/lang/Object()V  org/freertr/user/userExecusernameLjava/lang/String;  pipeLorg/freertr/pipe/pipeSide;  readerLorg/freertr/user/userReader;   needExpandZ   privileged  ! authorizationLorg/freertr/auth/authGeneric; #$org/freertr/user/userConfig # # ( )*lastJ,.3 4 route routing table ./0 12org/freertr/user/userHelpingadd%(Ljava/util/List;Ljava/lang/String;)V4)4 . vrf name6:3 4 nat address translation table873 4 babel babel routing protocol:+4 5 process id<15 . neighbor address>C3 4 bfd bidirectional forwarding detection@)4 5 vrf nameB83 4 bgp border gateway protocolD/5 6 peer select addressF86 7 neighbor address regexpH-7 . hard flap sessionJ37 8 in send route refreshL07 8 out resend prefixesN+7 8 add add an afiP.7 8 del delete an afiR8 .Tclear VWX YZorg/freertr/rtr/rtrBgpParam getAfiListF(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V\+5 6 asn select asn^46 7 neighbor asn regexp`25 7 ibgp select ibgp peersb25 7 ebgp select ebgp peersd25 7 all select every peerf;5 . recompute trigger full compute roundh:5 . flaps collected flap statisticsj:5 . peaks collected peak statisticsl:5 . tinys collected tiny statisticsn@5 . attribs collected attributes statisticsp=5 . messages collected message statisticsrK3 4 eigrp enhanced interior gateway routing protocoltK3 4 isis intermediate system to intermediate systemv15 6 neighbor addressx&6 . levelz<3 4 ldp label distribution protocol|<3 4 lsrp link state routing protocol~D3 4 msdp multicast source discovery protocolC3 4 rpki resource public key infra protocol=3 4 olsr optimized link state routing93 4 ospf open shortest path first(5 6 area id16 . neighbor address53 4 rift routing in fat trees=3 4 pvrp path vector routing protocol=3 4 rip routing information protocol53 4 logger route flap collector+4 . process id-3 4 ghosthunt ghost hunter05 . stop stop processing15 . start start processing93 4,. interface interface information54 . [name:ifc] name of interface33 4,. vrf vrf information/4 5 [name:vrf] name of vrf05 . full full listing25 . interface interface list15 . rates traffic rates55 . realtime realtime counters:5 . history historic byte counters=5 . rxhistory historic rx byte counters=5 . txhistory historic tx byte counters?5 . drhistory historic drop byte counters<5 . phistory historic packet counters?5 . rxphistory historic rx packet counters?5 . txphistory historic tx packet countersA5 . drphistory historic drop packet countersB5 . numhist numeric historic byte countersD5 . numphist numeric historic packet countersA3 4 counter unicast routing table traffic94 . name of routing tableD3 4 compress compressed unicast routing table@3 4 unused unused unicast routing tableA3 4 changes changed unicast routing tableD3 4 just-network unicast routing table by network94 5 name of routing table25 5,. prefix matcherC3 4 just-interface unicast routing table by target55 . name of interfaceC3 4 just-nexthop unicast routing table by target75 . address of next hopC3 4 just-recursive unicast routing table by target@5 . address of original next hopC3 4 just-protocol unicast routing table by source5 . to filter  org/freertr/cfg/cfgRtr getRouterListE(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V 4(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;ILjava/lang/String;)V.6 . process id>3 4 ecmp unicast routing table ecmp@3 4 labels unicast routing table labels>3 4 prefix-lengths prefix length distribution,4 . vrf nameA3 4 out-interfaces egress interface distribution33 4 hostwatch peer host table54 . name of interface>3 4 nexthops egress router distributionA3 4 route unicast routing table entries94 5,. name of routing table25 . [addr] prefix to viewC3 4 rpf multicast routing table entriesB3 4 flwspc flowspec routing table entries25 6,. [addr] prefix to view76 . [rd] route distinguisher <3 4 protocol routing protocol summary F3 4 mroute multicast forwarding table entries *5 6 [addr] source)6 . groupL3 4 segrout segment routing forwarding table entriesG3 4 srindex segment routing index table entriesA3 4 bier bier forwarding table entries:3 4 inspect upper layer inspection33 4 toptalk top talker list93 4 flow netflow table entries45 . session list of sessions35 . toptalk top talker list!53 4 pbr pbr table entries#53 4 nat nat table entries%A5 . statistics list of configuration entries'?5 . translations list of translation entries)83 4 sockets socket table entries+O3 4 bfd bidirectional forwarding detection protocol-94 5 specify routing table/55 . neighbor list of neighbors1G3 4 dlep hot dynamic link exchange neighbors394 5 specify routing table535 . clients list of clients7?3 4 hsrp hot standby router protocol9F3 4 vrrp virtual router redundancy protocol;B3 4 pim protocol independent multicast=65 . interface list of interfaces?G3 4 msdp multicast source discovert protocolA.4 5 process idC35 . database list of sourcesEF3 4 rpki resource public key infra protocolG95 . status status of the processI55 . summary list of neighborsKE5 6 compare4 compare ipv4 feeds from neighborsM16 7 peer1 addressO17 . peer2 addressQE5 6 compare6 compare ipv6 feeds from neighborsS@5 . connection list of neighbor connectionsU55 . database4 list of ipv4 roasW55 . database6 list of ipv6 roasY>5 6 lookup4 lookup ipv4 roa for prefix[46 . prefix to lookup]>5 6 lookup6 lookup ipv6 roa for prefix_A3 4 rsvp resource reservation protocola?5 . summary list of tunnels in databasec=5 6 detail display a specific tunnele26 7 source addressg-7 8 source idi48 9 subgroup addressk/9 . subgroup idm?3 4 ldp label distribution protocolo>5 6 neighbor information about neighborq46 7 neighbor addresssE7 8,. nulled null labels learned from neighboru28 . [addr] prefix to vieww@7 8,. learned labels learned from neighboryA7 8,. advertised labels advertised to neighbor{E7 . l2learned pseudowires learned from neighbor}F7 . l2advertised pseudowires advertised to neighborB7 . l2needed pseudowires needed to neighborE7 . mplearned multipoints learned from neighborF7 . mpadvertised multipoints advertised to neighbor67 . status status of neighborG5 . nulled-summary list of neighbors null label counts>5 6,. database list of routes in database26 . [addr] prefix to view?5 . mpdatabase list of multipoint sessions:3 4 babel babel routing protocol@7 8,. learned routes learned from neighborE5 6,. originate list of routes originated locallyI3 4 olsr optimized link state routing protocol@3 4 rip routing information protocol83 4 rift routing in fat trees55 6,. neighbor list of neighbors66 . brief only brief listing45 6,. database list of database16 7 [dir] entry to view17 8 [addr] entry to view18 . [num] entry to view35 . metric list of metrics>5 6 spf information about last spf66 . north