7  java/lang/Object()V  org/freertr/user/userConfigusernameLjava/lang/String;  pipeLorg/freertr/pipe/pipeSide;  readerLorg/freertr/user/userReader;   resetMode  !org/freertr/user/userConfig$modesglobal#Lorg/freertr/user/userConfig$modes; ! "modeV $ %& modeDserverLorg/freertr/serv/servGeneric; ( )* modeDconfigLorg/freertr/cfg/cfgGeneric;,org/freertr/user/userHelping + / 01 needExpandZ +3 41expand631 . editor edit the current section +8 9:add%(Ljava/util/List;Ljava/lang/String;)V +< => getCfgHelp!(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;)V +@ A> getCfgGen C DEordinal()I G H> getHelpGlobal JKL M>org/freertr/serv/servGenericgetHelp OKPorg/freertr/cfg/cfgGenericR(cfg) JT UV getPrompt()Ljava/lang/String;X YZmakeConcatWithConstants&(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; OT](bad)_aorg/freertr/util/cmdscconfig `e f'(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V h ijcmdLorg/freertr/util/cmds; ` m no authorizationLorg/freertr/auth/authGeneric; qrs tuorg/freertr/auth/authGenericauthUserCommandC(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/auth/authResult; wxy z{org/freertr/auth/authResultresultI} not authorized to configure that ` error(Ljava/lang/String;)V  1org/freertr/util/debuggeruserConfigEvnt ` V getOriginal  org/freertr/util/loggerdebug ` Vword  Ejava/lang/Stringlengthexit equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Zendeditor ` V getRemainingnot authorized to edit this getCurrConfiger()Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgGeneric;not allowed here O getShRun(I)Ljava/util/List;java/util/ArrayList   java/util/ListaddAll(Ljava/util/Collection;)Zorg/freertr/user/userEditororg/freertr/user/userScreen (Lorg/freertr/pipe/pipeSide;)Vcurrent C(Lorg/freertr/user/userScreen;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V doEdit()Z  org/freertr/user/userFiltergetDiffs2(Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;)Ljava/util/List;  org/freertr/util/bitslst2lin#(Ljava/util/List;Z)Ljava/util/List;  org/freertr/user/userReader putStrArr(Ljava/util/List;)Z  org/freertr/cfg/cfgInitexecuteSWcommands(Ljava/util/List;Z)I Y(I)Ljava/lang/String; str2lst$(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;showorg/freertr/pipe/pipeSetting  java/lang/BooleanvalueOf(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;  org/freertr/pipe/pipeSide settingsGet'(ILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;  booleanValue V getTimestamp linePutorg/freertr/user/userShow    setFilter0(Lorg/freertr/util/cmds;)Lorg/freertr/util/cmds; h   rdr   getHelping#(ZZZ)Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;  hlpLorg/freertr/user/userHelping;  *cfgnot authorized to show that  doer()Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias;org/freertr/user/userExec  !;(Lorg/freertr/pipe/pipeSide;Lorg/freertr/user/userReader;)V #$% &'org/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias doCommands5(Lorg/freertr/user/userExec;Lorg/freertr/util/cmds;)V)do + ,1 privileged  m 0 1Z repairCommand3not authorized to do that 5 67executeCommand6(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/user/userExec$cmdRes; `9 :; copyBytes(Z)Lorg/freertr/util/cmds; = >doGlobal J@ ABdoCfgStr(Lorg/freertr/util/cmds;)V O@ `E FbadCmd HIJ Korg/freertr/cfg/cfgAllhostName TN YO8(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; Q RS setContext3(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;Ljava/lang/String;)V U VZreadLine X 6Y(Ljava/lang/String;)Z[71 2 hostname set name of system]32 . name of system_<1 . buggy enable dangerous thingsa91 2 locale set locale of systemc42 . enable passworde81 2 enable set enable passwordg@1 2 password-encrypt set password encryption keyi32 . encryption keyk51 2 banner banner of systemm/2 3 set set bannero93 3,. first line of bannerq/2 3 add add banners73 3,. add line to banneru/2 3 encoded set bannerw33 3,. encoded bannery;1 2 logging set logging parameters{62 . tracestop stop on traceback}82 . milliseconds millisecond logging52 3 proxy set proxy to use23 . proxy profile52 3 buffered buffered logging73 4 debug debugging