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[text] text describing this vrfZ(1 2 rename rename this vrf\,2 . set new name of vrf^91 . optimize-lookup optimize rib for software lookup`91 . optimize4lookup optimize rib for software lookupb91 . optimize6lookup optimize rib for software lookupd?1 2 update-interval specify time between table calculationf#2 . time in msh?1 2 update4interval specify time between table calculationj?1 2 update6interval specify time between table calculationl41 2 rd specify route distinguishern12 . rd in ASnum:IDnum formatp-1 2 rt-both specify route targetr12 2,. rt in ASnum:IDnum formatt41 2 rt-import specify route target importv41 2 rt-export specify route target exportx-1 2 rt4both specify route targetz41 2 rt4import specify route target import|41 2 rt4export specify route target export~-1 2 rt6both specify route target41 2 rt6import specify route target import41 2 rt6export specify route target export&1 2 clr-both specify color2 2,. number-1 2 clr-import specify color import-1 2 clr-export specify color export&1 2 clr4both specify color-1 2 clr4import specify color import-1 2 clr4export specify color export&1 2 clr6both specify color-1 2 clr6import specify color import-1 2 clr6export specify color export31 2 unreach-rate rate limit icmp generation(2 3 packets allowed/3 . millisecs between them31 2 unreach4rate rate limit icmp generation31 2 unreach6rate rate limit icmp generation41 2 route4limit maximum ipv4 routes allowed12 3 number of unicast routes13 4 number of labeled routes34 5 number of multicast routes25 . number of flowspec routes41 2 route6limit maximum ipv6 routes allowed21 2 label4filter specify ipv4 label filter,2 . name of prefix list21 2 label6filter specify ipv6 label filter21 2 label4common specify ipv4 common label$2 . label value21 2 label6common specify ipv6 common label51 2 iface4start specify ipv4 interface index$2 . start index51 2 iface6start specify ipv6 interface index31 2 import4list specify ipv4 import filter31 2 import6list specify ipv6 import filter31 2 export4list specify ipv4 export filter31 2 export6list specify ipv6 export filter31 2 import4map specify ipv4 import filter*2 . name of route map31 2 import6map specify ipv6 import filter31 2 export4map specify ipv4 export filter31 2 export6map specify ipv6 export filter31 2 import4policy specify ipv4 import filter-2 . name of route policy31 2 import6policy specify ipv6 import filter31 2 export4policy specify ipv4 export filter31 2 export6policy specify ipv6 export filter81 2 dapp4 specify ipv4 data plane policer+2 . name of policy map81 2 dapp6 specify ipv6 data plane policerC1 2 copp4in specify ipv4 receive control plane policerD1 2 copp4out specify ipv4 transmit control plane policerC1 2 copp6in specify ipv6 receive control plane policerD1 2 copp6out specify ipv6 transmit control plane policer31 2 packet4filter specify ipv4 packet filter,2 . name of access list31 2 packet6filter specify ipv6 packet filter;1 . propagate-ttl specify to copy ip ttl to mpls ttl;1 . propagate4ttl specify to copy ip ttl to mpls ttl;1 . propagate6ttl specify to copy ip ttl to mpls ttl:1 . report-labels append icmp extension with labels:1 . report4labels append icmp extension with labels:1 . report6labels append icmp extension with labelsD1 . mdt4 enable multicast distribution tree for ipv4D1 . mdt6 enable multicast distribution tree for ipv661 2 label-mode specify label allocation mode61 2 label4mode specify label allocation mode61 2 label6mode specify label allocation mode/2 . per-prefix label for all prefixes32 . all-igp label for all igp prefixes .2 . host-route label for host routes 32 . connected label for connected routes12 . per-vrf common label for the vrf71 2 incremental4 specify ipv4 incremental limit2 . routes71 2 incremental6 specify ipv6 incremental limit Y Nword g  string2rd(Ljava/lang/String;)J  (J)Ljava/lang/Long; 