or south spf;5 6 hostnames hostnames from database75 6 tree tree about last spf65 6 othertree tree of other node66 7 north or south spf67 . other node to view:5 6 othertopology topology of other node67 8,. other node to view08 . [addr] node to view85 6 graph graph about last spf66 7,. north or south spf57 7,. nocli skip cli commands57 7,. nosvg skip svg commands;7 7,. nonets skip connected networks=7 7,. noints skip connected interfacesJ5 7 lnkinconsistent inconsistent advertisements of metrics/7 . [str] int matcherL5 6 nhinconsistent inconsistent advertisements of next hops;5 6 topology topology about last spf07 . [addr] node to view>5 6,. route list of routes in database@3 4 pvrp path vector routing protocolA7 8,. adverted routes advertised to neighbor55 6,. summary list of neighbors?3 4 lsrp link state routing protocol65 . flexalgo list of algorithms45 . software list of software45 . hardware list of hardware55 . forwarder list of forwarder65 . middleware list of middleware25 . kernel list of kernel85 6 zone-rev list of reverse zone06 7 name of zone-7 8,. separator08 9 replace from.9 8,. replace to85 6 zone-fwd list of forward zone25 . uptime list of uptime16 . [addr] entry to view>5 . spf information about last spf;5 . hostnames hostnames from database75 . tree tree about last spf66 . other node to view66 7,. other node to view85 6,. graph graph about last spf56 6,. nocli skip cli commands56 6,. nosvg skip svg commands ;6 6,. nonets skip connected networks =6 6,. noints skip connected interfaces J5 6,. lnkinconsistent inconsistent advertisements of metrics/6 . [str] int matcherL5 6,. nhinconsistent inconsistent advertisements of next hops;5 6,. topology topology about last spf06 . [addr] node to viewN3 4 eigrp enhanced interior gateway routing protocolE3 4 ospf open shortest path first protocol85 6 database list of lsas in area/6 7,. area number18 . [addr] entry to view!65 6 flexalgo list of algorithms#/6 . area number%/6 7 area number'J5 6 lnkinconsistent inconsistent advertisements of metrics):5 6 route list of routes in area+27 . [addr] prefix to view-T3 4 isis intermediate system intermediate system protocol/06 7,. level number117 . [addr] entry to view306 . level number506 7 level number7@5 6 other-route list of other routes in area9K5 6,. other-originate list of other routes originated locally;;3 4 bgp border gateway protocol=25 6,. group list of groups?06 7 group numberA67 . config peer configurationC/7 . status peer statusE7 8,.GshowI28 9,. [addr] prefix to viewK79 . [rd] route distinguisherM45 . nexthop list of nexthopsO85 . bestpath best path statisticsQ<5 6 lspf linkstate spf statisticsS>6 . spf information about last spfU76 . tree tree about last spfW66 7 othertree tree of other nodeY:6 7 othertopology topology of other node[86 7,. graph graph about last spf]J6 7,. lnkinconsistent inconsistent advertisements of metrics_L6 7,. nhinconsistent inconsistent advertisements of next hopsa;6 7,. topology topology about last spfc>6 7,. route list of routes in databaseeE6 7,. originate list of routes originated locallyg65 . messages message statisticsi85 . attributes attribute statisticsk<5 . graceful-restart list of graceful restartmG5 . longlived-graceful list of long lived graceful restarto;5 . multiple-labels list of multiple labelsq<5 . afi list of address familiess85 . resolve list of domain namesu;5 . additional-path list of additional pathw55 . router-id list of router idy25 . buffer list of buffer{75 . description list of description}45 . hostname list of hostname>5 . unknowns list of unknown attributes75 . compression list of compression65 . connection list of connectionF5 . desummary list of neighbors with descriptionC5 . asummary list of neighbors with as names<5 . pfxsummary list of prefix movements>5 6 template information about template16 7 template name87 8 dampening route flap dampening/8 . int matcherC7 . attributes collected attributes statistics@7 . messages collected message statistics7 8@8 9,. learned routes learned from neighbor29 10,. [addr] prefix to view710 . [rd] route distinguisherA8 9,. accepted routes accepted from neighborF8 9,. willing routes will advertised to neighborA8 9,. advertised routes advertised to neighbor5 656 . summary list of neighbors>6 7 route-map list of routes in database07 8,. name of list>6 7 route-policy list of routes in database07 8,. name of list>6 7 prefix-list list of routes in database07 8,. name of listB6 7 measure-map measure filtering by route map07 . name of listE6 7 measure-policy measure filtering by route policy07 . name of listD6 7 measure-list measure filtering by prefix list07 . name of list>6 7,. database list of routes in database27 8,. [addr] prefix to view78 . [rd] route distinguisher=6 7,. compress list of compressed routes96 7,. unused list of unused routes96 7,. hacked list of hacked routes:6 7,. changes list of changed routesJ6 7 wireformat encode a route reachable from database27 8,. prefix to viewL6 7 wireunformat encode a route unreachable from database:6 7,. flapstat prefix flap statistics67 . [num] minimum flap count>6 7 flappath flap statistics for prefixN6 7 flaprevpath reversed aspath flap statistics for prefixD6 7 validtest perform rpki lookups for a table28 . process numberD6 7 validmismark verify rpki markings for a tableB6 7,. validated validation status of the pathsB6 7,. asnames names of the asns in the pathsB6 7,. asinfos infos of the asns in the pathsB6 7,. asmixed numbers and names in the paths>6 . asgraph connectivity graph of ases=6 7,. astree connectivity tree of ases57 . asn to start with46 . asorigin originating ases36 . astransit transiting ases86 . asconn connectivity of ases:6 . pathstat path length statisticsG6 7,. asinconsistent inconsistent advertisements of ases=6 . nhprefixes prefix count of next hops@6 . nhtransit transiting ases of next hopsA6 . nhorigin originating ases of next hops>6 . prefix-lengths prefix length distribution;6 7 allroute list of specific routes@6 7 differ compare route from neighbors 47 8 neighbor address 48 9 neighbor address 29 10,. prefix to view710 . [rd] route distinguisherA6 7 compare compare routes from neighborsH6 7 dcompare double compare routes from neighbors48 9,. neighbor address  org/freertr/tab/tabRouteAttr ignoreHelp"(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;I)V09 10 time specify time010 9,. milliseconds!A9 10 exclude exclude prefixes from compare#510 9,. name of route map%B9 10 update update prefixes before compare';6 . labels remote and local labels)?6 . segrout segment routing information+46 . bier bier information--6 . ecmp ecmp info / 0 getRouMapMtch203 4 logger route logger4:5 . prefix-lengths