messages;3 4 informational informational messages53 4 warning warning messages33 4 error error messages73 4 exception exception messages44 . number of lines12 3 file file logging73 4,. debug debugging messages;3 4,. informational informational messages53 4,. warning warning messages33 4,. error error messages73 4,. exception exception messages14 . name of file62 3 rotate log file rotation63 4 maximum file size84 5,. name of second file65 . ms between backup32 3 syslog syslog logging-4 5 kernel facility-4 5 user facility-4 5 mail facility-4 5 system facility-4 5 security1 facility-4 5 syslogd facility-4 5 lpd facility-4 5 news facility-4 5 uucp facility-4 5 clock1 facility-4 5 security2 facility-4 5 ftp facility-4 5 ntp facility-4 5 logaudit facility-4 5 logalert facility-4 5 clock2 facility-4 5 local0 facility-4 5 local1 facility-4 5 local2 facility-4 5 local3 facility-4 5 local4 facility-4 5 local5 facility-4 5 local6 facility-4 5 local7 facility45 5,. address of host02 3 irc irc logging14 5 name of host45 . name of channel52 3 monitor terminal logging73 . debug debugging messages;3 . informational informational messages53 . warning warning messages33 . error error messages73 . exception exception messages32 3 format logging format:3 . none not log source at all83 . brief log only class nameA3 . normal log class, file, line number93 . full log full stack traceK1 2 vrf configure a virtual routing forwardingF2 3 definition create new or update existing vrf03 . name of vrfG1 2 vdc configure a virtual device contextF2 3 definition create new or update existing vdc03 . name of vdcA1 2 process configure a external processJ2 3 definition create new or update existing process43 . name of process E1 2 interface select an interface to configure 62 . name of interface ?1 . console0 select a line to configure?1 2 line select a line to configure12 . name of lineD1 2 bridge transparent bridging parameters;2 . number of bridge group@1 2 bundle interface bundle parameters;2 . number of bundle groupA1 2 hairpin interface hairpin parameters<2 . number of hairpin group@1 2 vnet external hairpin parameters!@1 2 session stateful session parameters#42 . name of session%51 2 check check parameters'22 . name of check)61 2 sensor sensor parameters+32 . name of sensor-91 2 dial-peer dial peer parameters/32 . number of peer1@1 2 translation-rule translation rule parameters3=1 2 nsh specify service chaining512 3 service path723 4 service index914 4,. drop drop packets;L4 4,. rawpack output as raw packet, witout nsh header=C4 4,. keephdr keep original layer2 addresses?34 5 interface forward as nshA55 6 target interfaceC76 4,. target mac addressE34 5 route route normallyG/5 4,. target vrfI14 5 tunnel tunnel in ipK/5 6 target vrfM56 7 source interfaceO67 4,. target ip addressQ34 5 switch switch serviceS55 6 new service pathU66 4,. new service indexWC1 2 client specify address of name serverY>2 3 cpuhog specify cpuhog parameters[/3 . percentage]C2 3 label-range specify label range parameters_.3 4 beginninga+4 . endingcB2 3 ifacestall specify interface stall checke23 . timeout in msgE2 3 capture-path specify default capture locationi63 . path on the flashkE2 3 pastebin specify default pastebin servicem83 . url on the interneto;2 3 l2f-timer specify l2f parametersq53 4 retransmit in mss04 . retry timesu=2 3 l2tp2-timer specify l2tp2 parametersw63 4 hello after ticksy04 . retry ticks{=2 3 l2tp3-timer specify l2tp3 parameters}B2 3 redundancy specify redundancy parameters43 4 keepalive in ms44 5 hold time in ms45 . init time in ms:2 3 proxy specify proxy profile43 . name of profile?2 3 bullying specify shame quote source H dmnQuoteLorg/freertr/serv/servGenList;  org/freertr/serv/servGenList listServers()Ljava/util/List;33 . name of server62 . domain-lookup allow dns queries82 3 domain-name specify domain name33 . name of domain:2 3 name-proxy specify proxy profileC2 3 name-server specify address of name server63 3,. address of serverP2 . upgrade-config automatically save configuration on upgradeM2 3 upgrade-revert specify time after revert if unreachable/3 . time in msJ2 . upgrade-backup automatically backup image on upgrade@2 . upgrade-ownkey use just the configured keyB2 3 upgrade-server specify url of upgrade server23 . url of serverE2 3 upgrade-script specify script to run on upgrade33 . name of script;2 3 upgrade-pubkey specify key of upgrade/3 . public keyA2 3 config-server specify url of config serverF2 3 config-username specify username on config server13 . set usernameF2 3 config-password specify password on config server13 . set password?2 3,. config-backup specify backup config file03 3,. file to useE2 . config-save automatically save configurationH2 . config-archive automatically archive configurationN2 . config-exclusive allow only one user in configuration modeA2 . graceful-reload close sessions before reload72 3,. end-format specify end format03 3,. date append date13 3,. image append image23 3,. chksum append chksum03 3,. user append user33 3,. none append nothing;2 3 whois-online set online information03 3,. server name52 3 whois-server set whois server03 . server name:2 3 whois-proxy specify proxy profile<2 . password-stars type stars in passwords<2 . prefer-ipv6 prefer ipv6 for domains<2 . prefer-ipv4 prefer ipv4 for domains92 3 ipv4-tos set ipv4 default tos*3 . value92 3 ipv4-ttl set ipv4 default ttl92 3 ipv6-tos set ipv6 default tos92 3 ipv6-ttl set ipv6 default ttl;2 3 ipv4-checksum set ipv4 checksum mode<2 3 icmp4-checksum set icmp4 checksum mode<2 3 icmp6-checksum set icmp6 checksum mode:2 3 udp-checksum set udp checksum mode:2 3 tcp-checksum set tcp checksum mode;2 3 ludp-checksum set ludp checksum mode;2 3 dccp-checksum set dccp checksum mode;2 3 sctp-checksum set sctp checksum mode<3 . both both generate and check=3 . transmit only generate, not check =.3 . receive only check, not generate ;.3 . none nor generate nor check 92 . tcp-timestamp set tcp timestamping02 . tcp-ecn set tcp ecn62 . tcp-keepalive set tcp keepalive92 3 tcp-timer set tcp timestamping13 4 work set tcp work'4 . ms63 4 alive set tcp keepalive33 4 fin set tcp finish43 4 syn set tcp startup73 4 open set tcp inactivity!73 4 close set tcp inactivity#73 4 later set tcp retransmit%53 4 now set tcp transmit'53 4 max set tcp fallback)92 3 tcp-segments set tcp segment size+23 4 minimum bytes-24 . maximum bytes/92 3 tcp-winscale set tcp window scale1+3 . factor392 3 udp-portrange set udp client range503 4 lower bound704 . upper bound992 3 tcp-portrange set tcp client range;:2 3 ludp-portrange set ludp client range=:2 3 dccp-portrange set dccp client range?:2 3 sctp-portrange set sctp client rangeA92 3 access-subnet-ipv4 access subnet lengthC)3 . bitsE92 3 access-subnet-ipv6 access subnet lengthG92 3 access-supernet-ipv4 access subnet lengthI92 3 access-supernet-ipv6 access subnet lengthK92 . ftp-passive use passive mode ftpM82 . ftp-active use active mode ftpO:2 3 ftp-proxy specify proxy profileQ:2 3 pop3-proxy specify proxy profileS82 3 tls-version specify tls versionU;3 4 forced minimum versionW;4 . forced maximum versionY>2 3 ssh-agent specify ssh agent to fake[23 3,. name of faker]62 3 ssh-group specify ssh group_83 4 forced minimum sizea84 . forced maximum sizec@2 3 time-server specify name of time servere33 . name of serverg62 3 time-zone specify time zonei63 . name of time zonek:2 3 time-proxy specify proxy profilem:2 3 tftp-proxy specify proxy profileo:2 3 http-proxy specify proxy profileq:2 3 mail-proxy specify proxy profiles@2 3 mail-server specify name of mail serveruD2 3 mail-username specify username on mail serverw13 . set usernameyD2 3 mail-password specify password on mail server{81 2 ipx ipx config commands}<2 3 route configure static routes:3 4 name of routing table84 5 destination network55 6 destination mask@6 . forwarding router's addressF1 2 ipv4 internet protocol config commands  > getHelpIpX;2 3 pool configure address pool93 4 name of address pool:4 5 first address in pool@5 6 increment in address format86 . number of addressesF1 2 ipv6 internet protocol config commands93 4 name of address pool:1 2 scheduler configure a scheduler62 . name of scheduler71 