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label6common unreach-rateorg/freertr/tab/tabRateLimit  [(II)V report-labels propagate-ttl / prfxFind1(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgPrfxlst;no such prefix list  org/freertr/cfg/cfgPrfxlstprflst / rtmpFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgRoump;no such route map  org/freertr/cfg/cfgRoumproumap / rtplFind0(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgRouplc;no such route policy  org/freertr/cfg/cfgRouplcrouplc / plmpFind/(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgPlymp;no such policy map  org/freertr/cfg/cfgPlympplcmap  org/freertr/tab/tabQos convertPolicy6(Lorg/freertr/tab/tabListing;)Lorg/freertr/tab/tabQos;error applying policy map / aclsFind1(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgAceslst;no such access list  org/freertr/cfg/cfgAceslstaceslst  myCorLorg/freertr/ip/ipCor;  myIcmpLorg/freertr/ip/ipIcmp; incremental4no Y \badCmdvrforg/freertr/user/userFormat|/lower|name|state|iface|local|remote|address|hit  ['(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)VipPrt  org/freertr/ip/ipFwdTab listProtocolsH(Lorg/freertr/ip/ipFwd;Lorg/freertr/user/userFormat;Ljava/lang/String;)VudpSrv     listServers2(Lorg/freertr/user/userFormat;Ljava/lang/String;)VludpSrv  dccpSrv  sctpSrv  tcpSrv  udpCln    listConnectsludpCln "dccpCln %sctpCln (tcpCln  + Q,(Lorg/freertr/cfg/cfgVrf;)I.!vrf definition .*! no description0vrf definition .*! rd 0:02$vrf definition .*! update4interval 04$vrf definition .*! update6interval 06%vrf definition .*! no optimize4lookup8%vrf definition .*! no optimize6lookup:vrf definition .*! rt4import<vrf definition .*! rt4export>vrf definition .*! rt6import@vrf definition .*! rt6exportBvrf definition .*! clr4importDvrf definition .*! clr4exportFvrf definition .*! clr6importHvrf definition .*! clr6exportJ%vrf definition .*! label4mode per-vrfL%vrf definition .*! label6mode per-vrfN vrf definition .*! propagate4ttlP vrf definition .*! propagate6ttlR vrf definition .*! report4labelsT vrf definition .*! report6labelsV"vrf definition .*! no unreach4rateX"vrf definition .*! no unreach6rateZvrf definition .*! no mdt4\vrf definition .*! no mdt6^"vrf definition .*! no label4filter`"vrf definition .*! no label6filterb!vrf definition .*! label4common 0d!vrf definition .*! label6common 0f vrf definition .*! iface4start 0h vrf definition .*! iface6start 0j&vrf definition .*! route4limit 0 0 0 0l&vrf definition .*! route6limit 0 0 0 0n!vrf definition .*! no import4listp!vrf definition .*! no import6listr!vrf definition .*! no export4listt!vrf definition .*! no export6listv vrf definition .*! no import4mapx vrf definition .*! no import6mapz vrf definition .*! no export4map| vrf definition .*! no export6map~#vrf definition .*! no import4policy#vrf definition .*! no import6policy#vrf definition .*! no export4policy#vrf definition .*! no export6policyvrf definition .*! no dapp4vrf definition .*! no dapp6vrf definition .*! no copp4invrf definition .*! no copp4outvrf definition .*! no copp6invrf definition .*! no copp6out#vrf definition .*! no packet4filter#vrf definition .*! no packet6filter$vrf definition .*! incremental4 1000$vrf definition .*! incremental6 1000*!ipv[46] nat .* sequence .* timeout 300000&!ipv[46] nat .* sequence .* sessions 0!ipv[46] flow .* parameters  defaultL[Ljava/lang/String;java/lang/Comparableorg/freertr/cfg/cfgGeneric Signature7Lorg/freertr/tab/tabGen;getFwd1(Lorg/freertr/addr/addrIP;)Lorg/freertr/ip/ipFwd;CodeLineNumberTable StackMapTablegetTcp3(Lorg/freertr/addr/addrIP;)Lorg/freertr/prt/prtTcp;getUdp3(Lorg/freertr/addr/addrIP;)Lorg/freertr/prt/prtUdp;getLudp4(Lorg/freertr/addr/addrIP;)Lorg/freertr/prt/prtLudp;getDccp4(Lorg/freertr/addr/addrIP;)Lorg/freertr/prt/prtDccp;getSctp4(Lorg/freertr/addr/addrIP;)Lorg/freertr/prt/prtSctp; 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