list of prefix lengths6>5 . interfaces list of outgoing interface8:5 6,. flapstat prefix flap statistics:16 . [num] minimum count<63 4 ghosthunt ghost route hunter>25 . status current status@45 . found last found entryB=5 . attrib last attribute differenceD75 . ghost last recorded ghostF35 6,. differ test differenceH IJmakeConcatWithConstants(I)Ljava/lang/String;HHN IO(II)Ljava/lang/String;NNHNH N N N N NHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNH N!N .o pqpossible(II)V"N#N$N%N&H'H(N)N*N+N,N-N.N/N0N1N2N3N4N5N6N7N8N9N:N;N<N=N>N?N@HAHBHCHDHEHFHGHHHIHJHKHLHMHNNOH02 3 aaa aaa information)3 . aaa list32 3 macsec macsec information23 . name of interface22 3 p2poe pppoe information32 . parser parser information02 . history command history62 . scheduler scheduler information32 . script script information72 3 vdc virtual device context<3 . interface list of physical interfaces83 . device list of running devices12 . reload scheduled reload/2 . banner logo of device92 . privilege list of your aaa details:2 . users list of interactive users02 3,. logo logo of product.3 3,. [text] text to print.2 3,. flash list of flash33 3,. [text] directory to print22 3,. disk flash information12 3 file contents of file.3 3,. file to print82 3 url download remote content73 3,. remote url to download32 3 whois query whois server33 3,. directory to print12 3 resolve query dns server03 . name or address>2 3 transproxy transparent proxy connections42 3,. version version information.3 . brief just headline-3 . number just numbers*3 . date-email just date*3 . date-machine just date03 . user-agent just user agent)3 . url just url02 . alias defined alieses52 . platform platform information/2 3 me-the show something/3 . time show some time.3 4 ascii show some art)4 . filename/3 4 meme show some meme/4 5 string to meme05 6 meme domain.tld66 7 target domain to meme47 . your redirector www  org/freertr/util/version secretHelp/3 4 7bit show some 7bit/4 4,. [str] string to 7bit /3 4 rev7 show some 7bit 74 4,. [str] string to reverse 7bit/3 4 hack show some hack/4 4,. [str] string to hack/2 3 process list processes83 4,. cpu internal router threads*4 . thread id33 . external external processes72 3,. redundancy redundancy information/3 . status current status63 . description interface description *3 . core core hash",3 . config config hash$/3 4 remote remote command&24 4,. [str] string to execute(02 . name-cache local dns cache*.2 3 as-name name of an as,03 . as name to show.52 3 as-info information of an as002 . asn-cache local asn cache252 3 watchdog watchdog information4>3 . gc garbage collector information633 . system system information8>3 . hardware hardware watchdog information:>3 . software software watchdog information<:3 . timer timer history information>;3 . memory memory history information@C2 3,. interfaces interface status and configurationB-3 . full full listingD43 . description description listingFC3 . hwbwmon hardware bandwidth monitor listingHC3 . swbwmon software bandwidth monitor listingJ03 . summary summary listingL/3 . status status listingN43 . lastio last packet listingP;3 . hwswratio hardware by software bytesR=3 . hwswpratio hardware by software packetsT53 . bpratio byte by packet ratioV93 . hwsummary hardware summary listingX93 . swsummary software summary listingZ.3 . total total listing\73 . hwtotal hardware total listing^73 . swtotal software total listing`03 . traffic traffic listingb93 . hwtraffic hardware traffic listingd93 . swtraffic software traffic listingf73 . psummary packet summary listingh@3 . hwpsummary hardware packet summary listingj@3 . swpsummary software packet summary listingl53 . ptotal packet total listingn>3 . hwptotal hardware packet total listingp>3 . swptotal software packet total listingr73 . ptraffic packet traffic listingt@3 . hwptraffic hardware packet traffic listingv@3 . swptraffic software packet traffic listingx,3 . vrf vrf listingz73 4,. [name:ifc] name of (sub)interface|-4 . full full listing~.4 . rates traffic rates24 . realtime realtime counters74 . history historic byte counters:4 . rxhistory historic rx byte counters:4 . txhistory historic tx byte counters<4 . drhistory historic drop byte counters94 . phistory historic packet counters<4 . rxphistory historic rx packet counters<4 . txphistory historic tx packet counters>4 . drphistory historic drop packet counters?4 . numhist numeric historic byte countersA4 . numphist numeric historic packet counters74 . hwrates hardware traffic rates;4 . hwrealtime hardware realtime counters@4 . hwhistory hardware historic byte countersC4 . hwrxhistory hardware historic rx byte countersC4 . hwtxhistory hardware historic tx byte countersE4 . hwdrhistory hardware historic drop byte countersB4 . hwphistory hardware historic packet countersE4 . hwrxphistory hardware historic rx packet countersE4 . hwtxphistory hardware historic tx packet countersG4 . hwdrphistory hardware historic drop packet countersH4 . hwnumhist hardware numeric historic byte countersJ4 . hwnumphist hardware numeric historic packet counters)4 . counters counters24 . hwcounters hardware counters/4 . ethertypes ethernet types/4 . lossdetect loss detection-4 . packetsizes packet sizes14 . protocols protocol numbers.4 . timetolives time to lives04 . trafficclasses traffic classes42 . terminal terminal parameters/2 3,. tracker tracker status03 . [name:trk] name of tracker02 3,. mtracker mtracker status13 . [name:mtr] name of mtracker>2 3 lldp link layer discovery protocol;3 . interface summary list of interfaces:3 . neighbor summary list of neighbors;3 4 detail detailed list of neighbors24 . name of interface92 3 cdp cisco discovery protocol>2 3 udld unidirectional link detectionB2 3 lacp link aggregation control protocol62 3 policy-map policy map statistics53 4 interface applied to interface24 5 name of interface/5 . in ingress policy.5 . out egress policy/3 4 control-plane applied to vrf,4 5 name of vrf45 . ipv4in ipv4 ingress policy35 . ipv4out ipv4 egress policy45 . ipv6in ipv6 ingress policy35 . ipv6out ipv6 egress policy/3 4 data-plane applied to vrf,5 . ipv4 ipv4 policy,5 . ipv6 ipv6 policy/3 4 flowspec applied to vrf82 3 object-group object group statistics-3 4 network network list-4 . name of list*3 4 port port list-4 . name of list72 3 access-list access list statistics-3 . name of list:2 3 acl-merge access list merge, unroll23 4,. name of first acl34 . name of second acl 32 3 acl-packet access list action ,3 4 name of acl04 5 protocol number/5 6 source address,6 7 source port/7 8 target address,8 . target port42 3 rm2rpl route map converter-3 . name of list72 3 rpl2rm route policy converter-3 . name of list 52 3 route-map route map statistics"82 3 route-policy route policy statistics$72 3 prefix-list prefix list statistics&-3 . name of list(42 3 time-map time map statistics*-3 4,. name of list,-4 4,. time to test.