2 script configure a script32 . name of script81 2 tracker configure a tracker42 . name of tracker91 2 mtracker configure a mtracker52 . name of mtracker>1 2 alias configure a command alias/2 3 exec exec alias/2 3 show show alias02 3 clear clear alias12 3 packet packet alias02 3 flash flash alias/2 3 test test alias83 4 name of new command54 . hidden hide the commandH4 . error-free check errors before the 2nd command?4 5 command specify command to execute,5 5,. commandC4 5 cmd2nd specify 2nd command to executeC4 5 cmd3rd specify 3rd command to executeC4 5 cmd4th specify 4th command to executeC4 5 cmd5th specify 5th command to execute=4 5 description specify help description.5 5,. help textD4 . sticky-onlychanged execute only if change happenedJ4 . sticky-onlysuccess remember the choice only if succeededE4 . sticky-persistent no need to execute during bootupG4 5 sticky-extpersist read state from file during bootup.5 5,. file name=4 5 sticky-param specify sticky parameter35 5,. parameter text>4 5 default-param specify default parameter@4 5 parameter specify parameter existence25 . forbidden no parameters45 . required need parameters75 . optional parameters allowedD4 5 param2nd specify 2nd parameter existenceD4 5 param3rd specify 3rd parameter existenceD4 5 param4th specify 4th parameter existenceD4 5 param5th specify 5th parameter existence>1 2 router enable a routing protocol to configure  org/freertr/cfg/cfgRtr getRouterList4(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;ILjava/lang/String;)V/3 4,. process id/4 5 vrf bind a vrf35 . vrf to bind to81 2 chat-script build a chat script32 . name of script:1 2 object-group build an object group42 3 network network entries93 . name of object group12 3 port port entries 93 . name of object group 91 2 access-list build an access list82 . name of access list<1 2 telemetry telemetry configuration82 . name of destination;1 2 event-manager build an event manager:2 . name of event manager81 2 prefix-list build a prefix list82 . name of prefix list61 2 route-map build a route map62 . name of route map 91 2 route-policy build a route policy"92 . name of route policy$71 2 policy-map build a policy map&72 . name of policy map(A1 2 aaa authentication configuration*62 3 userlist build a user list,:3 . name of authenticator.;2 3 radius set up a radius client0;2 3 tacacs set up a tacacs client272 3 list set up an aaa list4;1 2 vpdn vpdn client parameters632 . name of client8=1 2 proxy-profile proxy profile parameters:42 . name of profile<81 2 time-map time map parameters>42 . name of profile@@1 2 crypto cryptographic configurationB22 3 ipsec ipsec profileD43 . name of profileF,2 3 rsakey rsa keyH03 4 name of keyJ/4 5 import import keyL?5 . base64 encoded private keyN74 5 external load key from fileP.5 . file nameR54 5,. generate generate new keyT55 . [size] key size in bitsV34 . zeroize delete the keyX54 . editor import in editorZ,2 3 dsakey dsa key\03 4 name of key^.2 3 ecdsakey ecdsa key`03 4 name of keyb02 3 certificate certificated83 4 name of certificatef74 5 import import certificateh,5 6 rsa rsa keyj06 7 name of keyl?7 . base64 encoded certificaten,5 6 dsa dsa keyp06 7 name of keyr.5 6 ecdsa ecdsa keyt06 7 name of keyv?4 5 external load certificate from filex.7 . file namez=4 5 generate generate new certificate|06 7,. name of key~77 8,. identifier to give58 . validity in days06 7,. name of key06 7,. name of key;4 . zeroize delete the certificate54 5 editor import in editor06 . name of key06 . name of key06 . name of keyI1 2 xconnect define one protocol cross connection72 . name of connection41 2 menu define one menu12 3 key letter based13 . name of menu.2 3 tui tui based13 . name of menu35 4,. vrf to bind to64 5 interface bind an interface95 4,. interface to bind toQ1 2 server create new or update existing server process  srvHelpR(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;ILjava/lang/String;Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;)V  getBytes()[B   org/freertr/pipe/pipeSide$modTypmodeCRLF"Lorg/freertr/pipe/pipeSide$modTyp;   