7 n  org/freertr/ip/ipRtr()V   org/freertr/rtr/rtrBgp segrouIdxI    segrouMax    segrouBase   bierIdx   bierSub   bierLen   bierMax org/freertr/tab/tabGen  # $%lstnTmpLorg/freertr/tab/tabGen; ' (%rpkiA * +%rpkiO-org/freertr/tab/tabRoute/rx ,1 2(Ljava/lang/String;)V 4 56 computedOuniLorg/freertr/tab/tabRoute; 8 96 computedOmlt ; <6 computedOflw > ?6 computedOsrt A B6 computedVpnU D E6 computedVpnM G H6 computedVpnF J K6 computedVpoU M N6 computedVpoM P Q6 computedVpoF S T6 computedVpls V W6 computedMspw Y Z6 computedEvpn \ ]6 computedMdt _ `6 computedNsh b c6 computedRpd e f6 computedSpf h i6 computedRtf k l6 computedSrte n o6 computedLnks q r6 computedMvpn t u6 computedMvpo w x6 computedMtre z {6 computedMtro } ~6 changedUni  6 changedMlt  6 changedOuni  6 changedOmlt  6 changedOflw  6 changedOsrt  6 changedFlw  6 changedVpnU  6 changedVpnM  6 changedVpnF  6 changedVpoU  6 changedVpoM  6 changedVpoF  6 changedVpls  6 changedMspw  6 changedEvpn  6 changedMdt  6 changedNsh  6 changedRpd  6 changedSpf  6 changedRtf  6 changedSrte  6 changedLnks  6 changedMvpn  6 changedMvpo  6 changedMtre  6 changedMtrobst  6newlyUni  6newlyMlt  6 newlyOuni  6 newlyOmlt  6 newlyOflw  6 newlyOsrt  6newlyFlw  6 newlyVpnU  6 newlyVpnM  6 newlyVpnF  6 newlyVpoU  6 newlyVpoM  6 newlyVpoF  6 newlyVpls  6 newlyMspw  6 newlyEvpn  6newlyMdt  6newlyNsh  6newlyRpd   6newlySpf   6newlyRtf  6 newlySrte  6 newlyLnks  6 newlyMvpn  6 newlyMvpo  6 newlyMtre  6 newlyMtro!tx # $6 origntedOuni & '6 origntedOmlt ) *6 origntedOflw , -6 origntedOsrt / 06 origntedFlw 2 36 origntedVpnU 5 66 origntedVpnM 8 96 origntedVpnF ; 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}  rouSrc p talways  computeConquerTable7(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRoute;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRoute;)V U U (I)Ljava/lang/Object;org/freertr/rtr/rtrBgpGroup   createNeeded   doPeersFull()Z p talters , differs?(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRoute$addType;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRoute;)Z   routerChg(Lorg/freertr/ip/ipRtr;Z)V   setNeeded   enabled    segrouLab [Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry; }   segrouBeg } } nextHopLorg/freertr/addr/addrType;  findPeer8(Lorg/freertr/addr/addrIP;)Lorg/freertr/rtr/rtrBgpNeigh;   int2labels(I)Ljava/util/List; ! "bgpSrgb $ %& setFwdMpls(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry$owner;Lorg/freertr/ip/ipFwd;Lorg/freertr/ip/ipFwdIface;Lorg/freertr/addr/addrIP;Ljava/util/List;)V(org/freertr/tab/tabIndex '* +!(ILorg/freertr/addr/addrPrefix;)V '- ./ add2table5(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabGen;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabIndex;)Z 1 23 setFwdCommon>(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry$owner;Lorg/freertr/ip/ipFwd;)V 5 67 setFwdDrop((Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry$owner;)V 9 :bierLab =org/freertr/tab/tabLabelBier ? @ label <B Cnum2bsl <E F(II)V <H I idx }K L bierBeg }Oorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelBierN NQ RS(Lorg/freertr/ip/ipFwd;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteIface;Lorg/freertr/addr/addrIP;II)V <T U%peers NW XsetBit Z [bgpBier ] ^_ setBierMpls\(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry$owner;Lorg/freertr/ip/ipFwd;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelBier;)V  b cflowInst Ve fgdoDecode9(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRoute;Z)Lorg/freertr/tab/tabListing; ijk lmorg/freertr/tab/tabQos convertPolicy6(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabListing;)Lorg/freertr/tab/tabQos; o 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originatePrefixA(ILorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteEntry;)Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteEntry;  readvertPrefix   remoteAs   roumapOut   roupolOut   prflstOut ,  doUpdateEntry(IILorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteEntry;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabListing;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabListing;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabListing;)Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteEntry;   