=2 3 session stateful session information003 4 name of session214 . session list of sessions404 . toptalk top talker list692 3 dial-peer current dial peer status8-3 . description descriptions:*3 . voice for calls<-3 . message for messages>-3 4 active active calls@*4 . dial peerB.3 4 history list of callsD62 3,. clock current date and timeF,3 . big a big clockH,3 . raw a raw clockJ02 3,. logging logged messagesL03 4 script script messagesN/4 . name of scriptP33 4 scheduler scheduler messagesR24 . name of schedulerT13 4 process process messagesV04 . name of processX,3 4 vdc vdcmessagesZ,4 . name of vdc\/3 . file saved messages^.3 . bgp-dump saw bgp dumps`33 . old-file old saved messagesb.3 4 last last messagesd.4 . message countf=2 3,. config-differences startup->running differencesh03 3,. [name] name of sectionj93 4,. this current subconfigurationl54 4,. all do not hide defaultsn/4 4,. hide hide passwordsp=2 3,. rollback-config running->startup differencesr52 3,. backup-config backup configurationt62 3,. startup-config startup configurationv@2 3,. running-config current operating configurationx>3 4,. console0 current console configurationz43 4 interface specified interface|24 5,. name of interface~55 5,. all do not hide defaults/5 5,. hide hide passwords.3 4 vrf specified vrf,4 5,. name of vrf93 4 server specified server process to show  org/freertr/serv/servGenListsrvHelpR(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;ILjava/lang/String;Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;)V93 4 router specified router process+5 6,. process id56 6,. all do not hide defaults/6 6,. hide hide passwords43 4 route-map specified route map24 5,. name of route map73 4 route-policy specified route policy54 5,. name of route policy63 4 prefix-list specified prefix list44 5,. name of prefix list63 4 access-list specified access list44 5,. name of access list53 4,. all do not hide defaults/4 . hide hide passwords/3 4,. hide hide passwords54 . all do not hide defaultsG2 3 vrf virtual routing/forwarding information43 . routing routing information13 . icmp icmp information43 4,. traffic traffic information,4 5 [name:vrf] name of vrf-5 . full full listing.5 . rates traffic rates25 . realtime realtime counters75 . history historic byte counters:5 . rxhistory historic rx byte counters:5 . txhistory historic tx byte counters<5 . drhistory historic drop byte counters95 . phistory historic packet counters<5 . rxphistory historic rx packet counters<5 . txphistory historic tx packet counters>5 . drphistory historic drop packet counters?5 . numhist numeric historic byte countersA5 . numphist numeric historic packet counters@2 3,. dashboard generate dashboard of this node43 4 replace specify replacement'4 5 source'5 3,. target43 4 text specify static textU4 3,. url to use, %hostname% and %domain% will be replaced73 4 iface specify intrefaces urlO4 3,. url to use, %name% and %desc% will be replaced03 4 vrf specify vrf url33 4 router specify router urlM4 3,. url to use, %name% and %id% will be replaced92 3 dns dns protocol information  org/freertr/cfg/cfgAlldmnDnsLorg/freertr/serv/servGenList;   listServers()Ljava/util/List;,3 4 server name*4 . zone name92 3 amt amt protocol information  dmnAmt,3 . server name=2 3 etherip etherip protocol information   dmnEtherIp92 3 gre gre protocol information   dmnGre 92 3 gtp gtp protocol information  dmnGtp92 3 l2f l2f protocol information  dmnL2f;2 3 l2tp2 l2tp2 protocol information  dmnL2tp2;2 3 l2tp3 l2tp3 protocol information  dmnL2tp3=2 3 pckoudp pckoudp protocol information ! " dmnPckOudp$;2 3 vxlan vxlan protocol information & 'dmnVxlan);2 3 sdwan sdwan protocol information + ,dmnSdwan.:2 3 http http protocol information 0 1dmnHttp3,3 4,. server name5+4 . stat statistics7,4 5 zone host to use9)5 . dns name;:2 3 smtp smtp protocol information = >dmnSmtp@:2 3 nrpe nrpe protocol information B CdmnNrpeE:2 3 rpki rpki protocol information G HdmnRpkiJ;2 3 dhcp4 dhcp4 protocol information L MdmnDhcp4O;2 3 dhcp6 dhcp6 protocol information Q RdmnDhcp6T32 . clients client informationV22 3,. check check informationX+3 . check nameZ32 3,. sensor sensor information\,3 . sensor name^>2 3 netflow netflow collector information ` a dmnNetflowcJ2 3 streamingmdt streaming telemetry collector information e fdmnStreamingMdth%4 5,. peerj%5 6 pathl$6 . keynD2 3 bmp bgp monitoring protocol information p qdmnBmps%4 5,. fromu%5 . peerw>2 3,. openflow openflow protocol information y z dmnOpenflow|*3 4,. server name~/4 . general general status<2 3,. p4lang p4lang protocol information   dmnP4lang/4 . status current statusC4 . api-tx transmitted api message statistics@4 . api-rx received api message statistics84 . port-names front panel information84 . port-magics front port magic values44 . done-interface exported interfaces.4 . done-vrf exported vrfs34 . done-neighbor exported neighbors04 . done-mpls exported labels04 . done-nsh exported chains54 5 done-bridge exported bridge macs.5 . bridge number54 5 done-route4 exported ipv4 routes+5 . vrf number54 5 done-route6 exported ipv6 routes34 5 port-counters dataplane counters25 . name of interface;2 3,. stack stack protocol information  dmnStack+4 . dataplanes dataplanes&4 5 ports ports15 . forwarder number$4 5 spf spf)4 5 topology topology%4 5 tree tree&4 5 graph graph'4 5 route routes15 6,. forwarder number/6 . [addr] prefix to view92 3 ppp ppp protocol information:2 3 vpdn vpdn protocol information-3 . name of vpdn52 3 bridge bridging information.3 . bridge number52 3 bundle bundling information.3 . bundle number>2 3 mpls multiprotocol label switching63 4,. forwarding mpls forwarding table.4 . [num] label to view53 . interfaces mpls interface table33 4 inspect mpls session table14 5 interface to see15 . session list of sessions05 . toptalk top talker list93 4 server-udp udp protocol information   dmnMplsUdp.4 . server name83 4 server-ip ip protocol information   dmnMplsIp32 . sgt security group tag72 3 nsh network service header53 4,. forwarding nsh forwarding table-4 5 [num] path to view.5 . index to view43 . interfaces nsh interface table<2 3 polka polynomial key architecture:3 4 routeid-unicast polka routeid information14 . interface to see;3 4 routeid-multicast mpolka routeid information63 4,. interfaces polka interface table14 . [name:ifc] interface to see02 3 ipx ipx information63 4 route routing table entries64 5,. name of routing table/5 . [addr] prefix to view =2 3 router routing protocol information 25 6 redisted advertised routes05 6 computed computed routes/6 7,. unicast unicast routes16 7,. multicast multicast routes06 7,. flowspec flowspec routes/7 8,. [addr] prefix to view48 . [rd] route distinguisher12 3 ipv4 ipv4 information43 4 arp interface arp cache74 . name of (sub)interface  !"getHelpShowIpX!