getEnding&(Lorg/freertr/pipe/pipeSide$modTyp;)[B   byteConcat([B[B)[Bhostnamelocale H enable  org/freertr/auth/authLocal secretDecode(Ljava/lang/String;)[B H enaPass[Bpassword-encrypt  Z passwdDecode H passEncbuggy H 1bannerset   cmdGetRem H 9encoded  org/freertr/enc/encBase64 decodeBytesvdc H  evalVdcPrivs not in a vdc definition H vdcFind-(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgVdc; bad vdc name  cprocess H prcFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgPrcss;bad process namevrf H vrfFind-(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgVrf;  bad vrf name  interface H ifcFind-(Ljava/lang/String;I)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgIfc;no such interfacebridge H brdgFind.(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgBrdg;invalid bridge numberbundle H  bndlFind.(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgBndl;"invalid bundle number$hairpin H& '(hrpnFind.(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgHrpn;*invalid hairpin number,session H. /0 sessnFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgSessn;2invalid session name4check H6 78 checkFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgCheck;:invalid check name<sensor H> ?@ sensorFind0(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgSensor;Binvalid sensor nameD dial-peer HF GHdialFind.(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgDial;Jinvalid dial peer numberLtranslation-rule HN OP trnsltnFind1(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgTrnsltn;Rinvalid translation rule numberTnsh V WXstr2num(Ljava/lang/String;)IZorg/freertr/tab/tabNshEntry Y\ ](II)V Y@ Y` abservicesLorg/freertr/tab/tabGen; def ghorg/freertr/tab/tabGenput.(Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Ljava/lang/Comparable;jrouter l mnname2num<(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteAttr$routeType;pinvalid routing protocol Hr strtrFindD(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteAttr$routeType;IZ)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgRtr;vbad process number +x yZ repairLineX | }1embedVrf scheduler H  schedFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgSched;script H  scrptFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgScrpt;tracker H  trackFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgTrack;mtracker H  mtrackFind0(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgMtrack;alias #  string2type8(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias$aliasType; H  aliasFindS(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias$aliasType;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias; #@ipx  doCmdIpxipv4  doCmdIp4ipv6  doCmdIp6logging   doCmdLoggingcrypto   doCmdCrypto chat-script H chatFind.(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgChat;bad script name object-groupnetwork H  objnetFind0(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgObjnet;bad object group nameport H  objprtFind0(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgObjprt; access-list H aclsFind1(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAceslst;bad access list name telemetry H  tlmdsFind0(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgTlmtry;bad destination name event-manager H eemFind1(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgEvntmgr;bad event manager namexconnect H xconFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgXconn;bad connect namevnet H vnetFind.(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgVnet; bad vnet namevpdn H vpdnFind.(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgVpdn; bad vpdn name proxy-profile H  proxyFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgProxy; bad proxy name time-map H timeFind.