oroumapOut   oroupolOut   oprflstOut   wroumapOut   wroupolOut   eroumapOut   eroupolOut   vroumapOut   vroupolOut O D(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRoute$addType;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteEntry;)Ichg    computeIncrEntryW(ILorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteEntry;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRoute;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRoute;)V    changedCurlimit exceededspf  routerAutoSummary  %routerAggregating aggregation  oldAggr old aggregation " # sendDefRou % & sendOtrDefRou ( )routerAutoMesh + , softReconfig . /reachOld 1 2getLabeledPeer  5 6  minversion 8 9 setGrpVer ; < groupMin > ? groupMax A B6chgUni D EFcomputeIncrPurge(ILorg/freertr/tab/tabRoute;)V H I6chgMlt K L6chgOuni N O6chgOmlt Q R6chgOflw T U6chgOsrt W 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  org/freertr/prt/prtTcp listenStop9(Lorg/freertr/ip/ipFwdIface;ILorg/freertr/addr/addrIP;I)Z  closeNow   unregister2ip   doStop   releasee(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry$owner;)Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry;  g([Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry;Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry$owner;)[Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry;     routerDel(Lorg/freertr/ip/ipRtr;)V   tempName:1 2 address-family specify address families  org/freertr/user/userHelping%(Ljava/util/List;Ljava/lang/String;)V2 2,.to use   getAfiListF(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V91 2 local-as specify local as number!:2 . autonomous system number#91 . default-originate advertise default route%A1 . conquer conquer bestpath advertisements'71 . flapstat count flap statistics)21 . safe-ebgp safe ebgp policy+K1 2 incremental limit on incremental bestpath calculation-22 . maximum prefixes/31 2 router-id specify router id1+2 . router id341 2 scantime scan time interval522 . ms between scans791 2 scandelay initial scan time delay902 . ms before scan;;1 2 graceful-restart graceful restart interval=/2 . ms to recover?F1 2 longlived-graceful long lived graceful restart intervalA=1 2 template specify template parametersC22 3 name of template E FG getParamHelp!(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;)VIE1 2 nexthop specify next hop tracking parameterK92 3 recursion specify recursion depthM03 . maximum roundsO22 3 route-map filter next hopsQ33 . name of route mapS22 3 route-policy filter next hopsU63 . name of route policyW22 3 prefix-list filter next hopsY53 . name of prefix list[<1 2 segrout segment routing parameters]/2 3 maximum index_13 4,. this node indexa.4 5 base specify basec,5 4,. label basee11 2 bier bier parametersg22 3 bitstring lengthi/3 4 maximum indexk,4 5,. node indexm+5 . subdomaino>1 2 afi-links specify link state parameterq to advertise s tu getRouterList4(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;ILjava/lang/String;)Vw,3 4 process idy34 . area/level number{?1 . flowspec-install specify flowspec installation}<1 2 flowspec-advert specify flowspec parameter42 . name of policy map=1 2 neighbor specify neighbor parameters12 3 address of peerA3 4 template get configuration from template94 5,. name of source templateC5 . shutdown connection disabled for this peer:1 2 distance specify default distance82 3 external peer distance83 4 internal peer distance<4 . locally generated distance>1 2 listen passively listen for clients22 3 access list name/3 . template name51 2 dump setup bgp dump file-2 3 name of mrt.3 4,. name of file34 5 ms between backup05 6,. name of backup86 . maximum size of backupC1 2 monitor setup bgp monitor protocol server-2 3 name of bmp/3 4 proxy profile*4 5 hostname-5 . port numberJ1 2 rpki setup resource public key infrastructure03 . process number91 2 afi-spf select spf to advertise32 . enable enable processing42 . hostname advertise hostname-2 . stub stub router52 3 distance set import distance*3 . distance92 . default-originate advertise default route22 3 route-map process prefixes22 