(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;)V$12 3 ipv6 ipv6 information&93 4 neighbors interface neighbor cache ()* G+"org/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias$aliasType$Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias$aliasType; - ./ aliasHelpsF(Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias$aliasType;ILorg/freertr/user/userHelping;)V16.5 6 tcp select tcp36.5 6 udp select udp57.5 6 ludp select ludp77.5 6 dccp select dccp97.5 6 sctp select sctp;:.6 7 source address=7.7 8 source port?:.8 9 target addressA7.9 10 target portC1.10 11 flagsE0.11 12 sizeG6.12 . policy mapI-2 3,4,. name of hostK-3 4,. [port] port on hostM>4 4,. tcp transmission control protocolO74 4,. udp user datagram protocolQC4 4,. ludp lightweight user datagram protocolSJ4 4,. dccp user datagram congestion control protocolUE4 4,. sctp stream control transmission protocolW54 4,. ssh specify secure shellYA4 4,. tls specify transport layer security[J4 4,. dtls specify datagram transport layer security]84 4,. telnet specify telnet protocol_44 4,. ipv4 specify ipv4 to usea44 4,. ipv6 specify ipv6 to usec44 5 record specify record filee-5 4,. name of fileg34 5 vrf specify vrf to usei,5 4,. name of vrfk=4 5 pubkey specify public key to expectm+5 4,. public keyo84 5 user specify username to useq)5 4,. usernames84 5 pass specify password to useu)5 4,. passwordw54 5 proxy specify proxy to usey65 4,. name of proxy profile{94 5 source specify interface to use}25 4,. name of interface;4 5 chat specify chat script to use45 4,. name of chat script . . expand@1 2 show running system information   getHelpShow"(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;Z)V   getHelpPipes#(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;IZ)VI1 2 watch running system periodic information@1 2 view running system informationI1 2 display running system periodic informationK1 2 differs running system difference information=1 . logout close this exec sessionorg/freertr/util/cmds:1 . exit close this exec sessionE1 2,. bwmon start bandwidth monitor session;2 2,. software use software counters;2 2,. hardware use hardware counters:2 2,. packets use packets counters82 2,. bytes use bytes counters:2 2,. seconds use seconds counters:2 2,. minutes use minutes counters82 2,. hours use hours counters;1 2,. netconf start netconf session52 2,. format format response52 2,. echo echo user input71 2,. xml start xml session:1 . ppp start framed sessionC1 . modememu start modem emulation sessionA1 . gpsemu start gps emulation session71 . gpstime start gps session81 2 menu start menu session22 3 key letter based23 . name of menu/2 3 tui tui based23 . name of menuB1 2 terminal terminal specific parameters42 2 no negate a parameter82 3 width set terminal width63 . width in columns92 3 length set terminal length53 . height in lines:2 3 escape set escape character03 . ascii code>2 3 deactivate set deactivate character<2 3 riblines set routing table size53 . number of lines:2 . monitor log to this terminal=2 . detect detect size of terminalK2 . timestamps put time before each executed command=2 3 background select background color=2 3 foreground select foreground color92 3 prompt select prompt color92 3 header select header color23 . black select color23 . red select color23 . green select color23 . yellow select color23 . blue select color23 . magenta select color23 . cyan select color23 . white select color23 . bright-black select color23 . bright-red select color23 . bright-green select color23 . bright-yellow select color23 . bright-blue select color23 . bright-magenta select color 23 . bright-cyan select color 23 . bright-white select color >2 3,. colorize sending to ansi terminal83 . normal select normal mode83 . header select header mode93 . rainbow select rainbow mode83 . prompt select prompt mode>2 . spacetab treat space as tabulatorB2 . stars use stars in password prompt;2 . title resend terminal titleB2 . capslock treat lowercase as uppercaseB2 . bells bells the terminal sometimes!52 3 play play ansi music#+3 3,. [str] music%92 . beep bell ascii terminal'?2 3,. ansimode select ansi coloring mode)A3 . none select black and white mode+:3 . original select 8 colors mode-;3 . normal select 16 colors mode/<3 . indexed select 256 colors mode1<3 . palette select 16m colors mode3B2 3,. tablemode select table formatting mode573 . table select table mode773 . fancy select fancy mode953 . csv select csv mode;53 . raw select raw mode=63 . html select html mode?:1 2 hostscan scan ports on remoteA32 3 starting hostC43 4 increment hostE54 5,. number of hostsG85 6 vrf specify vrf to useI16 5,. name of vrfK>5 6 source specify interface to useM76 5,. name of interfaceO55 6 timeout specify timeoutQ=6 5,. timeout in millisecondsS:5 6 data specify data to sendU26 5,. payload byteW;5 6 alert specify alert to sendY26 5,. payload data[75 6 ttl specify ttl value])6 5,. ttl_75 6 tos specify tos valuea)6 5,. tosc75 6 sgt specify sgt valuee)6 5,. sgtg85 6 flow specify flow valuei*6 5,. flowk:5 6 size specify payload sizem06 5,. byte counto65 6 port specify tcp portq16 5,. port numbers;5 5,. dontfrag specify dont fragmentu?5 5,. lookup perform reverse lookup tow:1 2 portscan scan ports on remotey22 3,. name of host{93 3,. ipv4 specify ipv4 to use}93 3,. ipv6 specify ipv6 to use83 4 vrf specify vrf to use14 3,. name of vrf>3 4 source specify interface to use74 3,. name of interface53 4 timeout specify timeout=4 3,. timeout in milliseconds?3 4 min specify lower port number14 3,. port number?3 4 max specify upper port number81 2 lookup domain name lookup92 3 ipv4 ipv4 address record92 3 ipv6 ipv6 address record:2 3 mail mail exchange record82 3 dns name server record62 3 soa authority record42 3 srv service record12 3 txt text record?2 3 reverse reverse of address record92 3 recur-ipv4 ipv4 address record92 3 recur-ipv6 ipv6 address record:2 3 recur-mail mail exchange record82 3 recur-dns name server record62 3 recur-soa authority record42 3 recur-srv service record12 3 recur-txt text record92 3 zone download whole zone73 4,. domain to look up:4 . [server] address of ns server51 . disable drop privileges51 . enable gain privileges31 2,. tclsh run tcl shell42 . [file] name of script;1 2 traceroute trace route to target;1 2 mtr trace route to targetC3 4 delay specify delay between packets73 