(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgTime; bad time name prefix-list H prfxFind1(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgPrfxlst;bad prefix list name route-map H rtmpFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgRoump;!bad route map name# route-policy H% &'rtplFind0(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgRouplc;)bad route policy name+ policy-map H- ./plmpFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgPlymp;1bad policy map name3console0 H5 67con0Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgCons;9line H; <=linFind,(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgLin;?invalid line nameAmenuCkey HE FG menuKfind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgMenuK;Iinvalid menu nameKtui HM NO menuTfind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgMenuT;Qaaa STU VWorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAuther string2auther:(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAuther$methodType; HY Z[ autherFindU(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAuther$methodType;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAuther;]invalid authenticator name_server a bcsrvFindE(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/serv/servGeneric;einvalid server g _ Ji jksrvVrfLorg/freertr/cfg/cfgVrf; Jm nosrvIfaceLorg/freertr/cfg/cfgIfc; Jq r1 srvEmbedVrf Jt usrvInitwclient y z doCmdClient|no H~ vdcDel,(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgVdc; no such vdc H prcDel.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgPrcss;no such process  org/freertr/cfg/cfgPrcssstopNow H vrfDel,(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgVrf; no such vrf H brdgDel-(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgBrdg; H bndlDel-(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgBndl; H hrpnDel-(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgHrpn; H sessnDel.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgSessn; H checkDel.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgCheck; H  sensorDel/(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgSensor; H dialDel-(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgDial; H  trnsltnDel0(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgTrnsltn; d hdelinvalid nsh number H rtrDelC(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteAttr$routeType;I)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgRtr; H ifcDel(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Zerror deleting interface H schedDel.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgSched;no such schedulerstop @org/freertr/cfg/cfgSched H scrptDel.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgScrpt;no such script @org/freertr/cfg/cfgScrpt H trackDel.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgTrack;no such tracker @org/freertr/cfg/cfgTrack H  mtrackDel/(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgMtrack;no such mtracker @org/freertr/cfg/cfgMtrack   doCmdNoIpx   doCmdNoIp4   doCmdNoIp6cX # command # name H aliasDelR(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias$aliasType;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAlias;  doCmdNoLogging   doCmdNoCrypto H  chatDel-(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgChat; H    objnetDel/(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgObjnet;no such object group H  objprtDel/(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgObjprt; H aclsDel0(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAceslst;no such access list H tlmdsDel/(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgTlmtry;no such destination !"# $%org/freertr/cfg/cfgTlmtryworker Lorg/freertr/clnt/clntTelemetry; '() *org/freertr/clnt/clntTelemetrystopWork H, -.eemDel0(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgEvntmgr;0no such event manager H2 34xconDel.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgXconn;6no such connect H8 9:vnetDel-(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgVnet; H< =>vpdnDel-(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgVpdn;@ no such vpdn HB CDproxyDel.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgProxy;Fno such profile HH IJtimeDel-(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgTime; HL MNprfxDel0(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgPrfxlst;Pno such prefix list HR STrtmpDel.