3 route-policy process prefixes12 3 prefix-list filter prefixes32 . spf-bidir spf bidir check82 3,. spf-topolog spf topology logging@3 3,. noappear exclude node (dis)appearance@3 3,. noconnect exclude link (dis)connectionC3 3,. noforward exclude forward (un)willingness>3 3,. noreachable exclude node (un)reachable>3 3,. nometric exclude link metric change93 3,. noprefix exclude prefix change52 . spf-hops spf hops disallow22 . spf-ecmp spf ecmp allow02 3 spf-log spf log size53 . number of entries;1 2 afi-other select other to advertise82 . default-originate generate default route12 . vpn-mode enable vpn mode42 3 srv6 srv6 advertisement<3 . select source to advertise?2 . flowspec-install specify flowspec installation<2 3 flowspec-advert specify flowspec parameter43 . name of policy map   getRedistHelp"(Lorg/freertr/user/userHelping;I)V91 2 afi-vrf select vrf to advertise72 3 name of routing table33 . enable enable processing43 4 mvpn mvpn advertisement<4 . select source to advertise43 4 srv6 srv6 advertisement>3 4 set-vrf configure forwarder override34 5 select vrf to use45 . ipv4 select ipv4 to use45 . ipv6 select ipv6 to use 53 4 distance set import distance *4 . distance 83 . default-originate generate default route63 4,. import specify import modes-4 4,. evpn select evpn.4 4,. l3vpn select l3vpn63 4,. export specify export modes<3 4 update-source select source to advertise34 . name of interface?3 . flowspec-install specify flowspec installation<3 4 flowspec-advert specify flowspec parameter44 . name of policy map!?1 2 afi-ovrf select other vrf to advertise#91 2 afi-clr select vrf to advertise%?1 2 afi-oclr select other vrf to advertise':1 2 afi-vpls select vpls to advertise)?2 3 vpls id in ASnum:IDnum format+33 4 bridge-group enable processing-54 . bridge group number/63 . control-word specify control word1/3 4 ve-id specify ve id3.4 5 ve id number535 . ve maximum number7:1 2 afi-evpn select evpn to advertise9)2 3 evpn id;23 4 bmac set backbone mac=-4 . mac address?>3 4 encapsulation specify encapsulation to useA%4 . pbb pbbC'4 . vxlan vxlanE&4 . vpws vpwsG&4 . cmac cmac iI JCnum2strL M8(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;LP safe-ebgp RST UVorg/freertr/util/cmdscfgLineJ(Ljava/util/List;ZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V X YK mask2stringL\ ])(Ljava/lang/String;III)Ljava/lang/String;_ `'(Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;___ e f  llRestartTime_ i jdefRouldefault-originateoflapstatqnexthop route-mapsnexthop route-policyunexthop prefix-list__ysegrout{ |((IILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;~bier (IIII)Ljava/lang/String;flowspec-installflowspec-advert  num2name<(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabRouteAttr$routeType;)Ljava/lang/String; 9(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;   getConfig    &(Ljava/util/List;Ljava/lang/String;I)V  ! afi-spf  7(Ljava/util/List;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Vafi-vrf  afi-ovrf afi-clr  afi-oclr     routerGetName()Ljava/lang/String;" R wordno  Xequalslocal-as i str2num(Ljava/lang/String;)I router-id   fromString(Ljava/lang/String;)Z  ifcFind-(Ljava/lang/String;I)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgIfc;  org/freertr/cfg/cfgIfcaddr4  setAddr(Lorg/freertr/addr/addrType;)Vaddress-family   string2mask(Lorg/freertr/util/cmds;)Jscantime scandelay incremental  lengthbase  I(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry$owner;II)[Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry; <  normalizeBsl  H(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry$owner;I)[Lorg/freertr/tab/tabLabelEntry;graceful-restartlonglived-gracefulnexthop route-map  rtmpFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgRoump;no such route map R 2error  org/freertr/cfg/cfgRoumproumap  route-policy    rtplFind0(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgRouplc;  org/freertr/cfg/cfgRouplcrouplc  prefix-list    prfxFind1(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgPrfxlst; no such prefix list    org/freertr/cfg/cfgPrfxlstprflst  afi-links [    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