4 tos specify tos value)4 3,. tos83 4 flow specify flow value83 4 port specify port value*4 3,. port<3 4 protocol specify protocol value:3 4 size specify payload size04 3,. byte count>3 4 router lookup intermediate hops to use05 3,. process id>3 3,. lookup lookup intermediate hopsG1 2,. send send a message to logged in users42 2,. [str] string to send71 2 ping send echo request;3 3,. dontfrag specify dont fragmentA3 3,. multi wait for multiple responses?3 3,. error consider errors in result93 3,. detail specify detail mode:3 4 data specify data to send24 3,. payload byte;3 4 alert specify alert to send24 3,. payload dataE3 3,. sweep specify increasing payload size:3 4 repeat specify repeat count24 3,. repeat count73 4 ttl specify ttl value)4 3,. ttl73 4 sgt specify sgt value)4 3,. sgt *4 3,. flow <1 2 sleep do nothing for a while <2 . milliseconds for sleep 61 2 echo print out a line 52 2,. [str] string to write 61 2 curl download content 52 3,. url to download 91 2 whois perform whois query ;2 3 name of host to query 23 3,. query string <1 2 tmux multiplex the terminal 72 . vertical divide vertically 92 . horizontal divide horizontally 42 . both divide to four 32 . none do not divide G1 2 game play games or watch screen savers !32 3 ansi show some art #.3 . filename %62 . chat chat with others '62 3,. send chat with others )43 3,. [str] string to send +/2 . color take test -/2 . ascii take test //2 . vmkeys take test 122 . clear clear screen 3/2 . gomoku play game 5/2 . tetris play game 7/2 . hanoi play game 9/2 . minesweep play game ;/2 . clock view demo =/2 . snake view demo ?/2 . matrix view demo A/2 . fire view demo C/2 . plasma view demo E/2 . life view demo G/2 . antball view demo I/2 3 zenmaster play demo  K LdmnQuote N33 . name of server P/2 3,. title view demo R*3 3,. [str] text T/2 3,. text view demo V/2 3,. logo view demo X:1 2 listen start listen session Z12 3,. port number \C3 3,. tcp transmission control protocol ^<3 3,. udp user datagram protocol `H3 3,. ludp lightweight user datagram protocol bO3 3,. dccp user datagram congestion control protocol dJ3 3,. sctp stream control transmission protocol f:1 2 telnet start telnet session h i" getHelpTelnet k71 2 tls start tls session m81 2 dtls start dtls session o71 2 ssl start ssl session q71 2 ssh start ssh session ( s t+exec v>1 2 clear clear running conditions xQ2 3,. hwcounters hardware counters on one or more interfaces z73 . name of interface |Q2 3,. swcounters software counters on one or more interfaces ~H2 3,. counters counters on one or more interfaces =2 3 object-group object group statistics 23 4 network network list 24 . name of list /3 4 port port list 24 . name of list ?2 3 reflected-acl clear access list entries 23 . name of list <2 3 access-list access list statistics :2 3 route-map route map statistics 23 . name of list =2 3 route-policy route policy statistics 23 . name of list <2 3 prefix-list prefix list statistics 23 . name of list 42 3 errors error reporter 33 3,. email address 52 3 redundancy redundancy peer  org/freertr/prt/prtRedun getIfacesLst 63 4 interface to set 54 . priority to use D2 3 bridge learnt mac address on a bridge 33 4,. bridge number 74 . name of interface >2 3 sensor trigger telemetry export 43 4 name of sensor 84 5 csv save in csv format :4 5 append-csv append in csv format 84 5 xml save in xml format ?4 5 prometheus save in prometheus format .5 5,. filename >2 3 telemetry trigger telemetry report 74 4,. name of telemetry 52 3 dial-peer clear voip call 93 4 number of dial peer -4 . call id =2 3 scheduler run one scheduler round 73 4,. name of scheduler *4 . stop stop +4 . start start :2 3 script run one script round 43 4,. name of script 92 3 vpdn reconnect vpdn peer 23 4,. name of vpdn >4 . [num] downtime in milliseconds 92 3 amt amt protocol client 13 4 server name 24 . peer address =2 3 etherip etherip protocol client 92 3 gre gre protocol client 92 3 gtp gtp protocol client 92 3 l2f l2f protocol client ;2 3 l2tp2 l2tp2 protocol client ;2 3 l2tp3 l2tp3 protocol client =2 3 pckoudp pckoudp protocol client ;2 3 vxlan vxlan protocol client ;2 3 sdwan sdwan protocol client 92 3 vdc restart vdc process 13 4,. name of vdc >2 3 process restart external process 53 4,. name of process ;2 3 tracker run one tracker round 53 4,. name of tracker 52 . logging logged messages >2 . reload clear last reload reason C2 3,. flash clear routing software backup 33 . [str] path to clean @2 . upgrade cancel upgrade auto-revert ?2 . auto-bandwidth set auto bandwidth values F2 . follow-tracker set interfaces based on trackers F2 . tunnel-domain resolve destination domain names 52 . name-cache dns local cache 52 . asn-cache asn local cache .2 3,. watchdog watchdog /3 3,. [name] parameter 52 3 line disconnect line 23 . name of line :2 3 interface disconnect interface 73 4,. name of interface 52 3 ipv4 ipv4 parameters !/3 4 arp arp table #44 5 interface name %25 . peer address ' ("getHelpClearIpX *52 3 ipv6 ipv6 parameters ,43 4 neighbor neighbor table .:2 3 bmp clear one bmp server 0?2 3 openflow clear one openflow server 2=2 3 p4lang clear one p4lang server 4*3 . server name 662 3 socket clear one socket 8.3 4 vrf name :04 5 tcp select tcp <04 5 udp select udp >14 5 ludp select ludp @14 5 dccp select dccp B14 5 sctp select sctp D45 6 interface name F06 7 local port H17 8 remote port J48 . remote address ( L T+ NB1 2 debug start debugging one protocol P Q R Sorg/freertr/util/debugger getHelping UA1 2,. undebug stop debugging one protocol W;2 . all disable all debugging YB1 2 set insert configuration command [82 2,. [str] config line to set ]B1 2 delete remove configuration command _:2 2,. [str] config line to unset a>1 2,. configure enter configuration mode cE2 3 file append to running configuration e13 . source file gI2 3 replace overwrite the running configuration i52 . banner edit the banner kD2 . startup edit the startup configuration m;2 3,. editor configure from editor o23 3,. [name] section name q@2 3,. viewer view current configuration sB2 . terminal configure from this terminal uI2 3 reload overwrite the startup configuration w03 3,. source url yE2 3 network append to running configuration {I2 3 overwrite-network overwrite the running configuration }J2 . rollback configure within auto-revert session E2 . revert revert to startup configuration J.2 . reapply try to reapply current configuration 91 2 flash file system utility ;2 3 count count directory usage .3 . pathname 42 3 list list directory 92 3 type type one ascii file .3 . filename <2 3 info information about file 22 3 hash hash of file <2 3 disk information about disk :2 3 hextype type one binary file :2 