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgRoump;Vno such route map HX YZrtplDel/(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgRouplc;\no such route policy H^ _`plmpDel.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgPlymp;bno such policy map Hd ef autherDel/(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAuther;hno such authenticatorjcannot delete physical line Hl mnmenuKdel.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgMenuK;p no such menu Hr stmenuTdel.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgMenuT; 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  trgAddrLorg/freertr/addr/addrIP; bad address  {trgPortorg/freertr/addr/addrIPv4 org/freertr/addr/addrIPv6    H bip4pool H poolDelE(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabGen;Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgPool; H bip6pool H poolFindF(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabGen;Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgPool;  org/freertr/cfg/cfgPoolsetup;(ILorg/freertr/addr/addrType;Lorg/freertr/addr/addrType;I)V ! "#poolLorg/freertr/addr/addrPool; %&' (org/freertr/addr/addrPoolpoolName +I2 3 multicast configure multicast parameters-@3 4 name of routing table/T4 5 join-group unconditionally process multicast traffic185 6 group address396 . source address5G2 3 flow configure netflow parameters774 . collect just collect9=4 5,. parameters session parameters;65 6 timeout set timeout=86 5,. timeout in ms?<5 6 sessions set session limitA=6 5,. number of sessionsCC5 6 rate specify translation rateE=6 5,. name of policy mapG?5 5,. before log on session startI>5 5,. after log on session stopK=4 5 export collect and exportM85 6 proxy profileO96 7 target addressQ67 . port numberSI2 3 pbr configure policy based routingU@3 4,6 name of routing tableW74 5,. reindex reindex pbrsYG5 7,. [num] initial number to start with[;7 . [num] increment number]:4 5 sequence sequence number_15 6 numbera;6 7 access list namec57 8,. target vrfe?8 9 interface set target interfaceg99 8,. interface namei=8 9 nexthop set target addressk99 8,. target addressm=8 9 nsh set target serviceo79 10 service pathq810 8,. service indexsP2 3 nat configure network address translationu74 5,. reindex reindex natsw:6 . log-translations turn on loggingy:6 7 timeout specify timeout{57 . time in ms}D6 7 sessions specify translation limitA7 . number of translationsC6 7 rate specify translation rate=7 . name of policy map@6 7 randomize randomize source port=7 8 lowest port number>8 . highest port numberE6 7 srclist source address translation;7 8 access list name?8 9 interface translated interface?9 . translated interface:8 9 pool translated pool:9 . translated pool=8 . translated addressE6 7 source source address translation;7 8 original address=7 8 interface original interface=8 9 original interface?9 10 interface translated interface?10 . translated interface:9 10 pool translated pool:10 . translated pool=9 . translated addressE6 7 target target address translationE6 7 srcport source address translation:7 8 protocol number;8 9 original address89 10 original port?10 11 interface translated interface?11 12 translated interface:12 . translated port=10 11 translated address:11 . translated port=8 9 interface original interface=9 10 original interface810 11 original port?11 12 interface translated interface?12 13 translated interface:13 . translated port=11 12 translated addressE6 7 trgport target address translationE6 7 srcpref source address translation=8 9 translated address79 . address maskE6 7 trgpref target address translationJ2 3 route configure static unicast routes@3 4 name of routing table>4 5 destination network;5 6 destination maskF6 7,. forwarding router's address@7 7,. recurigp use recursive nexthop@7 7,. recurbgp use recursive nexthop@7 7,. recurvpn use recursive nexthopA7 7,. mplsimp use mpls implicit nullA7 7,. mplsexp use mpls explicit null>7 8 distance set distance metric98 7,. distance value;7 8 metric set metric value78 7,. metric value87 8 tag set tag value48 7,. tag value77 8 id set id value38 7,. id value?7 8 tracker set tracker to check78 7,. tracker name=7 8 interface force to interface 98 7,. interface name H7 8 route-map set parameters from route map <8 7,. name of route map K7 8 route-policy set parameters from route policy ?8 7,. name of route policy L2 3 mroute configure static multicast routes route     org/freertr/ipx/ipxFwd staticParse8(Lorg/freertr/util/cmds;)Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteEntry;    Lorg/freertr/ipx/ipxFwd;     staticAdd"(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteEntry;)V     staticDel  multicast ! " # parseUpMcast(IZ)V %flow ' ( # parseUpFlow *nat  - . / parseUpNat8(ILorg/freertr/tab/tabNatCfgN;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgVrf;  1 9 2$(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabListingEntry;)Z  4 5routerStaticChg 7pbr  : ; < parseUpPbr4(ILorg/freertr/tab/tabPbrN;)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgVrf;" ? @ # parseUpPool Borg/freertr/ip/ipFwdRoute A A E  F(ILorg/freertr/util/cmds;)Z  H  I(ZLorg/freertr/ip/ipFwdRoute;)V  K  I Mmroute  O  2 Q tracestop H S T1tracebackStops V milliseconds X Y1 logMillis [buffered ] ^ _ string2level4(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/freertr/util/logger$logLev; a b c logBufLev Lorg/freertr/util/logger$logLev; e f bufferStart hmonitor j k c logPipLev mfile o pYfileName s tlogProxy vrotate x y z fileRotate(Ljava/lang/String;II)V |syslog ~   logSylHndLjava/util/List; Esize get(I)Ljava/lang/Object; org/freertr/clnt/clntSyslog logStop irc  logIrcHndLorg/freertr/clnt/clntIrc;  org/freertr/clnt/clntIrc e format X string2format { logPosForm c logFilLev  no such proxy c logSylLev  Xorg/freertr/serv/servSyslog facility2num { logSylFac  (Lorg/freertr/addr/addrIP;I)V 9 c logIrcLev logStart pastebin H pasteBin  capture-path H  capturePath bullying H  clientShamerLorg/freertr/serv/servQuote;  whois-online H  whoisOnline  whois-server H  whoisServer  whois-proxy H  whoisProxy  end-format H {endForm graceful-reload H 1 graceReload tcp-ecn H 1tcpEcn  tcp-keepalive H 1 tcpKeepalive  tcp-timestamp H 1 tcpTimStmp  prefer-ipv6 H 1 preferIpv6  prefer-ipv4  ftp-passive H 1 ftpPassive  ftp-active  ftp-proxy H  ftpProxy  pop3-proxy H   pop3proxy  ssh-agent H sshAgent H    clientProxyLorg/freertr/cfg/cfgProxy;  domain-lookup H  1 domainLookup  domain-name H   domainName  name-proxy H ! nameServerProxy # name-server H % & nameServerAddr (upgrade-config H * +1 upgradeConfig -upgrade-revert H / 0{ upgradeRevert 2upgrade-backup H 4 51 upgradeBackup 7upgrade-ownkey H 9 :1 upgradeOwnKey <upgrade-server >org/freertr/util/verCore @http://www.freertr.org/ H B C upgradeServer Eupgrade-script H G H I upgradeScriptLorg/freertr/cfg/cfgScrpt; Kupgrade-pubkey H M N upgradePubKey P config-server H R S configServer Uconfig-username H W X configUser Zconfig-password H \ ] configPass _ config-save H a b1 configAsave dconfig-archive H f g1 configAbackup i config-backup H k l configBackup nconfig-exclusive H p q{configExclusive s time-server H u v wtimeServerNameLorg/freertr/clnt/clntNtp; y( zorg/freertr/clnt/clntNtp | time-zone1 H   timeZoneName  time-proxy H  timeProxy  tftp-proxy H  tftpProxy  http-proxy H  httpProxy  mail-proxy H  mailProxy  mail-server H mailServerName  mail-username H mailServerUser  mail-password H mailServerPass  l2f-timer H {l2fTimer H {l2fRetry  l2tp2-timer H { l2tp2hello H { l2tp2retry  l2tp3-timer H { l2tp3hello H { l2tp3retry org/freertr/serv/servQuote  srvName   ?(Lorg/freertr/serv/servGeneric;Z)Lorg/freertr/serv/servGeneric; no such server  label-range H { labelRangeBeg H { labelRangeEnd cpuhog H { cpuhogCheck  ifacestall H {ifaceStallCheck  redundancy H {redundancyKeep H {redundancyHold H {redundancyInit date image chksum user ipv4-tos H {ipv4sendingTOS ipv4-ttl H {ipv4sendingTTL ipv6-tos H {ipv6sendingTOS ipv6-ttl H {ipv6sendingTTL  ipv4-checksum  E parseUpRxtx H  1ipv4ChecksumRx H 1ipv4ChecksumTx icmp4-checksum H  1icmp4ChecksumRx H  1icmp4ChecksumTx icmp6-checksum H  1icmp6ChecksumRx H  1icmp6ChecksumTx  udp-checksum H  1 udpChecksumRx H ! 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