3 bintype type one binary file :2 3 7bittype type one binary file :2 3 hacktype type one binary file . "addOther :2 3 permission set file permissions 13 4 target file 14 . permissions ?2 3 receive receive file from network 04 4,. source url C2 3 curl display one file from network :2 3 transmit send file to network 13 4 source file 04 4,. target url 32 3 compress compress file 13 4 source file 14 . target file 52 3 decompress decompress file ;2 3 archive create/append archive 23 4 archive file 64 . source directory 42 3 extract exract archive 64 . target directory 62 3 rename rename disk file 42 3 copy copy disk file <2 3 delete delete directory entry .3 3,. filename 42 3 mkdir make directory =2 . verify verify routing software =2 . revert revert routing software =2 . backup backup routing software C2 3,. cleanup clear routing software backup @2 . cancel cancel auto-revert process @2 . toggle-boot toggle upgrade reboot mode >2 3,. upgrade upgrade routing software :3 4,. [url] parameter of process :4 4,. [num] parameter of process >2 3,. simulate simulate upgrade process :3 3,. [url] parameter of process 72 3 edit compose text file 23 . name of file 42 3 view read text file :2 3 hexview view one binary file :2 3 binview view one binary file :2 3 7bitview view one binary file :2 3 hackview view one binary file 22 . commander file manager 12 3,. browser web browser 03 . target url ( +flsh 81 2,. write save configuration 22 3 file to disk file 13 . target file 82 3,. network to network storage 62 . terminal to this terminal ;2 . memory to persistent storage >2 . erase clear persistent storage =1 2 screenrec record terminal session 22 . name of file A1 2 attach connect to system resources ?2 . chat discuss with other admins C2 3 vdc manage virtual device context 13 . name of vdc =2 3 process manage external process 53 . name of process 62 3 scheduler manage scheduler 53 . name of process 32 3 script manage script 53 . name of process !C.2 3 shell1 run interactive shell process #5.3 4,. name of process %:.4 4,. [param] parameter of process 'B.2 3 shell2 run outputting shell process )E.2 3 shell3 run interactive shell with crlf +:2 3 line access physical line -;1 2 packet packet related things /<2 3 pmtud discover available mtu 123 4,. name of host 394 4,. ipv4 specify ipv4 to use 594 4,. ipv6 specify ipv6 to use 784 5 vrf specify vrf to use 915 4,. name of vrf ;>4 5 source specify interface to use =75 4,. name of interface ?:4 5 min specify minimum size A05 4,. byte count C:4 5 max specify maximum size E:4 5 data specify data to send G25 4,. payload byte I54 5 timeout specify timeout K:5 4,. time in milliseconds M:4 5 timediv specify time divider O:4 5 timemax specify maximum time QC4 5 delay specify delay between packets S=5 4,. timeout in milliseconds U74 5 ttl specify ttl value W)5 4,. ttl Y74 5 tos specify tos value [)5 4,. tos ]74 5 sgt specify sgt value _)5 4,. sgt a84 5 flow specify flow value c*5 4,. flow e6.2 3 arping send arp request g2.3 4 name of host i7.4 5,. name of interface k9.5 5,. ipv4 specify ipv4 to use m9.5 5,. ipv6 specify ipv6 to use oC.5 6 delay specify delay between packets q=.6 5,. timeout in milliseconds s:.5 6 repeat specify repeat count u2.6 5,. repeat count w?2 3 capture capture interface traffic y24 . [file] name of file {;2 3 buffer save buffered traffic }?2 3 monitor monitor interface traffic >4 . [name:ifc] name of target interface >.2 3 openflow send packet over the api -.3 4 server name 44 5 counter to use A5 6 interface number to send to 86 7 target mac address 87 8 source mac address 58 8,. [num] packet contents >.2 3 p4lang send packet over the api 58 8,. [num] packet contents 3.2 3 udpflood flood packets 1.3 4 name of vrf 4.4 5 source address 1.5 6 source port 3.6 7 target prefix 2.7 8 target range 0.8 9 size range 0.9 . policy map 3.2 3 flood flood packets 3.3 4 vrf through a vrf 1.4 5 name of vrf " getHelpFlood :.3 4 iface through an interface 7.4 5 name of interface A.2 3 replay replay capture on interface 7.3 4 name of interface 2.4 5,. name of file B.5 . [num] interpacket gap in millisecs @.2 3 inject inject packet to interface 1.4 4,. [byte] byte in hex 62 3 wakeup wake up one host 73 4 name of interface 54 . address of host 52 3 txt2mrt text log to mrt 13 4 source text 04 . target mrt 92 3 txt2full text log to console 92 3 txt2sum text log to console 32 3 ris2flt ris to filter <3 4 url of ris live server 84 . address to look up 42 3 ris2con ris to console <3 . url of ris live server 02 3 ris2bmp ris to bmp 34 5 proxy profile .5 6 hostname 16 . port number 42 3 mrt2full mrt to console 82 3 mrt2sum mrt log to console 32 3 mrt2flt mrt to filter M.2 3 mrtfilter filter mrt file using filters of a peer  to filter with 4.4 5 process number 2.5 6 peer address 5.6 7 source mrt file 5.7 8 target mrt file 1.8 9 source peer 1.9 . target peer F.2 3 mrt2self replay mrt as if got from a peer  to replay to ..6 7 mrt file 1.7 8 source peer 1.8 . target peer 92 3 mrt2pcap convert mrt to pcap 63 4 name of mrt file 74 . name of pcap file ;.2 3 mrt2bgp run mrt prefix sender ..3 4 vrf name ;.4 5 source interface name 4.5 6 target address ..6 7 local as ..7 8 mrt file 1.9 10,. target peer 1.10 . [num] safi number ;2 3 mrt2bmp run mrt prefix sender .3 4 vrf name ;4 5 source interface name 45 6 target address 16 7 target port .7 8 mrt file 18 9 source peer "19 . target peer $A.2 3 random run random packet generator &<.2 3 bgpattr run attribute injector (9.7 8 prefix to originate *8.8 9 route map to apply ,4.9 9,. attribute byte .A.2 3 bgpgen run random prefix generator 09.7 8 prefix to originate 28.9 . number of prefixes 482 3 modem open modem session 653 4,. address to call 894 . address who calling :82 3 voice open voice session <94 5,. address who calling >35 . script to run @72 3 message send voip message B53 4 address to call D94 5 address who calling F25 5,. message text H<2 3 conference start voice conference J93 4,. address who calling L54 4,. address to call N82 3 speed test speed clients P43 . name of server R;2 3 websock test websocket client T33 4 url of server V/4 4,. protocols X82 3 xotpad test xotpad client Z73 4 address of server \34 5,. called number ^45 . calling number `92 3 netconf do netconf commands b63 4 get do a get request d=3 4 read do a get-config request f>3 4 edit do a edit-config request h>3 4 copy do a copy-config request j@3 4 delete do a delete-config request l54 5 server to query n55 6 username to use p56 7 password to use r.7 8 xml path t78 . namespace of root v62 3 snmp do snmp commands x:3 4 next do a getnext request z65 6 community to use |26 . oid to query ~82 3 smtp send email message 33 4,. email address 04 4,. email text 72 3 ntp check remote time 43 . server address 92 3 nrpe check remote status 43 4 server address 04 4,. check name 52 3 aaa test aaa config .3 . aaa list :2 3 pcep get a path from pcep 04 5 vrf to use 65 6 interface to use 96 7 te traffic engineering 56 7 sr segment routing 47 8 source address 48 . target address ( +pckt 91 2 test test various things A.2 3 p4lang p4lang protocol api testing *3 4 server name 44 4,. string to send 42 3 whois asn name cache 03 . asn number =2 3 yangsensor create yang from sensor ,3 4 source ,4 . target =2 3 yangconfig create yang from config 6.2 3 swapkeys swap hidden keys 73 . new master secret 62 3 dns dns zone creator 23 . name of zone 62 3 translation translation rule 23 4 name of rule *4 4,. text 22 3 logging log one line 33 4,. debug debug message 33 4,. error error message 53 4,. warning warning message ;3 4,. informational informational message 14 4,. text to log 7.3 4,. traceback traceback message 5.4 5 message to test 1.5 5,. text to log =2 3,. password decode encoded password 43 3,. encoded string 72 3,. otppass generate password ?2 3,. asn1 decode asn1 encoded bytes /3 3,. parameter A2 3,. base64 decode base64 encoded bytes 92 3,. macaddr convert mac address 02 3,. url decode url 02 3,. xml decode xml 12 3,. json decode json 52 3,. protobuf decode protobuf 32 3,. thrift decode thrift 42 3,. addr decode address 32 3,. prefix decode prefix 92 3 vm run virtual machine /3 4,. file name 74 4,. [str] parameter to give E2 3,. routing test routing lookup performance 03 3,. [str] parameters >2 . pipeline test pipeline throughput 92 . ssh test ssh throughput 92 3,. tls test tls throughput )3 4 min )4 . max :2 3,. dtls test dtls throughput ;.2 . gc run garbage collector >2 . crypto test encryption and hash =2 3,. digsig test digital signatures 92 3,. primes test digital primes 92 3,. window test window handler ,3 4 x size ,4 . y size :2 3 vercore test vercore updater 53 4 key file to use 94 . key file to include 82 3 vermkey test version maker 63 . key size in bits !:2 3 verfile test version updater #53 4,. key file to use %@4 4,. [str] file to include in release 'H2 3,. hwext perform forwarding externalization )H2 3,. hwpop perform forwarding port population +:2 3,. hwdet perform hw detection -<2 3,. hwred perform hw redetection />.2 3,. hwcfg perform hw configuration 1/.3 3,. parameter 3<2 3,. image perform image creation 592 3,. tester perform image tests 7E2 3,. tstsum perform test summary conversion 9C2 3,. tstmov perform test mover conversion ;D2 3,. tstcpy perform test copier conversion =B2 3,. changelog perform changelog conversion ?=2 3,. template perform image templates ( A B+test D81 2,. reload restart the system FB2 3 in reload after a time interval H-3 . minutes J@2 3 at reload at a specified time L.3 3,. datetime N;2 . cancel cancel pending reload P?2 3,. cold reboot the whole computer RB3 4 in reload after a time interval T-4 . minutes V@3 4 at reload at a specified time X.4 4,. datetime Z?2 3,. warm reboot the router process \N2 . force reboot the router process without saving ^G2 . peer reboot redundant router processes `C2 3 vdc reboot virtual device context b=2 3 process reboot external process d erollback g S h ()Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;  j khostName m# o>P q I r8(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; t u v w xorg/freertr/user/userReader setContext3(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;Ljava/lang/String;)V t z { |readLine&(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; ~   org/freertr/user/userExec$cmdReslogout"Lorg/freertr/user/userExec$cmdRes; org/freertr/pipe/pipeSetting  java/lang/BooleanvalueOf(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;  org/freertr/pipe/pipeSide settingsGet'(ILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;  booleanValue()Z  org/freertr/util/logger getTimestamp()Ljava/lang/String; linePut(Ljava/lang/String;)V executeCommand6(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/user/userExec$cmdRes; . | repairLine t  setFilter0(Lorg/freertr/util/cmds;)Lorg/freertr/util/cmds; t   '(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V cmdLorg/freertr/util/cmds;   org/freertr/auth/authGenericauthUserCommandC(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/auth/authResult;  org/freertr/auth/authResultresultI not authorized to execute that  error ~ command P  userExecEvnt   getOriginal debug  word   aliasFindS(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias$aliasType;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias;  org/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias doCommands5(Lorg/freertr/user/userExec;Lorg/freertr/util/cmds;)V exit  java/lang/Stringequals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z  netconf doXml(Z)V xml ppp doPpp modememu org/freertr/user/userModem  (Lorg/freertr/pipe/pipeSide;)V doWork gpsemuorg/freertr/user/userGps  doWorkTxgpstime   doWorkRx lookup  doLookuplisten  doListentelnet  doTelnet(I)V  org/freertr/user/userScreensendTit0(Lorg/freertr/pipe/pipeSide;Ljava/lang/String;)V!echo # $  getRemaining &'( )*org/freertr/util/bitsstr2lst$(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List; t, -. putStrArr(Ljava/util/List;)Z0sleep &2 34str2num(Ljava/lang/String;)I &6 08curl :;< =>org/freertr/clnt/clntCurldoGetUrl?(Lorg/freertr/pipe/pipeSide;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List; @ ABdoneFail(Z)Ljava/lang/String;DwhoisForg/freertr/clnt/clntWhois H IJ whoisProxyLorg/freertr/clnt/clntProxy; L MN getClntPrx:(Lorg/freertr/clnt/clntProxy;)Lorg/freertr/clnt/clntProxy; EP QL(Lorg/freertr/pipe/pipeSide;Lorg/freertr/clnt/clntProxy;Ljava/lang/String;)V ES T*doQueryVsshXorg/freertr/serv/servGenericZssl\tls^dtls` traceroute b c doTracerouteemtr g hdoMtrjsendlorg/freertr/user/userGame  ko p=(Lorg/freertr/user/userScreen;Lorg/freertr/user/userReader;)V kr stdoSend+(Lorg/freertr/util/cmds;)Ljava/lang/String;vping x ydoPing{menu}key  doMenuKtui  doMenuT  badCmdportscan   doPortscanhostscan   doHostscanterminal   doTerminalenable  enaPass[Bno enable configured password:   strPut  JlineGet  org/freertr/auth/authLocal secretTest([BLjava/lang/String;)Zinvalid passworddisabletmux horizontalverticalboth t keyFlushorg/freertr/user/userTmux  ;(Lorg/freertr/user/userScreen;Lorg/freertr/user/userExec;)V  doInit(I)Zerror initializing  game k doStart k  doCommand(Lorg/freertr/util/cmds;)V k doFinishbwmon  doBwmontclsh  doTclshwatch  doWatchdiffers   doDiffersdisplay   doDisplayview  doVieworg/freertr/user/userShow    rdr  hlpLorg/freertr/user/userHelping; 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